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This story is told from both sides of the relationship. Each part is from Jayne or Kaylee’s point-of-view, or both! Other characters pop in and out. Some chapters will be from their point of view. BY POPULAR DEMAND, THIS IS A LONGER POST. I HAVE PUT TWO CHAPTERS TOGETHER. ENJOY!
Title: Washing Kaylee’s Hair – Part 2 Series Title: Both Sides (15 of 18) Author: Humbug Rating: R (be warned!) Fandom: Firefly Pairing: Jayne/Kaylee Word Count: 1132 Summary: Told from both sides of Kaylee and Jayne's relationship Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I'm just borrowing his characters for fun!! Warning: Jaylee sexiness
Authors note: Thanks to bookaddict for betaing.
Read the previous chapters posted at my Live Journal.
*********************** Thanks for daring me to write my own Jaylee story, Squish and Bookaddict! It’s told from both sides of the relationship. Each part is from Jayne or Kaylee’s point of view, or both! Other characters pop in and out. Some chapters will be from their point of view. Enjoy! (I hope….) Be gentle! It’s my first fanfic story.
Washing Kaylee’s Hair – Part 2
Jayne and Kaylee smiled at one another and began kissing again. She still had her legs wrapped around his waist and he supported her with one hand under her ass. With the other hand he ran up her back and stroked her face. Moving his fingers down her chest he caressed one breast, then the other. She ran her hands from his jaw, one hand down his back and the other grasping the muscles on his arm.
They gasped at the nearness of each other in the warm spray of the shower.
“Ya still want this, Bao-bei?” Jayne asked her, “Ya sure?”
“I just want ya ta touch me, Jayne. I want ta soar!”
He grinned, “Now that I can do. We can start sexin’ any time. But this, this requires real skill and determination. And that’s somethin’ of a specialty of mine.”
The back of his hand slipped across a sensitive nipple as he reached round to unclasp her bra strap.
“Ai ya! Ya so gorgeous, woman.” Jayne whispered.
“Ya pretty swai yourself, Jayne.”
He bent down to kiss her breast, his breath sending slivers through her. The lightest touch of his lips teased one nipple while his hand ghosted over to the other breast.
Jayne worked his way up, sucking on her neck, then blowing in her ear. Slipping his hand between the thighs that circled him, he caressed the front of her panties and she gasped again.
He chuckled, the deep sound vibrating right through her. She was so ready for him. He slipped a finger inside her panties.
“Just rip them off,” she pleaded.
With a smile, he gave the panties a tug, tearing them from her body and dropping them on the floor. Caressing her warm inviting skin, this time he could feel she was ready.
He kissed her hungrily on the lips as he grazed her sweet spot and plunged his finger into her wet folds.
“Jayne!” she groaned.
“I got ya, bao-bei. I won’t let ya fall.”
“Make me soar, Jayne.”
“I won’t hurt ya.”
She looked him in the eyes, laughing and breathing heavily with desire. He was breathing deeply too.
“I mean make me fly. Take me over the edge!”
“Oh!” he grinned, “I can do that.” And he rubbed her harder as he plunged another finger, going deeper into her.
“Yes, Jayne.” She was about to fall over the edge. He firmly pressed her and plunged three fingers in as far as he could go.
She gasped and he felt her muscles contract around his fingers. He held her close as she trembled and shook.
“Bao-bei. I got ya. Ya safe.” He let her down to stand on her own two feet. She was still a little shaky, so he held her close, one arm snaked around her waist.
“Ya ‘kay, darlin’?” he asked, kissing her tenderly.
“Shiny!” she grinned, her breath slowing.
He put some more soap in her hair, and she took some and started to wash his hair too.
“Ya gonna have ya Man smellin’ of strawberries.”
“But he’s such a swai man, no one’ll laugh at him.”
He rinsed her hair and began to soap her body and clean her. She began to do the same to him.
Caught In The Act
Jayne wrapped Kaylee up in a clean, warm towel. She felt so relaxed and safe and cared for.
He picked up another towel and began to dry her hair. She closed her eyes and leaned back into his strong touch.
“Ya shiny, bao-bei?” he asked.
“So shiny.” she sighed.
“Did I make ya soar?”
“So high.”
“No, I mean are ya sore? Was I gentle enough? Did I hurt ya?”
She turned to look at him and stroked his jaw as she whispered, “I’ve never had a man touch me so gentle before. Ya gave me so much pleasure I thought I’d died and gone ta heaven!”
He shivered.
“Are ya cold?” she asked, eyes full of concern.
“No,” he smiled, “I love ya, bao-bei.”
She looked deep into his eyes, “I love ya too, Jayne.”
He rubbed her hair and wrapped it up in a towel. Then he grabbed another towel.
“I brought an extra one in case.” Jayne explained.
“Oh! Ya were planning’ this were ya?”
“No! I just brought an extra towel so I could have a shower too. Just I was plannin’ ta have one after your’n, not at the same time as.” he grinned cheeklily.
“We’d better see if we can sneak back without any one seein’ us.”
“You embarrassed ta be seen with me?” he teased.
“It’s not that. It’s just we’ve only got our towels and it’s pretty obvious what we’ve been doin’!”
“I’ve been showerin’ with ma woman. Ain’t no shame in that.”
“But Mal doesn’t know we’re together yet.”
“Good point. I’ll go first and see if it’s clear.”
He held her in his arms and kissed her softly, groaning as she parted her lips and let her tongue play with his. She smoothed her hands down his back and gently squeezed his taut backside. “Slow down, woman!” he grinned, “We can get back ta that when we get ta a bunk……”
“Whose bunk? Yours or mine?”
“Don’t care. Let’s just get there quick!”
He unlocked the door and held his finger to his lips as he looked down the corridor.
River stood outside the shower room and read their thoughts. She giggled as Jayne came out. “While the cat’s away the mice will play.”
“Gorram, River! Ya’ll give me a heart attack.”
“Statistically impossible. Fit body.” She put her hand over his heart. “Strong Heart. Push your body to the limit. Lots of exercise. Lots of food. One scare will not cause heart to stop.”
“Is that River?” asked Kaylee from inside the shower room.
“Come out, come out. It’s time to play.”
Kaylee poked her head out. “Is anyone else there?”
“Coast is clear.” River grabbed Kaylee’s hand and ran with her down the corridor to Inara’s shuttle.
Jayne was left staring after them, shaking his head. He rubbed his hand over his face.
“Jayne! Gorram it.” yelled Mal “What are ya doing out here without any clothes on.”
“I got ma towel.”
“What in the sphincter of hell is goin’ on around here?”
“I just had a shower and River scared the life outta me when I came out.” Jayne explained.
“Can you explain to me why I just saw Kaylee running down the corridor dressed in just a towel? Wearing pretty much what you’re wearing, come ta think on it.” Mal straightened up and pushed right into Jayne’s face.
“What’cha beeen up to, Jayne?” he threatened.
“Nothin’” whined Jayne
Mal sighed. “Just go get some clothes on and come and find me in the galley.”
To be continued
Saturday, June 10, 2006 5:55 AM
Monday, June 12, 2006 5:35 AM
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