The Games Men Play Part 3
Tuesday, May 9, 2006

Jayne is now fully aware that he has been dressed up in lingere and lace, and makes his way to the dining room where Mal, Simon, and the girls wait. Feedback is ALWAYS welcome!


Jayne stood in the doorway to the dining room, angry blood welling up inside him as Mal, Simon, and the girls laughed. In his haste to find who was behind his ridiculous outfit, he had completely forgot to take the bra off his chest. The sight of the crew laughing in his face created visions in his head of him doing violence to all of them. Never good about thinking before he acted, Jayne reached to his right pant leg and grabbed the knife from his pocket.

Bringing the blade swiftly up to his chest, he cut the middle of the bra, causing it to snap back around his sides, spilling its lacy contents on the deck. As he did, Mal hastily got up from his chair, grabbing for his sidearm.

“Jayne Cobb, don’t you take one step closer, this was all for fun!” The captain yelled, finally realizing that Jayne would probably never understand. Jayne continued forward.

“So it was YOU, Mal! what the GORRAM HELL are you trying to prove!?” Jayne’s increasing anger was evident in every muscle as he slowly made his way towards the captain. “And YOU!” Jayne continued, glancing towards Simon. “I suppose you're completely innocent!”

“Jayne! Hold on, it was a joke! The captain and I just wanted to have a little fun with you!” Simon pleaded. He wasn’t sure how they would be able to calm him. “Jayne! We have pictures, if you don’t calm down and let it go, I’ll see they get to Mr. Universe!”

“GORRAM PICTURES?” Jayne screamed. “You aren’t gonna have TIME to send no pictures, DOC!” Jayne’s movement now slowed and he turned his attention to the doctor, who had made his way to stand between Jayne and River.

In the back of the room Kaylee and Inara stared nervously, hoping to remain anonymous. “And I suppose you all had nothing to do with this!?” Jayne barked at Inara.

“Don’t look at ME, Jayne; River, Kaylee and myself weren’t even here, Mal took the stuff from my shuttle,” Inara said, giving Mal a look of disgust. “I told you Jayne wouldn’t take this lightly.”

“All I know is I aim to visit violence on someone, and right now, I don’t care who!” Jayne screamed back, making his way closer to Simon.

“Take one more step Jayne and I WILL shoot you!” Mal knew now, he would have to force Jayne to retreat.

Jayne stopped in his tracks, his anger was peaking, but his lingering hangover was beginning to resurface. His arm dropped and he leaned against a chair by the table. “Why’d you do this to me?” His voice now noticeably shaking.

“Jayne, we just wanted to have a little fun. We weren’t trying to hurt you, it was all in jest” Mal explained, now knowing that Jayne would never really understand.

Inara motioned to River, then grabbed Kaylee by the arm and the three took the opportunity to exit the dining area, heading back to her shuttle to inventory her lingerie and see how much of a mess Simon and the captain had made.

“It was all in fun, Jayne, we didn’t mean anything by it. I can give you something for your hangover if you want.” Simon said, taking a particularly calm tone in an attempt to win Jayne’s trust back.

“But WHY this Mal? why’d ya havta dress me up like some gorram whore!?” Jayne was visibly weak and starting to break.

“You got real drunk Jayne, we just took advantage, would it help if I said I’m sorry?” Mal replied, his fingers still tickling the steel on his leg.

“Those pictures Doc, I want them NOW!” Jayne said with a newfound burst of authority.

“And you will have them Jayne, as soon as you sheath that blade and give me your word that there won’t be any violence!” Mal commanded.

“GIVEN!” Jayne said with a stomp of his foot. He sheathed his knife and stepped towards Simon, who gave him an envelope containing a small stack of revealing photos. “That all of them?”

“Yes Jayne; I’ll go get you something for your hangover now” Simon stated in full doctoring mode.

Simon exited, heading down to the infirmary to fetch a concoction of pills that would help Jayne sleep, and cure his nausea, leaving Jayne and the Captain alone in the dining room.

“Why would you go messin’ with a guy's dignity like that Mal?” Jayne asked, his head pounding, the anger subsiding.

“Jayne, these things just happen, we really didn’t mean harm to your dignity; it was all just fun. Hadn’t the women walked in, it wouldn’t have gone any further than me and Simon.” The captain explained.

“Yes, but a man’s dignity is something that once damaged, is not easily repaired.” A calm voice came from behind Jayne. Shepherd Book had been outside the dining room waiting for the right moment to make his entrance. Things had calmed down considerably and Jayne’s body was obviously fighting the effects of both anger and post-drunkenness.

“Shepherd! Did you hear what they done to me?” Jayne asked as he turned to face the shepherd. “They got me stone drunk, I had no idea what is was they done to me, till I woke!”

“Mal, if you wanted to make an impression on Jayne, I could have thought of many other ways of doing it.” The shepherd counseled.

“Seemed like a pretty simple thing to do at the time shepherd. The doc and I really didn’t want to make Jayne that mad.” The captain replied reaching for empty excuses for he and doctor’s childish behavior.

“Jayne, come on, I’ll help you down to the infirmary, we’ll see if the doctor has anything to help you with your head ache.” Book said, placing his hand on Jayne’s shoulder, leading him out of the door.

Jayne and Shepherd Book left the dining area, leaving Mal to ponder the events of the last few hours. He began to question whether this would be the end. Whether Jayne wouldn’t try to visit violence on him or Simon. In the end, he chalked the whole incident up to poor judgment, and decided it would be best to destroy the pictures, and work to win Jayne’s trust back.

As they made their way to the infirmary, the Shepherd could see that Jayne was genuinely distraught, angry, and hurt over the whole event. “Do you want to talk about it, Jayne?”

“Aw, shepherd, I was just STUPID! Lettin the doc and Mal get the best of me, it’s not like me. I wanna kill’em, but that wouldn’t be right.” Jayne replied, his conscious always at the front of his mind when he spoke with Book. “I just wanna get my revenge somehow, but I usually get revenge with guns, knives, torture….”

“You know Jayne, the path of revenge will always hurt you more than those you visit it upon.” The Shepherd counseled. “But, getting even, now that’s another story…”

“What’ya mean shepherd?” Jayne questioned. “How could I get even without killin’em, or cutting off their manhood and wearin’ em around my neck?”

“There are ways Jayne, ways you can get even without hurting them.” The Shepherd’s look became curiously devious. “Ways that will do nothing but even the score. If you can just focus some of your aggression and anger toward those, you could have some real fun, and not hurt anyone!”

They turned into the infirmary where Simon waited with a cocktail of meds for Jayne to take.

”This will take care of your headache, and help you sleep it off.” Simon stated, now in complete remorse for his and the Captain’s stunt. “Just drink it and in a couple of hours you will feel just fine, and Jayne……I am sorry, we really didn’t mean any harm”

Jayne grabbed the drink from Simon, not wanting him to know that his anger had subsided in the least. With a single gulp the elixir was down. Jayne and Book exited and headed to the crew quarters where Book bid Jayne farewell and to have a good sleep.

Jayne entered his quarters, seeing the mess he had left earlier. He looked by the closet, noticing the trashcan, which certainly still held the contents he deposited earlier. Rather than deal with it now, he chose to grab the towel he had used to wipe his face, and tossed it over the can, hiding it from view.

As he undressed and prepared to go to sleep, Jayne noticed the thong, sitting at the end of his bed, a small clump of leg hair still tangled in the beads of one of the strings. He walked over and picked it up, looking at it.

With a nervous look around the room, he walked over to the full-length mirror on the door of the closet and held the lingerie up to his mid-section.

“Don’t look half bad.” He thought to himself, swinging his hips back and forth. Then he turned, towards his footlocker, balling up the thong as he walked.

He stuffed the under-garment into the bottom of his footlocker and jumped into bed. “They’ll get theirs, later.”


Tuesday, May 9, 2006 10:44 PM


Oh, I'd pay to see Adam as Jayne in women's undies <G>.


Sunday, May 14, 2006 6:37 PM


still laughing that was great,

Monday, May 15, 2006 1:53 AM


Shiny! I like that Book showed up as the conscience as well.

Sunday, May 21, 2006 7:53 AM


i like it and all, i just think simon and mal were too apoligetic. I mean... it just seems like it was something they'd laugh at him about and mal might threated to send some of the pics to his momma... I guess i just thought mal wouldn't feel as bad on the surface.

Saturday, July 1, 2006 5:14 PM


what the duck said

Sunday, July 2, 2006 1:03 PM


I have been extremely remiss in not replying to this part of The Games Men Play ere this, but reading the 2 comments above mine there would seem to be a perfect time for it, so here I am ready to go.

First off, I love the name of this series. Yeah. It rocks. Insight into the minds of boys at play? Sign me up for some more. Always have been fascinated at that, at the way mens' minds work when they're conniving practical jokes, and the byplay of this theme as it applies to our BigDamnHeroes is shiny as heck, the way you give it to us.

Second, on to the fic, gonna quote a mini-story version of it here to show you how amazingly well it flows:

"Bringing the blade swiftly up to his chest, he cut the middle of the bra, causing it to snap back around his sides, spilling its lacy contents on the deck. As he did, Mal hastily got up from his chair, grabbing for his sidearm."

"The sight of the crew laughing in his face created visions in his head of him doing violence to all of them. Never good about thinking before he acted, Jayne reached to his right pant leg and grabbed the knife from his pocket. "

"“GORRAM PICTURES?” Jayne screamed. “You aren’t gonna have TIME to send no pictures, DOC!”

“All I know is I aim to visit violence on someone, and right now, I don’t care who!” Jayne screamed back, making his way closer to Simon."

And then you take my Jayne into the depths of sad despair and I can't help but be a little angry at you for it, but also quick to forgive you for hurting him since you do it so frackin' well:

"Jayne stopped in his tracks, his anger was peaking, but his lingering hangover was beginning to resurface. His arm dropped and he leaned against a chair by the table. “Why’d you do this to me?” His voice now noticeably shaking."

And Mal worried that Jayne might "visit violence" on he and Simon? Spacie: That phrase is quite firefly-esque, so Mal-like, perfectly done. *kiss*

Now let's talk about your Bookness.
“Yes, but a man’s dignity is something that once damaged, is not easily repaired.” You write him like a little bit of the Shepherd lives inside of you, it's that apropos, all his words ring loud as a bell of authenticity. I could stand to read some more of Book as told by Spacie. Would you see what you can do to make that so?

As for Jayn, one of the things I love about your making him speak and think is how simply he reads, yet how charming and artless at the same time: "Jayne....his conscious always at the front of his mind when he spoke with Book. “I just wanna get my revenge somehow, but I usually get revenge with guns, knives, torture….” Yeah, Baby, exactly so. Jayne's head would be clearer, crystal, in fact, when he has Book before him. He trusts Book implicitly, as they all do. And then you let my Boy itemize his usual implementation plans for revenge. I laughed aloud, that was SO purely Jayne. If actually presages the line in the BDM when Jayne tells about the reasons he'll kill a man..." in a fair fight, or if I THINK he's gonna start a fair fight,..." etc. And then at the end of this fic part you give us: "“Don’t look half bad.” He thought to himself, swinging his hips back and forth. ", and you have the BDH stuff the thong inside his footlocker; maybe for somebody to accidentally discover later? Mmmmm, could be! Gods, I love your writing, Spaceful. Only thing gorram wrong with it is there ain't near enough of it in the 'verse. Give me more, hear? I'm needful.

By the way, Guywhowantsafireflyofhisown, Jayne Cobb would SHOOT anybody who was so spineless as to not offer his own opinion, deciding instead to piggyback on somebody else's. When an author gets an auto-reply from fff. net that says somebody left them feedback and they click on it to find "what the duck said" as a comment? Sheesh! What the HECK?

And duck? We've been through this idea before, you and I, but it bears repeating: It's perfectly okay to have an opinion of your own, but the important thing about being a courteous human being, let ALONE a fellow-writer on this site, is the ability to know WHAT to say and what NOT to say. There's a fine line between a feedbacker's right to one's own opinion about how a character should speak or act and that same feedbacker's delivering comments that are almost phrased as gorram orders for another writer to do the feedbacker's bidding.

Friday, July 7, 2006 6:54 AM


I thought it was perfect spacie, i don't think Mal and Jayne were too appologetic, I think they were in perfect characterization because they saw how much they had hurt jayne and they had only wanted to have some fun. Was shiny.

<“Yes, but a man’s dignity is something that once damaged, is not easily repaired.”> --- perfect book line

fav line: <“Don’t look half bad.” He thought to himself, swinging his hips back and forth.> :D

I wonder what Jayne's going to scheme up for pay back...and whether Book is going to help him...


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