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This story is told from both sides of the relationship. Each part is from Jayne or Kaylee’s point-of-view, or both! Other characters pop in and out. Some chapters will be from their point of view. BY POPULAR DEMAND, THIS IS A LONGER POST. I HAVE PUT TWO CHAPTERS TOGETHER. ENJOY!
Title: Contentment – Part 2 Series Title: Both Sides (18 of 18) Author: Humbug Rating: R Fandom: Firefly Pairing: Jayne/Kaylee Word Count: 1094 Summary: Told from both sides of Kaylee and Jayne's relationship Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I'm just borrowing his characters for fun!! Warning: Jaylee sexiness! Is it getting hot in here?!
Authors note: Thanks to bookaddict for betaing.
Read the previous chapters posted at my Live Journal.
*********************** Thanks for daring me to write my own Jaylee story, Squish and Bookaddict! It’s told from both sides of the relationship. Each part is from Jayne or Kaylee’s point of view, or both! Other characters pop in and out. Some chapters will be from their point of view. Enjoy! (I hope….) Be gentle! It’s my first fanfic story. ***********************
Contentment: Part 2
Kaylee sat astride Jayne’s backside, running her fingers up and down his tanned back. She leaned over to squeeze a little more lotion onto her hands, her breasts pressing against his back. He sighed deeply. She rubbed her hands together, to warm the lotion before spreading it over his firm muscles.
She smiled as she heard his breath deepening into sleep. Then she began to smooth her hands on his skin, starting at the small of his back, up his spine, across his broad shoulders, lingering on his biceps, and down his ribs to start again.
Ai ya, he was a fine man! And she had him totally at her mercy, she grinned. She could do anything to him right now, sleeping like a baby, and completely relaxed by the tender touch of her hands.
She finished the massage, put away the lotion. Kaylee thought about getting naked and snuggling up next to him, but she decided to leave the sexy underwear on for them both to enjoy him removing later. She leant over, kissing him on the cheek before laying her head besides his on the pillow and closing her eyes, just for five minutes, whilst he rested….
*********************** “Jayne, darlin’”
He groaned and turned over to look at her. “What?” he growled, all disorientated.
“Ya fell asleep.” she explained.
“Woman, those fingers of you’rn can work some kinda magic. They had me floatin’up ta heaven!”
“Well, I know just what ta do when you’re in a bad mood.”
“Ya can do that to me any time,” he smirked. “What time is it?”
“ ’Bout 2 o’clock.”
“So we still got time ta…..?” his smirked and wriggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“I thought ya’d never ask.” Kaylee threw herself into his arms enthusiastically.
He buried his hands in her luxuriant hair and kissed her passionately. Their tongues intertwined and they breathlessly caressed each others arms, backs, chests, butts, anywhere they could reach.
Laughing, they made a game of removing her thin lacy bra and panties, and his boxers whilst remaining lip locked the whole time
Jayne kissed her cheek, roaming to her jaw, then sucked on the sensitive spot on her neck.
She groaned, as she gave into the amazing sensations his kisses and caresses were causing in her body. Starting at his stomach, she ran her fingers up his chest, over his shoulders and down his back.
She gasped as he pulled her tight against his chest. Ai ya, that felt good, skin on skin. She ran her fingers up and down his arms and squeezed his biceps. He was swai and she loved touching his muscles, feeling them ripple under his skin as he moved to touch and caress her, bring her to the edge of heaven and back!
He touched her breasts, so gently at first she could barely feel it, except for her nipples rising in arousal. Jayne massaged and kissed them, gently sucking and teasing them with his teeth.
“Jayne.” she cried.
“Yes, bao-bei?” he growled, “What d’ya want me ta do?”
“Touch me, Jayne. Make me fly and take you with me!” Kaylee took his hand and put it between her legs, pressed it up against her. He could feel how aroused she was.
He grinned as she wrapped her legs around him, locking her feet together behind his butt.
“Are ya sure ya ready?” he teased.
“Tzao-gao, Run-tse duh Fwo-tzoo! I’m ready, Jayne.” He ghosted his fingers across her sweet spot. Gasping in anticipation, Kaylee arched he hips towards his hands. He grinned and pushed one finger in, all the time gently pressing as waves of pleasure began to surge through her body.
He pulled his finger out and then plunged two fingers in.
“Are ya ready for me?” he asked.
“Mmmmmm” she groaned in response
He used his hand to press her sweet spot as he plunged into her, staying still as their bodies adjusted to each other. Slowly he began to move, his hand between them pressing her, giving her wave after wave of pleasure. He grinned, feeling her heels digging into his butt as she shuddered and groaned. He pushed in and out, again and again until he shuddered with pleasure too.
They held each other close as they both fought for breath, struggling to slow their breathing down.
“Bao-bei,” Jayne sighed , kissing her gently, “Are ya ‘Kay?”
“I’m shiny!” she grinned, “Ya took me ta heaven and back.”
“An’ you took me with ya.”
Lying back on the bed, Jayne drew her back with him and they fell asleep, arms and legs entwined, not waking until the morning.
He felt her lips gently press against the bare skin of his chest.
“Mornin’, Bao-bei.” he greeted her.
“Morning, Husband.”
She lifted up her left hand and moved it around until the light glinted off the shiny gold ring on the third finger of her left hand. Grinning at Jayne, “still doesn’t feel real! But there it is…. proof that Shepherd Book performed our very own wedding last night.”
Jayne kissed her fingers and laced his fingers, complete with his own wedding ring, through hers. “Ya didn’t believe it could be done…..…” he said, kissing her softly.
“The perfect anniversary gift: to get married exactly one year after we first admitted we loved each other. I have ta admit this is one present I could never hope ta pay ya back for.”
“Ya can.”
“How?” she drew lazy circles on his chest with her fingers.
“Let me brush ya hair.” he said with glint in his eye, holding up the beautiful silver-inlaid hairbrush that was part of the set Wash and Zoe has given them as a wedding present.
“Jayne, I thought ya’d never ask.” she sighed, caressing his jaw and drawing him into a passionate kiss…….
“But before that…” he grinned.
“You never ask for just one thing!” she punched his arm.
“Ow! Gorrammit, girl!”
“Awww, lemme kiss it better….”
“It’ll take a whole lotta kissin’!”
“All day and night, I reckon….”
“Come ‘ere!” and they were kissing passionately, mouths open, tongues entwined, licking and sucking and biting, until they pulled away, gasping and panting breathlessly.
“Join me for a shower?”
The grin on her face said it all, as he drew her close, whispering exactly what he wanted her to feel, and what he hoped she’d do. She giggled, whispering softly back.
Soon they were grabbing their clothes and towels, laughing and remembering what the captain had said.
Jayne led Kaylee by the hand, along the walkway to the shower room…..
Tzao-gao = Damn it
Run-tse duh Fwo-tzoo - Merciful Buddha
Hope you enjoyed the last chapter. Thanks for reading......
Tuesday, June 13, 2006 2:15 PM
Wednesday, June 14, 2006 3:12 AM
Wednesday, June 14, 2006 2:01 PM
Sunday, September 11, 2011 1:59 AM
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