
Wednesday, January 7, 2009

As I write this I'm working on my story Birthday and it's also my own birthday.

As I turn 42 this day, I'm hoping 2009 will be better than 2008 was. However so far is not so good.

I got laid off.

I was fired from my full time job last June and it took me until late October to find even a temporary, 24 hour a week part time job.

Now that job has ended.

My boss assured me that I did a great job and if they bring anyone back, I'm at the top of the list.

Right now I can only work part time on the weekends because of my girlfriends Cancer treatment. She starts a five day a week radiation regimen in two weeks and the treatment may affect her vision so she can't drive.

So here I am, back on full unemployment.

Okay... Pity party over!

Back to the Allenverse!

Birthday is almost finished. When that's done my next story will be a flashback story. What forces shaped Allan into the man he is.

After that, I need to come up with a storyline that gets Oso and Fred together.

Then I think I'll work on the sequel to Heritage. Gotta have more Sara.

Much to keep me busy.



Thursday, January 8, 2009 10:39 PM


Brian, can I wish you all the best in the coming year, to you and your girlfriend, and we're all pulling for you both!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009 6:17 AM


Happy happy birthday!!!!


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