
Atrocious Spelling
Monday, September 27, 2004

Gawd, some days I just can't TAKE IT!

I know that not everyone is a champion speller, but can some of the people on various boards please at least TRY???

I just came from another board and someone had actually spelled spaghetti "spegetti"!!! The other day I saw someone spell peek as peak, and there are dozens, nay, hundreds of examples like this all over the web.

I hope this doesn't seem small and petty to you guys, because I just had to vent. I really can't stand it. It's a HUGE pet peeve of mine. I just think there's absolutely no excuse. As far as I know, every computer on the face of the Earth That Is has spellcheck!!

Typos are one thing, all of us have typed too fast, or hit the wrong key, but most of these aren't typos. PLEASE people! Take pride in your language skills! Read! Improve yourselves!
It can only amount to every kind of good.

*Whew* Thanks, Browncoats, for letting me get this off my chest.


Tuesday, September 28, 2004 6:24 PM


I was thinking today about when I mispell. Here's my problem, since I just feel like unburdening myself. :P
When I type, my brain is thinking about two letters ahead of my fingers, so, I am constantly backspacing and adding a letter. Also, if I can't remember how to spell something or I am asked to spell something out loud, I have to hand write it first.
I get it right when I write.
I'm not sure what that means about my brain... weird or missing I guess.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004 9:45 AM


Now that I think on it, it's those damn Internet abbreviations that drive me crazy! I can't stand trying to read e-mails when ppl abbrv. evrythg. Argh. U r whut u rite on the net, and I wish people would understand that. I will definitely skip over posts that have net abbreviations, as well as atrocious spellers.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004 5:56 AM


Aw Ebo, you don't need to apologize! I didn't post this thread to browbeat anyone.

Some days I just can't take it. It sets my teeth on edge, raises my blood pressure, and aggravates no end! It's my problem though and I know it, but I had to get it off my chest. I've got to admit though, it IS gratifying to see that I'm not alone in that particular feeling! :)

Monday, September 27, 2004 6:28 PM


I would just like to take this opportunity to apologize. Because I can't spell, and I admit it. I'm not a great typer either.

In my defence though, its the way mine (and others like me) brain is set up in such a way that spelling is more difficult.

For example, if someone says the word "Volcano" to me, in my minds eye, I see a volcano.

A good speller would see the word "Volcano."

I do try though, and I do use the edit button if I mess up really badly.

Again though, I do apologize (not being sarcastic there, I swear.)

Monday, September 27, 2004 2:50 PM



It wasn't the spelling errors, but the need to repeat yourself that I found hilarious....


Monday, September 27, 2004 2:31 PM


I'm in two minds about this topic, on one hand I am dyslexic. I'm not a bad speller nowadays, but then I've spent many decades of hard, very hard, work and study and learning "tricks" to overcome my disability; I alow that others with the same disabiltiy have not learned all the tricks yet.

Brain/eye interaction is complex, and sometimes when a person knows what a given text should say, and the word's shape is roughly correct, they will see the word they expect to see - even when it is wrong. This applies to everyone, not just dyslexics. That happened to me recently when I posted the chords for "Hero of Canton", what should have been an Am7 chord was written as A7. I re-read the tab many times before I posted it and my eye insisted on inserting the missing "m". I didn't spot it for over a week, much to my shame.

Spelling Checkers? They're not on everything; not on Fireflyfans.net CHAT for one. Besides they're useless when a word is spelled right but is just the wrong word. Many misspelled e-mails pass the spooling chucker test with flying colons.

So on one hand I *do* feel alowances should be made

On the other hand, sometimes there's no excuse.

I'm a musician, and I surf for the lyrics and chords of songs I want to learn. Recently I seached high and low for a copy of Peter Gabriel's "Salisbury Hill" - couldn't find it at all. But when I searched under the artist's name I found it under "Solsbury Hill". Duh?
Like the proper title is printed on the CD/Record/Tape notes and web-based discographys. There really is no excuse for phonetic spellings of something that can be looked up when you've got the time to do that, particularly with something written off line and there's no hury to post it.

Hope this reply didn't have enough errors to get anyone's goat ;-)

Monday, September 27, 2004 2:30 PM


I'm in two minds about this topic, on one hand I am dyslexic. I'm not a bad speller nowadays, but then I've spent many decades of hard, very hard, work and study and learning "tricks" to overcome my disability; I alow that others with the same disabiltiy have not learned all the tricks yet.

Brain/eye interaction is complex, and sometimes when a person knows what a given text should say, and the word's shape is roughly correct, they will see the word they expect to see - even when it is wrong. This applies to everyone, not just dyslexics. That happened to me recently when I posted the chords for "Hero of Canton", what should have been an Am7 chord was written as A7. I re-read the tab many times before I posted it and my eye insisted on inserting the missing "m". I didn't spot it for over a week, much to my shame.

Spelling Checkers? They're not on everything; not on Fireflyfans.net CHAT for one. Besides they're useless when a word is spelled right but is just the wrong word. Many misspelled e-mails pass the spooling chucker test with flying colons.

So on one hand I *do* feel alowances should be made

On the other hand, sometimes there's no excuse.

I'm a musician, and I surf for the lyrics and chords of songs I want to learn. Recently I seached high and low for a copy of Peter Gabriel's "Salisbury Hill" - couldn't find it at all. But when I searched under the artist's name I found it under "Solsbury Hill". Duh?
Like the proper title is printed on the CD/Record/Tape notes and web-based discographys. There really is no excuse for phonetic spellings of something that can be looked up when you've got the time to do that, particularly with something written off line and there's no hury to post it.

Hope this reply didn't have enough errors to get anyone's goat ;-)

Monday, September 27, 2004 12:07 PM


one thing that keeps me from flying into a blood thirsty rage reading posts on the net, is the fact that not everyone is a native english speaker. i do my best to never ask people if they only started speaking the language a few days ago, so i can offer them the benefit of the doubt. otherwise i'd be reaching through the phone lines and strangling people left and right! ;P

also, spell check, in my experiences, hampers spelling ability. i used to be really good at spelling, having worked on a newspaper, but now i mispell a few things because i'm so used to spell check auto correcting them. and while most computers have spell check, it's really a pain to utilize it for posting on message boards.

basically what i'm saying is that i hear ya, 110% on this, but nothing you do or say will change things. so find a happy dellusion you can immurse yourself in until you go senile and none of it matters anyways!

(any and all spelling errors courtesy of my dependance on spell check)

Monday, September 27, 2004 11:28 AM


"As far as I know, every computer on the face of the Earth That Is has spellcheck!!" Hoo Sez?
Mine doesn't!:} My husband built it. He does not subscribe to spellcheckers as he thinks we should both know how to spell by now, y'know, bein' literate adults and all.
So I have little excuse if I mispell anything, unless tequila is involved or its 2:00am, which is often when I post.

Monday, September 27, 2004 10:34 AM


THANK you, RhymePhile!

Sometimes I suspect its just haste, but it comes across as laziness and/or ignorance. Argh.

TheGreyJedi, back to school with you! ;)

Monday, September 27, 2004 10:27 AM


You are totally correct. It's a pet peeve of mine too, and unfortunately people don't take advantage of the "edit" option that's on most message boards. Ugh. Some posts are so bad I can't even read them. It's off my chest too!

Monday, September 27, 2004 10:26 AM


wut do u meen? i spel purty lolomgwtflmaorofl!!!1


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