It Ain't the Fall that Kills Ya: Chapter Five
Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Enter Caper. In medias res unless you read the previous chapters.


Chapter Five: - - The characters and their world belong to Mr. Whedon and company; the mistakes and the follies are solely mine.

*Previously: Prologue and Chapter One ,Two, Three, Four.

::Serenity Cargo Bay:: - Book’s ad hoc tree transport looks pretty effective to Wash’s critical eye. At least, looks like it will hold enough dirt and root to maybe keep the thing alive ‘til delivery, and it snaps onto the side of the mule with ease. Of course, Wash can’t remember the last time he had to take care of something green. Least of all a two-year-old apple tree with antique genes from ancient Earth. - “In all the tales of Earth-that-was, stealing an apple never went smooth.” Everyone looks at River. She’s swinging her legs over one the edge of a low-level walkway, still skimming the cortex for info on nightingales. “That is an interesting point, River.” Book responds, thinking himself of old parables. “What about birds?” Wash says. “Is stealing birds OK?” “Cursed will be those that harm things of pure beauty. Darkness follow your steps, and ill-luck dog your heels.” “A curse. Great. ‘Cuz this life of good luck and ease was getting so dull.” - - ::Serenity Galley:: - Mal figures it will take fifteen minutes to walk through the final plan, before sending everyone off to sleep for an hour or some, then heading out. His accounting is off. By the time he’s gotten it through to Jayne that this weren’t in any fashion a tiger hunt, (“Because Jayne, client said not to. The client that’s still holding some 800 platinum for us. Platinum I plan on getting paid...) ten minutes tick away. Simon’s convoluted stuttering does nothing to help Mal’s timetable: “Push here, this button, and it should break the vial open, mix the liquids and produce a spray cloud of anesthetizing gas. Given what the cortex—“ “And River,” she adds. “And River tell me about the bird’s typical weight, metabolism, I think it should work. But I can’t be sure—” “Well there ain’t time to recalibrate nothing, doctor, so we’ll have to trust your chemicals there.” “That’s not all, Captain.” “More?” “It’s a minor dose, in theory, but to create the cloud that can form a wide enough space to get a bird that might be high up—“ “Is the definition of brief something you’re needin’—” “It might knock you out too. Or not out, but definitely make you woozy. Whoever uses it. Or is around it. When it goes off.” “Great,” Mal says, looking up at the ceiling. Jayne treating the job like a Core-world Safari; Simon like to put them all to sleep. “Guess you’ll be coming with us then, doc. Reckon we’ll need your hands one way or other.” He ignores Simon’s attempts at rational insubordination. “Kaylee, tell me we got a way in and out at least.” “Sure, Captain. Way in’s no problem. Got the codes, after all, and if they don’t work, then this should override the gate sequence; take out any gun screens.” “But—“ Wash adds. “But, Wash?” He says, not surprised. Kaylee, picks up the explanation. “We know we can get you in, Cap’n. It’s gettin’ ya out that’s a little.... fuzzy.” “Gettin’ out?” “There might be sensors around that shut down the whole thing.” Wash offers dryly. “Seems this gongzi doesn’t mind people breaking in, so long as they ain’t breaking out. What with the tigers and armed guards around to keep company.” Everyone stares at the table, the floor, or each other. Anywhere that ain’t Mal. “Sir?” Zoe asks. “Mal, I can—” “Inara, no.” “Mal, did you hear your crew? You’re going to need—“ “Zoe, she says one more word, and you tie her to that chair.” Jayne looks like he’s going to say something, but River flicks two fingers against his arm in a surprisingly sharp sting. “Gorramit!” “What?” “Nothin’.” “Fine. Alright people. Let’s go over this one more time. Without the unnecessary chatter, dong ma?” Inara looks up like she’s still got a mind to speak, and Mal drops a coil of rope on the table. Kaylee starts talking perimeter codes and access points, fast.

- - Inara and River are to stay with Serenity; they can keep the comm. lines connected in case of problems. “You’re saying the only thing I’m fit for on this tree-napping caper is watching the ship?” “I’m sayin, ‘Nara, your job is to monitor the comms. during this...this...” “Impending disaster?” “Reckon communications would be a nice thing to have in the face of impending disaster, don’t you?” She turns on her heel and heads to the bridge trailing anger and ice. Marvelous how she can do both, he lets himself wonder for ten seconds.


Kaylee is the first to go; Wash taking Jayne and her out in the mule, to double-check the landing spot they picked for Shuttle 2 and let the girl begin hacking into Park’s network. Zoe preps the shuttle; Mal, Simon and Book load it with anything they think they might need. And hope not too, Mal thinks, checking ammunition. Simon’s is looking at the shovels with a bemused expression. Mal claps him on the back as he heads to the copilot seat to talk to Zoe. “Never seen a spade before, Doc?” “I’m just thinking,” “Habit that gets you in trouble some, don’t it?” “It’s just, we’re breaking into a powerful man’s private home, on a world renown for its criminal ingenuity, and we’re going to steal a tree with shovels.” “How else you gonna dig it up?” “I ... yeah. Me?” Mal has picked up the comm., though, by the time Simon catches that; he’s checking in with Wash. “How’s it look?” “All set, Mal.” He clicks over to Inara and gets her frustrated and slightly anxious check out as well. Feeling warmed at the thought of her worry and getting a kick out of her letting it show, he barely hears Zoe’s comment: “Ominous sky ahead, sir.” “Always is, Zoe,” and he nods to her to take off, figuring all pieces in place. In that, he makes his second such error. No one accounts for River.

- - Kaylee knows she can get the gate open. She’s just trying to figure out what the board of circuits and wires she found next to the defense control panel could be. But leaning in the dark, against the thorn-lined garden wall of the Park compound, becomes notably less thought-conducive as the skies open up and a rainstorm soaks her coveralls though in under a minute.

- - Inara sits in the pilot seat, curled up in a robe, watching it rain. She is about to call for River when the cortex comes alive with a wave. Inara is taken aback to see Byron Park staring into the screen, demanding her attention. “Park Gong, good evening.” “Miss Serra. I was hoping you’d reconsidered my offer.” “As much as I’d like to, I’m afraid I will not be able to accommodate—” “Oh Miss Serra, I am sorry to hear that. I had hoped to introduce you to a sister of yours.” His arm snakes out of frame and pulls a girl tight to him. She is blinking, as though coming out of sleep. She looks disheveled and confused and young. “I guess you hadn’t heard she was planetside, then? I thought you two would want to meet, have some tea together or something.” Inara doesn’t flinch. She keeps her voice low and even warm. “I don’t believe I recognize your friend. She appears slightly ill; is all well?” “Don’t underestimate me, Inara. This is not a game. And her well-being now depends on you.” He brings his other hand up, holding a knife to the girl’s cheek. He makes a swift downward slash that has the girl yelping and bleeding at once. “Is this serious enough?” “Park Gong, consider what you are doing. Harming a companion will bring the wrath—” “You want to bring your Guild into this, Miss Serra? By all means. Wave them and point out that a companion of your stature is blatantly picking favorites among the clans. Suggesting the Guild, too, might be moving to back one side over another. Is that what you want to do? I don’t think your masters take well to insubordination. Or political maneuvering of its junior members floating about the rim...” During his speech Inara notices three things. Mal might make light of her training, but he didn’t play cards with her either. First, the cut is light. Easily staunched with a handkerchief, easily erased with a laser and a half-decent weave. Second, his words sound rehearsed and yet still uncomfortable to his tongue. Third, the girl is groggy but not terrified or in agony. “True,” Inara answers smiling, “we neither of us wish to do anything rash. Of course, being familiar with Guild customs as you are, you must know how rare it is for two companions to jointly contract with a client. Such arrangements are not entirely unknown, but always require the approval of both companions. My ship’s departure has been postponed, however, and I was to attend a dinner party tonight at Mang Gong’s residence—” “If you think I am going—” “It would make an ideal place for all of us to discuss how to best settle this complication to all parties’ satisfaction. I have a feeling a short conversation is all that will be necessary.” Park’s eyes shift back and forth as he considers options. He’s quick to speak, however. “Fine. I will trust your sense of compassion, Miss Serra. Should you not be attendance tonight, your young sister here will learn for you how painful it is to cross the house of Park.” He signed off quickly. Inara leans back in her seat, suddenly taking quick, sharp breaths. She forces back sudden tears, feels her bones cracking along her whole body. Instead of throwing up or picking up the comm. she sets up the cortex to send a wave.


The rain is steady and the darkness complete by the time Zoe lands the shuttle. Walking out into the rain, Mal almost runs into Wash, shielding his head with his Hawaiian shirt stretched across his arms. It’s not working. “Rain’s a nice touch, sir. Sure to cover our tracks.” “Thank you, Wash, I thought you’d appreciate the subtle advantage. We ready?” Book and Simon, laden with tools, stare at the rain from the shuttle’s open hatch. “Kaylee’s waiting to open the door.” They start their trudging walk to the compound when Mal does a double take. “River?” Simon whips his head around. “River? Mei-mei, where did you...” “Bird in the hand betters two in a ship. I can help, Captain.” “River, no. You need to—” Mal cuts Simon off. “Keep walking, people, let’s get in that garden before some fine Lotus lawmen come arrest us for loitering. I’ll talk to your sister, Doc. You just worry about not dropping those tools and making a racket.”

- Inara paces in her shuttle for one self-indulgent minute. She could call Mal. Park would surely be in his compound, still getting ready. Playing dress-up, she thinks. It’s enough of an image to pull her back together. She could handle this boy. No reason to involve Mal. No need to put him in the way of more trouble. But the girl... Inara shuts down her worry. She could have this over and done before the crew got back; the girl saved, the crew safe. A companion eases burdens, not adds to them. She remembers too fully what happens when she brings her troubles home. -

“Look, River, much as I enjoy seein’ your brother all flustered and unbalanced-like I need him focused. And you are making him not. If I order you to stay with the shuttle....” “To guard effectively, weapons are—.” “Ai ya, not to guard it, River, I mean you to stay hidden. Guard yourself. Don’t want you messed up with—” “Unprotected eggs get eaten by the snake.” “Snakes, right. He got those in there, too? Well fine. Why do I doubt you’d stay put if I told to you, anyways? You keep silent and alongsides your brother, dong ma? And don’t breathe in that, whatever he’s got mixed up. ” “Stay awake. Help Simon. I can help, Cap’n.” “Just 'cuz you bested a bounty hunter don’t make you a thief, little one. Don’t be getting any crazy ideas. She waits. “More than usually crazy. You got a brother to watch.” “Shr ah, Cap’n,” sounding so all the ‘verse like Kaylee, Mal double-checks his comm., to her wide-eyed laugh. - If Simon is angry or surprised to find River walking with Mal, he doesn’t say anything. But his look of resignation suggests he saw it coming. Mal gestures for them all to get started, brushes a hand through Kaylee’s hair, and sends her back to the shuttle and relative safety, her job complete. Zoe and Jayne fan out, looking for guards and other fun surprises. Book and Wash lead the rest towards the smallish circled-grove in the back, where the tree was supposed to be. It keeps raining.

- Kaylee makes it back to the shuttle without a hitch. She’s looking around for a blanket to dry off with, when her comm. beeps. “Kaylee, are you there?” “'Nara, what’s wrong!” “I have to leave the ship, Kaylee. I have to go.” “Why? What’s going on? Are there—” “It’s Park.” “He knows?” “No. No. Not about... It’s my mistake. He’s, I turned down his offer and... he’s got a companion, I don’t know her, she’s so young, and he’s holding her, trying to get back at me.” “But going don’t sound like a good—“ “He hurt her, right in front of me. Cut her... hand,” she substitutes, not wanting to shake Kaylee up more than necessary. “Oh god. Nara,” “I’ve got a plan, Kaylee. But I need you to help me. You have to walk me through how to shut down Serenity. Okay, mei-mei?” “I, yeah, oh God. Why....why does every—“ “Kaylee, you listen to me. Focus. What’s the first thing I do to make sure Serenity’s safe to leave alone? I’m on the bridge.” “Oh the bridge.” “Yes. First thing.” “Ok, good, first thing on the bridge. Well, make sure all the hatches are closed and locked, but we did that before—” “How can I check—” “Keyboard on the pilot console, call up hatches, outer, locking...” Kaylee calms some, talking Inara through the routine. Inara’s hands stop shaking as well, given something to do. Walk with wisdom, dance with grace, talk through charms and see through powers, she thinks of a training school rhyme as her fingers hit the right switches, Kaylee’s voice clear in her ears. - The tree is right where they’d thought it would be. Well, yeah, Mal thinks, not like it’s gonna get up and walk away, though the crew’s relief indicates they hadn’t been so sure. A whispered conference sends Zoe and Jayne out as scouts, Simon and River following behind, bird-hunting. Book etches a line in the dirt around the tree, and he and Wash start digging. Mal peers into the dark, looking for trouble to start. They’re only a quarter through when a pop, followed by a shriek and flare of white light cuts through the rain. - Inara’s last words to Kaylee tell her not to involve Mal, that everything will be all right, that she has a plan. Kaylee has all the faith in the ‘verse in ‘Nara, but not so much in plans. She signs off with Inara in one breath and tries to connect to Mal in the next. She gets nothing. - Jayne staggers back to the open grove, supporting a limping Zoe. “Zoe? What—” “Flash bomb. She was looking right at it when it went off. Can’t see a damn thing. Or hear.” “Guards?” Wash, helping Simon get Zoe seated against a tree, looks up nervously at Mal’s question. “Took two down. Didn’t see any others. Figure any left are off scrambling for weapons.” “What?” Jayne gestures to the two laser pistols he took off the downed guards. “Flash bomb triggered a EMP blast too. Took down damn near everything with chips in the workings. All guards I saw were carrying them lasers. Ain’t worth much now, ‘les you got a good throwin’ arm.” Mal’s reaching for his comm. but Jayne’s right. It’s dead. “See, doc, old-fashioned plans always work best,” he says. Simon finally glances up from Zoe. He’s got a decent come-back on his lips, but instead, he asks, his heart sinking: “Where’s River?” - River looks into the eyes of the great cat, padding through the rain unhappily, but disturbed enough by the flash bomb to see what was happening in her territory. River doesn’t move, just takes in a few full breaths of wet leaves and flowers, rich soil and fresh rain. The tiger’s eyes glow, and for a moment the world is still. - Kaylee gives up on the comm. after four minutes of restless counting and calling. She can’t tell what’s wrong, but something must be if the Cap’t can’t talk to her. All the channels from Park’s place are quiet as well. She ain’t like to do nothing helpful sitting safe and dry on the shuttle. ‘Sides, the rain’s let up some, she tells herself. She ties her hair back, locks down the tiny craft, and heads back to the compound, trying to stay in the shadows and still look unsuspicious-like. - Mang waits for Inara outside, despite the rain. Several servants have banners stretched over his head and hers, keeping them relatively dry. Inara’s smiling at his welcome, talking of unnecessary chivalry. Mang bows. “Your help in this matter is much appreciated, Charles. Allowing me to invite myself to your dinner, then invite Bryon Park; I don’t know how—” “I am sorry to hear that our time together has created such an unpleasant circumstance. That I should help you put things to right is only natural. Please, say nothing more about it, unless it is to tell me how I might help you rescue this unfortunate nyen ching-duh without garnering unnecessary attention. But won’t you step in, the others will be arriving soon, and I would not want them to think Gong hospitality leaves guests-of-honor to stand in the rain.” - River is about to reach out her hand when Mal and Simon come crashing through a holly hedge, shaking water out of their hair and halting abruptly at the sight of a full grown Bengal tiger standing, mouth open, in front of River. Mal brings up his gun, but Simon actually reacts first, throwing what he has in hand—the vial of knockout solution he had worked up for the nightingale. He doesn’t hit the tiger, of course, but gets her attention. She turns from River and makes to leap at the men, when River takes a deep breath and brings her boot heel down sharply on the glass tube. The two liquids held within turn to gas as they mix. River is twisting back and away from the smell of it and the from the glare of the tiger, who moves to attack, takes several staggering steps towards Mal, turns in a circle, wobbles, and curls into a ball, asleep. Mal keeps his gun on the cat for a moment or two, talking to Simon while staring at the tiger. “Nice job there, Doc. Stuff was supposed to knock out a bird. Which, I believe, are a mite smaller than that...” Simon runs to River, grasping her by the shoulders, checking for injuries that aren’t there. “I’m a doctor, Captain. Not a vet, no matter how uncivilized some of my patients might appear to be. And I expected the gas to disperse through the air...” He notices River is staring up. Both he and Mal follow her gaze. “Two in the bush,” she whispers. - Wash and Book lift the tree gently up from the ground, careful to keep some of the soil wrapped around the ball of roots they left connected. Jayne keeps a twitchy guard, his guns and Zoe’s strapped to his back and waist. Zoe keeps blinking in the dark, trying to make out footsteps through the rain and the steady hum in her ears. What she hears is Book’s “My, my,” instead.

*~*~* Translations gongzi: gentleman/nobleman Gong: title of nobility mei-mei: little sister ai ya: damn dong ma: understand shr ah: affirmative nyen ching-duh: young one

EMP: electro-magnetic pulse - - - *If all keeps well with posting, 'haps you'll be leaving me one? Xie-xie. peace not pax--intopaper.


Tuesday, June 27, 2006 4:44 PM


Oooh, clever girl that River! *G* Lucky Simon had her help with the dosage! *G*

And Inara, I have much faith in her, but ... I sense that all will not go according to her plan...

And poor Zoe! Ah! I wonder how long that's going to take to wear off...

And what is Book sayin' 'my my' about?? And Kaylee, running back to the compound?! Ai ya!! this whole things goin' south, ain't it??

Nice build up of tension and action! So much happening all at once! eeee! Excititng!

Can't wait for the next part!

Tuesday, August 29, 2006 5:09 AM

BLUEEYEDBRIGADIER know when Book gets all "My my" that things have suddenly gone pear-shaped drastically but fatally:(

Still...loving this series mucho grande, intopaper:D



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Thick. Chapter I: Makings of a Long Walk.
Simon gets told an old story, while Mal and crew take a stroll through the country. It sounds so lovely, so why is Zoe worried?

Thick. Chapter H: Shifting Ground.
Mal makes a plan; Inara calls him on it. Simon is in a good mood, until reality kicks in. River tries showing instead of telling. And Jayne tries to talk his way out of a situation. Jayne: Hero of all Dirtworlds? Is it too good to be true?

Thick. Chapter G. Bad Connections.
The crew’s got complications, not the least in communicating. And they’re not the only ones. For, while Simon has an unstrange, unstrained conversation, in this 'verse, when something goes well... somewhere else goes all to... pieces. Zoe and Wash non-talk; Inara remembers. Mal captains.

Thick. Chapter F. Truth
The devil's in the details, so to speak. Kaylee catches the truth in a book, and it up and grabs Zoe with two feverish hands. Mal's brooding and River's rambling are no less truthsome for being unclear.

Thick. Chapter E. now known as the one ‘with the stories’
Ledah makes her pitch, as if we don’t know how it will go, Mal ::cough, cough, sap:: Simon makes a distinction. River tells Simon what’s on someone’s mind, but not hers. Renamed for reasons below.

Thick. Chapter D. What Comes of Talking to Girl-Folk
Kaylee turns thief even as another of her mistakes catches up with her. River corrects Elias’s mistake, and Mal just makes one. Inara wants to throw something. Coincidence? In this 'verse?

Thick. Chapter C. Things Out of Place.
Starring Simon and Kaylee. Featuring River, Mal, and Introducing Dr. Elias. Elias’s warm welcome leaves River cold. Simon deals with a questionable loan. Kaylee deals with a questionable object. The rest of the crew sulks off-page. Don’t worry, guys. You’re leaving Simon in the dust soon enough. Wait, can I say that?

Thick. Chapter B. In Which the Crew Chatters.
Wash jokes; Mal sulks; Kaylee’s friendly; Book’s concerned.

Thick. Chapter A. Plans
A story set after “It Ain’t the Fall that Kills Ya” but not dependent on it. Pertinent details: Post-OiS, Pre-BDM (not headed there, neither, therefore AU, I guess). Inara is at a training house, but Book is aboard Serenity. While I might not write as such, I believe in S/K, M/I and Jayne. To steal an old song: Tell me where is fancy bred? Or in the heart or in the head?

River Plays a Hand
Fluff and nonsense, and River and Inara play cards against the crew. It's not who will win, but how'll they pay. One-shot, M/I because... because.