SSS... like the S.S., but with another S
Monday, October 4, 2004

I apologize in advance to anyone who believes the Selective Service System (in the U.S.) is a good idea.

As unpatriotic as it may sound, the SSS is a bunch of bullshit.

Basically, it breaks down like this; if I sign and send it in, I'm eligible for the Draft. I know there hasn't been one in 30 years, but with the way Bush Jr. is running things, who knows? If I'm drafted, then the United States Government owns my physical body for 2-4 years, however long it takes to pound some Patriotism into my head, I guess. I can be sent anywhere and told to do anything, basically. If they want me cleaning up radioactive waste in Russia, or digging ditches in Iraq, nothing's going to stop them from sending me on my way with a few pairs of underwear and some gloves. (Perhaps, if I'm lucky, I'll even get some Commemerative Pens!)

However, on the flip side, if I don't sign it, I'm eligible for The Federal Prison System! There, over the course of several years, I can be taught the 'true' meanings of patriotism and democracy. The only upside to that scenario is that, when I get out, Bush won't be president anymore.

So, my choices are a bit limited. Sign and chance going to a war that, while I have unlimited respect for those who are directly involved, I feel Bush is NOT the proper man to handle.


Don't sign, and while I may not go to prison, I certainly can't get any student financial aid, nor ever get a job within the State, at any level.

I now understand why so many people went to Canada during Vietnam.

The 'democracy' of the United States has given me a choice, "Serve Blindly or Be Penalized". Good fucking choice.

Now... back in reality... I WILL be signing my SSS card, because I'll be going to college next year, and, though I have no doubt I will become rich and prosperous... I'm not yet, and have to apply for financial aid.

Politics is like Anthrax. You try to avoid it, but end up getting infected by it through the mail anyhow.


Monday, December 6, 2004 10:29 AM


Wow... I kid you not Vena, when I read the first sentence of your reply, my eye literally twitched. You know how in movies, one eye will twitch, signifying a sort of mental break? It was like that... until I read the sentence in parentheses. Then I got better.

Thanks for the smile it brought. It was desperately needed.

Monday, December 6, 2004 10:29 AM


Wow... I kid you not Vena, when I read the first sentence of your reply, my eye literally twitched. You know how in movies, one eye will twitch, signifying a sort of mental break? It was like that... until I read the sentence in parentheses. Then I got better.

Thanks for the smile it brought. It was desperately needed.


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