Mystique River
Thursday, June 15, 2006

Hey, just cuz she didn't get the part as Kitty doesn't mean she can't try her luck as a villian.



Thursday, June 15, 2006 7:18 AM


Now there's a totally needless genre blend.

Thursday, June 15, 2006 8:08 AM


I like it.
Nicely done!

Thursday, June 15, 2006 10:20 AM


she tried to get kitty?

Thursday, June 15, 2006 2:29 PM


Yea, it was a bummer too. Joss said when he writes for Kitty he writes as if Summer was playing her.

Thursday, June 22, 2006 4:40 PM


It would have been interesting to see River doing Kitty Pryde....though maybe it was better that she didn't and Ellen Page did. Cuz the roles I know well enough that she has done have had genre slants to them: River, the cursed prima ballerina from "Waiting in the Wings," one of the female leads in "Mammoth," the supposedly disturbed 4400 member....

Still...she does have those roles nailed:D


Friday, June 23, 2006 6:24 AM


I can't really see Summer as Kitty to be honest, I think Ellen was a perfect choice. Although my fave actress playing my fave fictional character would be awesomeness.

Friday, June 23, 2006 10:27 AM


she'd be a good kitty.


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Come Ye Back
I haven't posted it the BSR in ages, but this popped into my head so I threw it together and thought I'd share.

It was inspired by a line from the Irish song Danny Boy. "But come ye back, when summer's in the meadow."

Mal and Alex's one pose
I made this before the pilot aired even before the prescreening. Long before I exactly how similar those two characters would be.
Anyway, this is to Nathan's one pose.

Things to come
I saw this A Knight's Tale screen cap and it just, reminded me of something.

Once More With Feeling
I still can't find the gag reel from the Serenity dvd. Some nice folks have hooked me up with the region 4 stuff and the Firefly gag reel. But I just can't find the Serenity gag reel, if anyone has it can they send it my way. If anyone can, could they post it on and send me the url. Thanks peoples!

Any fans of Futurama should go check out my dorky vid.

Forest Zoe
Just threw this together, hope you guys like it.

Well, we all know how that went.
I was at the hotel Thursday morning for a staff meeting. About an hour or two after the meeting was 'pose to start, we got word around 12:00 am that yes the con was still on and all the guests were coming. But we had to wait 12 hours for one of the BE owners to drive to the hotel. I said "Screw it" and went to Disneyland. Rosie called my mom around 6:00 pm and said it was cancelled, figures.
I still had so much freaking fun, I'm just soo sorry for those who were in flight when it was cancelled. I hope everyone gets their money back, and I hope everyone who went still had fun.
Thank you CA Browncoats! And all the BDH's!
Btw, I don't envy Booster Events. I hope they get what's coming to them.

Flan! Come See Me, I'm Working In The Photo Room!!!
Pretty much what I said in the title. I'ma be wearing a white and a tie, (I'ma girl, so don't be lookin' for a guy! :p )
I'ma prolly be wearing my bowler and boots too!

Any fans of Madtv find this funny?
Anyone see Madtv when they had the fake Japanese band "Fluffy Jump Spoon" and they sang their song "Yum Yum Choco Stick"?
Did anyone see any similaritys?

Coming Undone
This is the header for my new fan vid. It's set to Korn's Coming Undone, and centers around River. You can check it out here:

You can check out all my vids here: