second pic
Saturday, June 24, 2006




Saturday, June 24, 2006 10:54 AM


Give the horse a line.


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Firefly cargo transport vessel- war era
Firefly cargo transport - war era! Artwork noted as by Cerebus. Love to get my hands on 40x40 inch poster of this. Anyone know if there is a poster available? It’s lower-right corner titled “ Desert Camp” seems to refer to a secret Browncoat base or rendezvous point out somewhere on a border or rim world. Love the heavy guns mounted or the vessel. Just gorram beautiful.

“Right smart purchase, this vessel! Treat her right, she’ll be with ya for the rest of your life!” ZBP

Hands Of Blue Chess
Never play Chess with "Hands of Blue guys"

Happy Halloween Browncoats!!


Merry Holidays 2 you
Sorry I'm a little late. New Holiday card sent out this year. Hope everyone had a great SERENITY Christmas and a fantastic FIREFLY new year.

from the Z family

6- diagonal =an encompassing political or societal entity formed by uniting smaller or more localized entities.

7- diagonal= small word starting with O and ending in F.

8- diagonal= tool used for hacking away undesirable or unusable parts. Sometime with devastating consequences!

Yet “King of the Hill” has become another victim of the chopping block at our favorite network. Now I didn’t watch the show regularly but I did like what I’d seen. No matter, it looks to be gone and it was lucky enough to get several seasons unlike our BDS. Sad for the KotHill folk. Maybe they can launch a “ The Hills Have Eyes” movement to get it back. I donno, I’m just a simple browncoat wanting my piece of the chocolate cake.

Maybe nice rich chocolate cake is what we should be sending to the tv execs at f*>< , all cover in brown coated goodliness to get out show back. Whatcha think?


COBB for the JOB
With all the political talk going on right now I’ve decide to come up with a write in candidate!
Now for your voting pleasure…..

I hope the pic says it for me. Watched Dr. Horrible this morning, it's good to start off feeling pepped up. Wish I could start them all that way.


Light it!
The “Safe” episode was one that grew on me over time. Now that I’ve seen this segment of Firefly gems several times it has become one of my favorites. Dr. Simon after being kidnapped by the hill folk only sought to help them. In payment his sister is nearly put to the stake. “Light it!” is just a little contribution for the emotions brought up at that moment. Course the most memorable line came soon after. “Big Damn Heroes sir!!” goes down in browncoat history as one of the best Zoey lines EVER.
Peace out,Z

Now that's my kinda Uncle!
Recruiting poster idea

Things to do before that first morning cup of coffee!!
Well my browncoat friends in the old days during the was it woulda been easy to take care of the Alliance. But our Commander and Chief had to good a heart for that. Anyway digging throught the scrap pile of war photos I came across this and decided to post it up. Just think a finger press away and things coulda been way different.....ha...ha (<evil laugh)

Shoulder patch insignia idea
Working on a new Firefly shoulder patch insignia. The Chinese reads (Jungle-Scorpion-Commando-Fighter). I’ve got a couple other art ideas too. Soon as flesh them out I’ll put ‘em up I hope.