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Wednesday, January 7, 2004

First there was the Nothing.
Then came the Light.
Everything. Everything.
Everything comes from the Light.
Even the Darkness.
For Darkness is merely Shadow cast from Light.

Then there was the Earth.
Then came the Dark ones.
The Dark fought the Light.
The Light found a Vessel.
The Light used the Vessel to fight the Dark.
They chained her to the Earth.
From there, the Vessel took a stand against the Dark.

You cannot be shown.
You cannot observe.
But you must see.
See for yourself.
Only if you can make the Exchange.

The Light said the Vessel must stand.
Face the Dark alone.
The Vessel raged against the dying Light.
The Vessel learned that in order to fight the Dark,
The Vessel was made from Light and then filled with Dark.
The Vessel raged.
The Rules were dashed against the rocks.
The Vessel defied the Light.
The Vessel made hope from hopelessness.
In the form of Remnants.
The Light was renewed.
But the Verse became Unstable.

The vessel found a river.
The river found a guide.
The guide found an ocean.
The ocean carried the vessel.
The vessel held the hand.
The hand shared the spirit.
The hand shared the mind.
The hand shared the heart.
The heart was the guide.
The spirit was the guide.
The mind…
The mind was lost.

In a blink of an eye for some,
In the twilight of dream for others,
The remnants of warriors
On a battlefield eternal
Were scattered like toy soldiers
On playgrounds for gods.
First, there was the Earth.
Then, the mind was lost
After the Fray
Came The Earth That Was.

But I get ahead of myself.
Wouldn’t want to give it all away.



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