
Update about nothing
Saturday, January 23, 2010

Update about nothing

Howdy ya’ll browncoats from the Z-verse. My dvd player has been broken for about two months. What did this mean? No Firefly, no Galaxy Quest and no anything else for at least that amount of time. Well, the good news is I have gotten another dvd player. The better news is that I watched all of disc 2 yesterday and lmao. Firefly is that ruttin good. You can’t but fall in love with the show.

Now on to another thing, my wife. I love her to death but she has the uncanny ability to find HATE in her heart for actors and actresses that she doesn’t like. Case in point, She can hardly stand Adam Baldwin for what Jayne did Simon and River in the Ariel eps. I told her, “ Don’t hate the actor, hate the character if you must!”. This only means that Adam has done an exceptional job at being Jayne. Thank goodness she has gotten over her emotions enough to watch CHUCK. And she likes it.

Also, how many folk here feel that although Adam is great at playing NSA Casey, he can never be replaced as FF’s Jayne? And Nathan can’t be replaced as Malcolm Reynolds. JMO, but Nat will always be the Serenity captain even though I like him as Richard Castle. And what of Wash, Zoe, Book, Kaylee, Simon, River & Inara? I can’t see another companion ever taking Morena’s place and if another mechanic ever gets on board Serenity it better be as a passenger.

Just some thoughts going through the ‘ol brainpan this Jan day, Sat-23-10.

Z, Zen master (only jokin)


Saturday, January 23, 2010 7:46 AM



Saturday, January 23, 2010 6:48 AM


NCB......you are "Spot On" my friend!


Saturday, January 23, 2010 5:02 AM


I like to think of Casey as Jayne's great (insert big # here) grandfather.
I felt the same way about Nathan's Alex Tully of Drive and to a certain extent Castle too.


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