Serenity Blueprint Art - If Interested
Sunday, March 20, 2011

I have received some very nice and helpful comments since posting my drawings of the Serentiy to the website. Thanx to all. I have even gotten the suggestion and will try to add an isometric cut-away of Inara's shuttle to the drawings.

I intend to have drawings of Serenity and a shuttle showing;
the sides (left and right)
the top
the bow and stern

In addition, I'm going to try a nomenclature (the inside layouts) of the Serenity, and some engineering drawings.

The drawings I've posted are not very good, they are just initial drawings that still need detailing and finishing. Also, converting them to jpeg to post has taken a lot of crispness away from them and distorted them somewhat. I've posted them looking for comments and suggestions - at the suggestion of my friend, who says there will probably be some who want a copy of the drawings as well.

I did the originals by hand on mylar, had them printed and framed and then hung them on the wall in my office at home. They are 11 by 8-1/2 inch size. A friend (also a Firefly fan) recently asked if he could get a copy of the drawing. I did the originals in 2003/2004 and have since lost the mylar originals, and so I have started a new set in an electronic version in order to provide my friend a set.
The new drawings are much more detailed than the originals, mainly because I have a lot more and better reference materials than I had in 2003. However, I will admit I find it a lot more difficult to do the drawings in a CAD than by hand.

Once finished, I have no problem with posting the electonic files for anyone who wants them, but the CAD I'm using is proprietary and is around the $1500.00 price range. I use it for work and thats why I have it. Anyone who wants the electronic files will need to have (or have access to) the original software in order to print the drawings.

I am looking for a better conversion software package to see if I can convert the drawings to jpeg (or other format) in order to let those who want the drawings have them in nice crisp and undistorted files.

Thanx for letting me post here and let me know what you think of the drawings.


Monday, March 21, 2011 8:37 AM


Google Docs can now read DXF files. I don't know if that's what you're using, but it's probably pretty easy to export to that if nothing else. You could also try SVG. They're both vector based, so you shouldn't lose any detail.


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2011 March