
Published author--heh
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Well, guess what? I'm now officially a published author. As in, wrote something, got paid for it, and now it's published in an honest-to-goodness magazine. But before any of the celebrations get too wild, I should explain...I was asked to write a book review for a magazine of interest to people in my profession, which is music. The (small circulation) magazine hit the stands this week, and my own personal copy just arrived in the mail. Cool, huh? Honestly, it's a bit of a thrill, as I haven't published anything since scientific articles back in pre-historic times, and articles and liner notes for my own CD's (these are technically self-published, so it's not quite the same). But, yeah, they actually contacted me and asked for a few hundred words, to be submitted on a deadline. After writing a few hundred thousand words of Firefly fanfiction, I thought, how hard could this be? so I said yes. And really it wasn't hard at all -- the hard part was keeping it to *just* a few hundred words. I've already accepted the next book review commission. And writing the fanfic has definitely helped me improve my writing in general. Thanks to the readers and commenters here at Fireflyfans, for all the positive feedback that's made me more confident in my writing skills. And getting paid? Well...let's just say I won't be quitting my day job and living on my writing income any time soon.


Sunday, March 4, 2012 8:31 AM


Congratulations! That's awesome!

Saturday, February 25, 2012 6:53 PM


Congratulations EB!

Saturday, February 25, 2012 6:20 AM



Congrads are in order! I am happy and regaled for you my friend. Sorry that I have not been able to review and comment on you latest FF fic. I’m sure that it is as entertaining and fun as all are! Usually I print out attracted story archs and read at a point when I have time, which, TIME, is a true limitation! I don’t like to read and say something like “good story”. That’s a bit lame IMO. Hope you get my meaning.

Anyhoo, stay the course and Hold! Happiness in your endeavors! Best always, ZBP

Thursday, February 23, 2012 6:50 PM


Thanks, y'all. :-)

Thursday, February 23, 2012 10:40 AM


Congratulations. :)


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