
Cuz that's how I roll!
Wednesday, August 5, 2009

So I broke out in some old time geekiness last night with some old friends (and apparently a friend's GF)and a good time was had by all. Maybe....

Ever notice how when you are doing stuff like that most people want to play a hero? I always did... except with this one character. For some reason he was always teetering on that line between good and evil. Man I love it!

So my friends still do this every week and I am trying to get back into it for some social (or anti-social) interaction. Well a friend recently invited his GF to play. She had never been exposed to this before a few weeks ago so she is still learning but starting to get a little cocky as her character gains power.

Enter me..... the old guard (so to speak) and the conversation goes like this:

GF - Who the heck do you think you are? You better not think about messing with me or stealing my lootz!

Me - I'm sorry... who are you?

GF - I'm (her character's name not hers) Chi-chi the Bard and you better watch yourself.

silence surrounds the table
You can almost smell the fear

Me - (almost spitting water out my nose) Seriously? A Bard? And you think you can talk to me like that? (laughing)

GF - I will have you know that I am quite capable of taking care of myself.

Me - Sure you are sweetheart, now let me explain something to you...

Now mind you this is where it is important to remember that most people like to play the Heros. All good and pure and rightious and such.

Me - ...... I am not like the rest of these goody-goodies here (pointing around the table), and you should remember that. As a matter of fact they are so good and sweet it actually makes my teeth hurt. Me on the other hand, I am a completely different kinda Monster, and I stress the monster part! I am the thing that gives Heros nightmares. It would be good for you to always remember that.

GF - (just stares at me for a second) Then looks away and the game continues.....

Later in the night we are in a fight (kinda) and the "Heros" are trying to reduce the collateral damage so they are more or less just holding position and trying to talk down the angry mob. All the while the main Bad Guy is trying to cause a riot.

Me - You had better make these people drop their weapons before somthing bad happens

Group Law-Dog* - No. We don't want them to think that we are taking over. We just want to talk them down and then go after the bad guy

Me - I'm telling you this is not gonna end well. Mob rules are going to take effect any second now. Make them drop their weapons or be ready to kill them.

Group Law-Dog* - It will be fine.

Me - well can I at least go out and kill the bad guy before it gets out of hand?

Group Law-Dog* - NO! We have it under control.

Me - Just remember I warned you!

A few minutes later all hell breaks loose. The mob starts going crazy and hacking at our Valiant Heros. Me I am hanging out in the back, well away from the danger chuckling to myself as the group is being pounded to the ground.

When it is starting to look bleak.....

Me - Can I go kill this asshat now?

Group Law-Dog* - YES!

Me - (Vanishes from the room with a wave of the hand)

Steam fills the room that they were backed into and cornered in.

(Screaming fills the outer chamber)

3 rounds** later...

I emerge from the steam filled outer chamber without a scratch. A smile on my face.

Me - Told ya so.

Group Law-Dog* - Well we had to try.

GF - Holy shit! Did you guys see that? He killed them all! My character is staying away from him. Far away! He's evil!

So yeah. I LOVE being the Bad Guy!

Group Law-Dog* - The Group's Paladin.

Round** - a measured ammount of time during the game in which a character is allowed to do an action. In combat it is 6 seconds long.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009 1:15 PM


You are SO adorable. ^__^

((musses Kel's hair))


Wednesday, August 5, 2009 9:09 AM


Ah, the heady days of youth... when all we needed was a set of oddly shaped dice, sharpened pencils, and a bottle of Jolt. Each.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009 8:40 AM


Laughing so hard right now... that is sooooo you

Wednesday, August 5, 2009 6:54 AM


But speaking of archetypes, yeah, what is with the constant goody-two shoes sweet as sugar approach to good alignment? Come on! You can be good AND badass at the same time. And you also don't have to be stupid, naive, or foolish.

Sometimes, when things get pigeonholed that much, I have to agree, evil is more interesting.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009 6:51 AM


Ah, yes, good times. I remember making a rather strong, rather perky, rather sassy, rather arrogant, and extremely annoying monk-in-training with kleptomania tendencies for my first real time with pen and paper.

I spent all my starter money on cheese, ate so much of it I exploded, and then the rest of me was eaten by giant sewer rats.

I think the GM didn't like my character much.

Also, surprisingly, I was never invited back for a session. *Ponders*


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