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Jayne plans a Valentines Surprise for Kaylee. Lotsa Jaylee goodness. Lotsa angst. Enjoy!
Title: Wu Hui Series Title: My Valentine Author: Humbug Rating: PG Fandom: Firefly Pairing: Jayne/Kaylee Word Count: 2059 Summary: Kaylee and Jayne's relationship Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I'm just borrowing his characters for fun!! Warning: Jaylee sexiness! Is it getting hot in here?!
Authors note: Thanks to bookaddict for betaing.
Read the previous chapters posted at my Live Journal.
I just watched ‘Something New’ today, and this sexy film gave me some wicked ideas.
Jayne plans a surprise for Kaylee on Valentines. Other characters pop in and out. I’ve got the fanfic writing bug. Enjoy!!
wu hui = Ball / dance
hun-dan = bastard
Xin-gan = Darling
Bao-bei = darling
ai ren = spouse / lover / sweetheart
jie hun = get married
ding hun = get engaged / betrothed
qiu hun = propose marriage
wo de ma = mother of god
neng ge shan wu = good at dancing
Run-tse duh fwo-tzu = Merciful Buddha
Hun-dan = bastard
Hua li = gorgeous
Wu Hui
“What are ya hiding, Jayne?”
“Look behind the screen…”
Kaylee looked and gasped as she held up the beautiful gold dress and saw the matching slippers and tuxedo lying nearby.
“For me?” she asked.
“Well, I would look pretty silly if I tried ta wear it, wouldn’t I?”
Kaylee batted her man on the arm playfully.
“Don’t be such a baby…”
“Come ‘ere and say it,” he growled.
“Poor baby,” she teased rubbing his arm and he kissed her tenderly.
“Where are we gonna wear these fancy clothes then?”
“Valentine’s Wu Hui.”
“With dancin’?”
Jane nodded.
“You neng ge shan wu?”
“Ma Mama taught me…”
“Well, Jayne Cobb, ya a man with hidden talents.”
“Gonna take ya a lifetime ta find ‘em all out.”
“Why, is that a proposal?”
“Not yet.” Jayne looked straight into her eyes, and she knew he wasn’t kidding.
“Jayne……” she gasped.
“Kaylee……” he growled, a smile playing around his lips.
There was a knock on the door, and Jayne answered it to find Inara standing there. “Looks like ya dresser’s here.”
“’Nara!” they embraced. “I hear we have ya ta ya thank for all this…..” “It was all Jayne’s ideas. I just helped make them happen. Let’s get you all dressed up and ready to accompany your man to the ball.”
Jayne came out from behind the screen carrying his tuxedo. “I’ll leave ya ladies to it. I’m getting’ changed in another room.”
“Oh, Jayne….”
Jayne leaned over to kiss Kaylee. She smiled.
“I’ll be back soon, ta take my lady ta the Wu Hui.”
“Let’s get you ready,” Inara encouraged Kaylee.
Inara turned smiling at Kaylee’s gasp when she saw Jayne in his tuxedo, all dressed up and ready to go out.
Run-tse duh fwo tzu! he looked swai. They really were going to be the most gorgeous couple at the ball. She felt another twang of regret that Jayne could be treating her like this……
Jayne grinned as he came over to where Inara was fixing Kaylee’s hair.
“Wo de ma ya, look gorgeous!” Jayne was amazed at how good Kaylee looked. Like real lady, but he knew she was all woman underneath… He grinned at the thought.
“Thank ya, Jayne.” Kaylee replied.
“I’m gonna be the luckiest man in the room, with you on my arm.”
She got up and walked around the room, the slinky dress hugging every curve.
Jayne wolf-whistled, “Every man is gonna wish he had you on his arm, but I’ll be the lucky hun-dan who gets to go home with ya after.”
Kaylee threw her arms around his neck, and he passionately kissed her, pulling her soft body to his, remembering how they sexed up earlier.
“Jayne, put her down! I’ve got to finish fixing her hair, and re-do her make up. You’ve messed it up.”
“Sorry, ma’am,” he grinned.
“We’ll be ready soon.”
Jayne sat down and felt the box in his jacket pocket. He went over how he was going to qiu hun to Kaylee.
Kaylee let the doorman take her cape, satisfied with Jayne’s gasp as he saw her in that gold dress, clinging to her curves in all the right places, shimmering in the romantic lighting at the ball. She glowed more than any other woman in the room, Jayne noticed, and she glowed because she was in love with him.
He smiled and whispered to her, “I’m the lucky hun-dan who gets ta go home with the most hua li woman at the ball.”
Kaylee kissed him on the lips. “Thank you, xin-gan,” she whispered back.
Putting his hand in the small of her back, Jayne watched every man eye her enviously. He grinned, knowing every man in the room wished he could swap place with him now. He, Jayne Cobb, was the talk of the ball, entering with this fabulous woman on his arm. He grinned too as he thought of his proposal, and how they would leave an engaged couple, if she accepted him. Well, what she had done in his arms last night and earlier today, let him to believe that her answer would be yes.
He guided her onto the dance floor, as the band played a waltz. His Mama always said his best dance was the waltz.
Kaylee smiled as Jayne led her round the floor in a waltz. He led her perfectly, spinning her round and round. She gasped and laughed when they stopped, holding tight onto his arm to stop herself from falling. “Thank you, bao-bei.” she whispered.
“Ya welcome, ai ren.”
Kaylee blushed at his pretty compliment. He had called her his soul mate. “Ya a wonderful dancer. Did ya get any tips from ‘Nara?”
“I’ll have ya know my Mama taught me every dance I know. ‘Nara just helped me brush up on them.”
“I must remember ta thank her when we get home ta Serenity.”
He leaned in to whisper in her ear, “Ya want a drink?”
“Yes please,” she kissed him, allowing her lips to part and her tongue to taste his. “What ya been drinkin’?”
“Tastes good. I’ll have some of that!”
“How ‘bout somethin’ lady like, like wine.”
“Whiskey please, Jayne.”
“Your wish is my command, xin-gan.”
“What happened to ai ren?”
He smiled that she had recognised his compliment. “Ai ren!” he whispered.
They danced and flirted all night and it was leading up to the last dance, when Jayne gently guided her outside, his hand in the small of her back. He breathed deep to calm his nerves.
“Where are we going, Jayne?”
“Somewhere a little more private. Have a question I gotta ask ya.”
“Ask away.” She gasped as he got down on one knee and presented her with a small leather-bound box.
“Kaywinnet Lee Frye, will ya do me that great honour of acceptin’ ma hand in marriage?”
Kaylee opened the box, tears streaming down her face as she saw her birthstone in a beautiful ring. “How did ya know emeralds are ma birth stone?”
“I’m a man of many talents…. Ya gonna answer ma question?”
“Yes,” she cried, “yes, yes, yes, yes! Yes I will jie hun to you, Jayne Cobb.”
Laughing Jayne lifted her up and swung her round in his arms, kissing her with a passion she had never felt in him before. He had found his true partner, his ai ren, his soul mate, and she had just agreed to marry him. He felt like the luckiest man in the ‘verse.
“Come on, let’s dance. It’s the last waltz, and my Mama always says it’s ma best dance…”
“I think ya Mama’s right. Ya spin me round so much I hafta grab on to ya so I don’t fall down.”
“I won’t let ya fall.”
“I won’t ever waltz with anyone else.”
Jayne bent down and kissed her, his fiancée.
Mal tapped his feet impatiently. Every one had come back to the boat, except Kaylee and Jayne. He looked at his watch nervously as they waited for the lovers to return.
“We gotta go, with a boat load of illegal goods, the Alliance could pick us up on at any moment.”
He sighed with relief as he saw Jayne and Kaylee running into view and Kaylee was smiling now. Wait she was glowing. Something was different. “I love my captain!” Kaylee glowed.
Jayne scowled at her complimenting another man.
“Ya had a good time, lil Kaylee?”
“The best, Cap’n. Jayne had it all planned out…. So many gifts and surprises…”
“Ya can tell us all about it later. Right now we need ta get Serenity flyin’.” He pressed the comm button. “Get us in the air Wash. They’re back safe.”
“Aye Aye, Captain.”
“Quit jokin’ around, Wash. Get us flyin’.”
To be continued
Tuesday, June 27, 2006 11:18 AM
Tuesday, June 27, 2006 11:22 AM
Wednesday, June 28, 2006 6:27 AM
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