Raping Serenity 4 - Makin' Plans
Thursday, May 18, 2006

Serenity's on Newhall to pick up a load of skimmed Alliance tantalum ore. Kaylee reaches out to Jayne and the Scarpers plan a raid.


Disclaimer: Not mine, no coin changed hands. This story has not been beta-ed. Please accept my apologies for any errors or correct me.

Dedication: To all the folk who endure traumatic events and somehow find the courage to rebuild their lives.

Rating: NC17, For adult content, violence in some sections. Remarks: The next section in my long story arc exploring the challenges faced by Jayne and Kaylee as they struggle to define and strengthen their relationship. Takes place between the series and the BDM, three weeks after my previous story, “Leaps of Faith”. Click on my name to read the backstories.

Feedback: Sincerely appreciated when civilly offered; that’s what it’s all about. Some of you have expressed distress over this story’s title. Please consider the following:

Definitions: Source: The Random House Dictionary of the English Language Raping – (3) The act of seizing and carrying off by force (7) Plundering. Serenity – (1)The state or quality of being serene, calm, or tranquil.


Raping Serenity

Chapter Four – Makin’ Plans

After supper, Kaylee leans over to Jayne and quietly asks, “Ya wanna go to walk a little with me? Seems like it’d be right fine to enjoy the night some, it bein’ so mild an’ all.” Her introspection this afternoon made her realize how much she’s missed his company. Maybe time to try again to find the sweetness hidden behind all that tough hide.

Jayne’s blue-gray eyes flare in surprise and a tentative smile lights up his normally guarded face. “Uh…well, sure, Kaylee. Sure, I’ll go walkin’ with ya.” His gut does a flip. It’s the first time she’s asked to be alone with him in two weeks.

“Can ya gimme a minute to go get Cassie? I don’t like the idea of us wanderin’ around in the dark on this god-forsaken li’l moon an’ me with no way to protect us if somethin’ gets dicey.”

Always the Protector,she thinks. Part of what I love about him, long as he don’t try to smother me. She’s feelin’ a mite jittery at the thought of bein’ out alone with Jayne again, almost out of practice and more’n a little awkward.

River said it’ll take work, she reminds herself.

The others are clearing dishes, oblivious to their conversation. “You want me to grab you a jacket or somethin’ from your bunk,” Jayne asks her, “since I gotta go down ta mine, anyways?”

“Na, it’s plenty warm. Don’t need one, but thanks for askin’.” He is tryin’. I can feel it. Tryin’ real hard.

“Why don’t you meet me down on the ramp in fifteen minutes?” She suggests and gives him one of her best flirtin’ smiles, watchin’ as he lights up in response.

“Good ‘nuf.” Jayne starts to head towards his bunk, then glances back over his shoulder at her and grins. Just standin’ there, with her hands in her overall pockets, her hair twisted up off her neck, rockin’ back and forth on the balls of her feet, her unselfconscious beauty astounds him.

I may be a dumb sonuvabitch, but I know Special when I see it.


A group of men gather under the quaverin’ yellow glow of a kerosene lantern in what was once part of a mine. Rough sawn heavy timbers reinforce the rocky ceiling and walls and the darkness presses in just beyond the circle of illumination. On an overturned crate in the middle of the group lies a hand-drawn map indicating the surrounding countryside, with the locations of Newberg, the plateau and Serenity clearly indicated.

Jed Kurtz speaks up. “Boss Andersen’s sending in a jumpship to clear all this stock outta here soon as we strip that Firefly, so you boys best be ready to knock out this job and load ‘er up pronto, so we can get our asses the hell off this rock.”

Along one side of the tunnel are stacked a variety of crates and containers filled with cable, conduit and ship electronic systems. The cave is a temporary warehouse filled with view screens, monitors, control panels and cortex links, all stripped from a variety of unlucky vessels and gathered here by this group of specialized salvagers known as Scarpers.

Kurtz shifts a wad of tobacco into his other cheek and spits. He assesses the men gathered round and picks out two. “Lasley, I want you an’ Portman with me in the mornin’ when we hit the ship. We’ll take the tractor and trailer to haul off their gear.”

He bares bad teeth in a nasty grin. “Accordin’ to their waves to Benning, they'll be headed out first thing in the mornin’ to go pick up the ore he's been skimmin’. Considering how heavy that shit is, they’ll probably take most of the crew along. Oughta leave the ship pretty lightly guarded. Since they ain’t expectin’ any visitors, I figure we can pretty much jes’ waltz right in.”

“Denton, I want you and McFee to go ahead and start bundlin’ cable and packin’ up all that loose stuff in preparation for load-up. Ain’t got a lotta time, so get hoppin’.”

As the other two men light additional lanterns and start their work, Lazely and Portman gather closer to their boss. “Ya’ll know what equipment we’ll need, so git that loaded on the trailer. Check your guns, too, boys, and make sure you’ve got the canvas and tie downs.” Both men nod in agreement.

Kurtz spits again and runs a dirty hand down his mustaches. “Let’s be up an’ outta here at daybreak. I wanna catch ‘em ‘fore they’re good’n awake.”

(To be continued…)


Thursday, May 18, 2006 9:45 AM


The setup continues... I hate waiting for the hammer to fall!

Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:38 AM


Reenie, don't you know Patience is a virtue? Except'n when she's the double-crossin' mayor of a dinky little moon?

I just type what the voices tell me to.

Thursday, May 18, 2006 10:40 AM


Good stuff! Just wish it was a little longer. :( C'mon, c'mon! :)

Thursday, May 18, 2006 11:06 AM


Yep, troubles brewin' for our BDH's.

HGG, just what voices are you listening to? And should I be worried?

Thursday, May 18, 2006 11:06 AM


Forgot to vote.

Thursday, May 18, 2006 11:13 AM


More! More! lol. I'm teetering on the edge of my seat to find out what's gonna happen.

Thursday, May 18, 2006 3:18 PM


Yay another chapter! *does another chapter dance*

Kaylee and Jayne are both trying so hard, they definitely need to talk. Maybe the coming adversity will help things along....hint, hint.

The bad guys are certainly well organised, I can see hard times ahead for out BDHs.

Thursday, May 18, 2006 7:00 PM


The plot thickens! I'm really worried about the crew, but not about our couple. Kaylee will draw Jayne out of his shell and he's so gorram sexy when he's reflecting on her! *sigh*

Need a new ochapter soon!

Oh, and are the voices coming from any appliances or inanimate objects? That's what you have to worry about. *grins*

Friday, May 19, 2006 12:13 AM


Hi HGG, just read the last 2 chapters in 5 minutes! Waiting by computer for next instalment whilst husband and children starve and fend for themselves - males are so hopeless!

Very exciting development and more danger seems inevitable. But love the Jayne and Kaylee tentative reconnection. - "I may be a dumb sonuvabitch, but I know Special when I see it" - my favourite line, and I like 'em big, dumb and sexy!

Friday, May 19, 2006 7:20 PM


Finally! All hail Kaylee for finally getting to the poin!


And I am really dreading the eventual assault on Serenity, cuz it's gonna bring a whole crapload of angst:(



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