Both Sides: Part 16 (a Jaylee Story)
Sunday, June 11, 2006

This story is told from both sides of the relationship. Each part is from Jayne or Kaylee’s point-of-view, or both! Other characters pop in and out. Some chapters will be from their point of view. BY POPULAR DEMAND, THIS IS A LONGER POST. I HAVE PUT TWO CHAPTERS TOGETHER. ENJOY!


Title: Consequences and Reconciliation

Series Title: Both Sides (16 of 18) Author: Humbug Rating: NC-17 Fandom: Firefly Pairing: Jayne/Kaylee Word Count: 1245 Summary: Told from both sides of Kaylee and Jayne's relationship Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I'm just borrowing his characters for fun!! Warning: Jaylee sexiness – is it getting hot in here?

Authors note: Thanks to bookaddict for betaing.

Two chapters posted together again. Enjoy. Read the previous chapters posted at my username.


Thanks for daring me to write my own Jaylee story, Squish and Bookaddict!

It’s told from both sides of the relationship. Each part is from Jayne or Kaylee’s point of view, or both! Other characters pop in and out. Some chapters will be from their point of view Enjoy! (I hope….) Be gentle! It’s my first fanfic story.



Inara glanced up from the letter she was writing as River pulled Kaylee into her shuttle.

“Ni hao, River. Ni hao, Kaylee.” Inara smiled, put her pen down and turned to look at the giggling pair.

“The cat is away so the mice have played.” said River, breathlessly.

Kaylee blushed. “Ni hao, ‘Nara.”

“Kaylee, why are you dressed in only a couple of towels?”

“I was havin’ a shower, ‘Nara. I was just checkin’ ta see if the corridor was empty so I could run ta ma bunk, when River pulled me out and dragged me here.”

“Naughty girl! Told it all wrong.” River scolded, “Teacher will have to correct you.”

Kaylee blushed harder.

“Who helped you take a shower, Kaylee? You know you could have asked me.”

Kaylee looked down and muttered something.

“What did you say, mei-mei?”


River laughed and clapped her hands. “All the bells are ringing. Much celebrating.”

“Mei-mei, are you happy?”

Kaylee looked up and smiled, tears in her eyes. “I never thought anyone could make me feel this way!”

Inara hugged her. “Congratulations, mei-mei.”

“Did anyone else see?” she asked.

“I don’t think so. I didn’t see anyone apart from River.”

“Captain Mal is very cross with Jayne…..” muttered River.

“Oh no!” Kaylee gasped, “ Don’t let the Cap’n throw Jayne off the boat.”

“Don’t worry, Kaylee. I’ll go and find out what’s happening. You stay here with River.”

Inara took a beautiful robe out of her closet. “Go behind my screen and dry yourself off. Put this robe on. River can brush your hair. Don’t leave. Just wait here for me.”

“Thanks, ‘Nara.”

“You’re welcome, mei-mei.” Inara embraced, and kissed her. “Don’t worry!”


As Jayne walked into the galley, Mal was sitting at the head of the table waiting for him. “You’ve got a lot of explaining to do. And it better be good.”

“Mal, ya know I’ve been lookin’ after Kaylee since she burned herself on the engine…”

“Hmm! There something mighty strange about that….”

“I just want her ta get better cause she’s the only one who can fix Serenity….. That woman can work miracles with those hands a’ hers.”

“I don’t like the way you’re talkin’ about lil Kaylee,” Mal yelled, “or the expression on ya face whilst ya doin’ it.”

“Man can’t help the way he looks, Mal.”

“But he can help where he looks.” Mal banged his hand on the table. “Why are you calling Kaylee a woman? She’s always been nothin’ but a girl to ya before.”

“River’s nothin’ but a girl. Kaylee’s definitely a woman now.” Jayne smirked.

Mal jumped up and grabbed Jayne by the shirt.

“Ya better stop talkin’ about Kaylee like that before I wipe that grin right offa ya face!”

Attracted by the argument, Zoe, Wash and Book came running into the galley.

“What’s all the commotion, Sir?” asked Zoe.

Mal sighed and rubbed a weary hand across his face. “Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t shove ya outta the airlock right now” he threatened Jayne.

“’Cause I love her, Mal!”

“I see you and lil Kaylee comin’ out of the shower room at the same time, both dressed in nothin’ more than a couple a towels. I don’t think I’m jumpin’ to any conclusions when I say that I don’t like the way you’re ‘lovin’ her. If ya sexin’ her up, ya ain’t treatin’ her any better than one of your whores!”

Wash and Book grabbed an arm each as they held Jayne back from attacking the Captain.

Zoe stepped across to Mal and said, “Take it easy, Sir. I wouldn’t provoke him.”

“But he’s sexin’ lil Kaylee up. I ain’t seen her smile in along while, and I reckon that has somethin’ ta do with Simon and now Jayne…”

“Have you been using your eyes recently, Sir?”

“Wha’d’ya mean?”

“She’s been looking happier in the last couple of days than she has in long time, I reckon that’s down to Jayne.”


“I’ve seem them together, and I reckon it’s the real deal. You or I may not understand what a sweet girl like Kaylee sees in a hun dan like Jayne, but what ever she sees, she likes it. Makes her feel safe. And I can guarantee you that Jayne would rather die that let anyone hurt a hair on her head. If Jayne’s on board, he’ll do anything to protect Kaylee. Be like having her own personal bodyguard. She’ll feel safe, and we can all rest easy knowing he’ll be loyal to us because he’s loyal to Kaylee…..”

“Makes sense,” the Captain was grudging, “Jayne. Ya can stay on board on the condition that you keep whatever goes on between you and Kaylee private. I don’t want ta see ya paradin’ it around in front of everyone like this evening. And if you ever hurt her, if I ever catch her crying because of you. Well. Let’s just say this is your final warnin’.”

Jayne breathed a sigh of relief.



Kaylee heard a knock at the shuttle door.

“Who is it?” she called out.

“It’s me, bao-bei.” answered Jayne.

Kaylee flung open the door and threw her arms around him, nearly knocking him over.

“Slow down there, darlin’!” he drawled, holding her tight. When he saw the tears in her eyes, Jayne bent, scooped her up and carried her back to Inara’s bed.

“Hush now, bao-bei.” he whispered, drawing her into his arms, stroking her cheek and gently wiping away her tears with his thumb. “How’s ya hand?” he asked.

“Haven’t felt it in all the commotion…That’s gotta be good, right?”

“Let me have a look,” he said, untying the bandage. “Doesn’t it hurt?”

“I don’t feel a thing.”

He checked the burn and put more cream on and wrapped up her hand in a fresh bandage. “It’s healin’ up good.” he smiled up at her.

She gulped back fresh tears. “I thought the Cap’n had sent you out the airlock.” she whispered.

“He tried to but the others wouldn’t let him.” Jayne smiled wearily and proceeded to tell her about Wash and Book holding him back.

“Oh, Jayne!” She squeezed him tight.

“Zoe spoke up for us and said she thought we are in love. Said that Mal might not understand what ya see in me, but that he must respect ya choice. Said that he could trust me ta be loyal ta ya and ta protect ya…”

She looked into his clear blue eyes. “I know I can trust ya.”

“Warned me that if I ever hurt ya or make ya cry, I’ll be straight out the airlock!”

Kaylee laughed.

“I don’t intend ta hurt ya or make ya cry….”

“I know.”

Jayne kissed away Kaylee’s tears. “D’ya have any regrets?” he whispered.

“Only that the Cap’n caught us. And maybe that’s for the best.” She said with a grin, “We don’t have ta sneak around any more.”

“Cap’n said he don’t want ta catch again like he did ta day. Said we should keep it in our bunk.”

“I think we can manage that!” She said, caressing his cheek.

“Yeah, I think we’ll need lotsa practice……”

Jayne slipped his hand behind her head and drew her into a kiss. His hand massaged her neck and she kissed him back, their kisses grow deeper and more passionate.

He pulled back, his eyes dark with desire. “Let’s go back to your bunk, darlin’ ” he growled

“Our bunk,” replied Kaylee.


To be continued


Sunday, June 11, 2006 12:34 PM


I labelled this story as a Jaylee fic clearly. If you don't like this pairing, don't read it!

I hope other readers will enjoy it. And those who don't will sign in before leaving negative comments, so I can reply.

Monday, June 12, 2006 3:06 AM


Hi Humbug, Jaylee sexiness was warned - maybe anon can't read!!!

Love your Jaylee and like how the crew spoke up for them. Looking forward to next chapter.

Monday, June 12, 2006 2:15 PM


Gotta're making this Rayne & Silee shipper slowly come 'round, Humbug;)

And yeah...ignore the Anonymous comment. You gave fair waring and if they wanna be a doink by leaving unsigned comments, they can just get stuffed!


Tuesday, June 13, 2006 12:01 PM


Shiny comments!

Thanks for all the encouragement, guys.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006 12:01 PM


Shiny comments!

Thanks for all the encouragement, guys.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006 1:51 PM


Ah yes, creepy Kaylee and Jayne, but in that very sexy, funny, sweet creepy way that we're all so fond of. *wink*


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Late Night Rendezvous
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Written for the ficlets100 Live Journal community. Prompt 35 from Table 1: Touch. Kaylee can't help responding to Jayne's touch. Flirt Alert!!! (I'm getting the hang of this 100 word limit, and a plot is starting to form.)

Competition: Part 1
romanceguru suggested the plot bunny for this over at Live Journal: She requested a Rayne story with Mal as the 'other man' vying for River's affection. Expect lots of Angst for River, and lots of fun too!

Written for the ficlets100 Live Journal community. Prompt 02 from Table 1: Bread. Kaylee is doing a little baking. Flirt Alert!!! (I'm getting the hang of this 100 word limit, and a plot is starting to form.)

Sweet Comfort
Wriiten for the 25_foods Live Journal community. Prompt 07 from Table 1: Cinnamon. Kaylee fixes Jayne a late night snack. Flirt Alert!!!

Love... Part 4
Troy_gal suggested the plot bunny for this over at Live Journal: She requested a Rayne story with an OC woman competing with River for Jayne. So here's Maggie. Expect lots of Angst for River, and lots of fun for Jayne. (Two women fighting for him. Must be his ultimate fantasy, don'tcha think?) (In case you're wondering, this is set in an alternative 'verse, where Wasn and Book are very much still alive and on Serenity.)

Written for the ficlets100 Live Journal community. Prompt 01 from Table 1: Toast. Kaylee and Jayne meet in the Galley. Flirt Alert!!!
(I didn't think I could do it - keep to the 100 word limit - but here's proof that I can and did!)

Animal Attraction
Wriiten for the 25_foods Live Journal community. Prompt 07 from Table 1: Cinnamon. Kaylee fixes Jayne a late night snack. Flirt Alert!!!