
Back from the Black
Thursday, December 3, 2009

Okay, my life has been quite turbulent in the past two years. I got out of my boring 9to5 job as a software developer and travelled the world a bit. I spent the summer of 2008 in Canada as in intern on an organic farm. That was brilliant, I learned to milk goats, to build a barn, to grow vegetables and much much more. The place was very much in the Rim and had a nice browncoatish feel to it. I actually met browncoats, too.

I spent the winter back in Germany on unemployment, which was better than it sounds, since I found the time to write a lot and to do some video and audio editing. Then I was off on the next adventure: I went sailing on a 32 foot sailing boat in the Mediterranean with a guy I only knew through the internet. It was a summer packed with fun, adventure, romance, drama and tremendously great weather. And I learned how much you fall in love with a ship. Even though you are constantly repairing something: the steering, the engine, the seawater toilet (yuk!), the kerosine stove ... that ship was what kept us afloat and when the shit really hit the fan she never failed us. She also had a wonderful little pantry that felt a lot like the mess of Serenity. Only smaller :) much smaller.

Still, I am no sailor. I got seasick a lot. Also, living cramped up with another person for such a long time made me itchy and even though it broke my heart, I had to get out in the end.

I am now back home in Germany, back in the house sharing community I moved into about two years back. While I did love that ship, this house is where I truly found my Serenity and a family. So I am really glad to be back home. I do get a wave from my captain from time to time ... he is still on the boat ... and in those moments I feel like Inara hearing from Mal ... but it's okay.

I'll try to write into this blog regularily again, so if anyone reads this and is interested, please, post a comment, I will greatly appreciate this.


Thursday, December 3, 2009 8:05 PM


Wow,fantastic,there's not much more I can say other than its good to see your back safe and in your serenity.

Thursday, December 3, 2009 6:41 PM


What adventures! Welcome back. We are no longer acapella. 8-)


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