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Jayne and Kaylee return after their Valentines weekend. Lotsa Jaylee goodness. Lotsa angst. Enjoy!
Title: Jie Hun Series Title: My Valentine Author: Humbug Rating: NC-17 Fandom: Firefly Pairing: Jayne/Kaylee Word Count: 2549 Summary: Kaylee and Jayne's relationship Disclaimer: Joss is Boss. I'm just borrowing his characters for fun!! Warning: Jaylee sexiness! Is it getting hot in here?!
Authors note: Thanks to bookaddict for betaing.
Read the previous chapters posted at my username.
I just watched ‘Something New’ today, and this sexy film gave me some wicked ideas.
Jayne and Kaylee return to Serenity after Kaylee's Valentines surprise . Other characters pop in and out. I’ve got the fanfic writing bug. Enjoy!!
Yun fu = pregnant woman
Hun-dan = bastard
Bao-bei = darling
Ai ren = spouse / lover / sweetheart
Xin-gan = Darling
ding hun = engaged / betrothed
xi-xin = attentive
jie hun = get married
Gong xi = congratulations
xie xie = thanks
wu jia zhi bao = priceless treasure
tian tang = paradise/ heaven
mei li = beautiful
hue li = gorgeous
xi shi = wedding/ happy occasion
ni hao = hello, how are you?
Jie hun
Jayne and the Shepherd were warming up in the cargo bay. As they did their exercises Book asked, “Do you want me to spot you first?”
“Sure. Fifty with the barbell, then sit ups, push ups and some pull ups.”
“The weights look a little low.”
“I changed ‘em fa Kaylee.” Jayne blushed as he began to change them back.
“So, how are things between you and Kaylee?”
“I bin wantin’ ta talk ta ya about that. Ya know we wanna jie hun?”
“Whole boat knows,” said Book with a smile. “Well, we was wonderin’ if ya’d marry us.”
“I’d be honoured, son. But, right here on Serenity?”
“We both want our families ta be there. So, we was thinkin’ that maybe we could land on a planet not too far from both. Then our families could join us, or maybe Mal would let us pick ‘em up.”
“I think we need to talk this through with the Captain. Maybe you and Kaylee could..?”
“I’m not good with words, preacher. Could ya..?”
“I think it’s real important that you both be there, but I could come to be another voice speaking for you.”
“Xie xie, Shepherd.” Jayne looked like a burden has physically been lifted from his shoulders.
“And I think that Kaylee has a way of making the Captain do a lot of things he normally wouldn’t.”
“Yeah. She’s te zhi, alright.” Jayne wore a goofy expression on his face.
“You’re a lucky man, Jayne Cobb. You take good care of her, you hear? I heard she’s sick, so you need to help the doctor nurse her back to health.”
Jayne looked embarrassed. “Son, have you got something to tell me?”
“It’s Kaylee. We haven’t told the Captain yet. She’s yun fu.”
“Oh, well that explains a lot. The sickness, mood swings…… Gong xi, Jayne.”
“Thanks, preacher. Ya ready ta spot me?”
Jayne, Kaylee and Book stood outside Mal’s bunk.
Jayne knocked. “Mal, can we talk ta ya?”
“Come in,” Mal broke the following silence. “What do ya want ta talk ta me about?” Mal asked.
“Cap’n,” Kaylee started, “We want Shepherd Book ta marry us.”
“Here on Serenity?”
“No, Mal,” said Jayne, “We’d like ta jie hun on a planet near where my family and Kaylee’s family live.”
“Lotsa choices. Ya need ta pick a nice place to jie hun and have your mie yu.”
Jayne grinned and Kaylee blushed at the thought.
Book added, “I’ll take the hun li and can organise a place for it on whatever planet you pick. I have shepherding contacts on most planets on the rim.”
“Thanks, Book.” said Kaylee, “We can wave our families to make plans.”
“Ya got plenty of time ta decide. It’s not like you’re pregnant, Kaylee.” Mal joked.
Jayne and Kaylee looked sheepish. “Or have ya got somethin’ else ta tell me?”
“Cap’n,” Kaylee started, “We’re havin’ a baby!”
“Huh! Jayne, you and I are gonna have to have a talk about this.”
“Mal, I’m jie hun to her. How can ya be mad at me?”
“Well, ya’ve put ma mechanic out of action.”
“Not for a few months. Kaylee can teach me what to do when she is about ta have our baby.”
“So you’ve got this all planned,” Captain stood up, an angry look on his face.
“Cap’n, ya can’t throw Jayne offa Serenity,” Kaylee stood up for him, “I’ll leave too.”
“I ain’t gonna throw anyone off. What kinda cold hearted hun dan d’ya think I am, throwin’ off a yun fu and her man.”
Jayne and Kaylee sighed with relief and embraced.
“It’s just, why I am I always the last ta know exactly what’s goin’ on, on ma boat?”
Kaylee pressed the button to send a wave to her parents. She smiled as she saw her Mama’s picture appear on the screen. “Mama!”
“Kaylee. How are ya, girl?” Stella Frye grinned.
“I’m fine, Mama. So is Jayne.” Jayne was standing behind Kaylee, and lent past her to greet Kaylee’s Mama.
“Ni hao, Mizz Frye.”
“Hope ya lookin’ after ma girl, young man?”
“Ain’t gonna let nothin’ happen to her, Ma’am.”
“He’s real polite, Kaylee. Think ya made a good choice there.”
Kaylee smiled and Jayne blushed.
“That other young man, Simon, always made me feel stupid, like we was never good enough for him.”
“Stella!” a man’s voice called out of view. “Who’s that sendin’ us a wave?”
“Get over here. It’s our girl, and her young man.”
“Not that fancy one, always makes us feel like we’re not good enough?”
“No, the other one, one who looks like he could stand up fa her in a fight. Come sit down here and talk to ‘em. He’s real polite.”
“Hey there, Daddy.”
“How’s my little girl?”
“Real Shiny, Daddy.”
“How’s your young man?”
“Ni hao, Mr Frye.”
“Just fine. Now what’s your name?”
“Jayne Cobb.”
“I remember, Kaylee’s told us all about ya. She’s real fond of you. Hope ya treatin’ her right?”
“That’s somethin’ I wanted ta talk ta ya about. “
“Stella, come here. Go ahead Jayne.”
Jayne looked down into Kaylee’s warm, brown eyes and she squeezed his hand. He cleared his throat, “Sir, Ma’am, I’d like ta ask ya permission ta jie hun ta ya daughter.”
“D’ya hear that Harry? A real polite young man. Askin’ our permission ta marry lil Kaylee.”
“Jayne, can ya look after our girl?”
“Yessir. I’d protect her with my life.”
“Good answer. Do ya make enough money ta support ya both?”
“Yes sir. I look after her real well.”
“Where’s ya family come from?”
“We got a little farm on a planet called Kerry.”
“That’s where Uncle John has his ranch.”
Jayne looked at Kaylee. “Ya uncle is John Frye?” She nodded. Jayne raised his eyebrows. He hadn’t realised that her Uncle was one of the richest men on his home planet.
“Well, young man,” Harry Frye said, “we liked the answers to all ya questions, so yes ya can marry lil Kaylee.”
“Thank you, Sir.” Jayne threw his arms around Kaylee and kissed her.
“Daddy, we want ya and Mama and ma brothers and sisters and cousins ta come ta our xi shi.”
“You just try and keep us way.” Stella said.
“Does that mean ya won’t be comin’ home ta jie hun?”
“Daddy, we want ta jie hun somewhere where you all and Jayne’s family can get to.”
“How about Lilac? It’s real beautiful and ya Uncle Sean and Aunt Maude live there, so we’d all have somewhere ta stay on their ranch.”
“We’ll talk ta that Cap’n about it and let ya know our plans.”
“Ya take care, sweetheart.”
“You too, Mama.”
“I’m trustin’ ya ta look after her, Jayne.”
“I will, Mr Frye. We’ll let ya know our plans. See ya at our xi shi.”
Jayne rubbed his hand across his face. “How d’ya think it went?”
Kaylee sighed. “They like ya.” She held him close.
Jayne bent to kiss her softly on the lips. “Guess we’re jie hun on Lilac.”
“Hey, Ma.”
“Hey there, Jayne. How are ya boy?”
“Real good.”
“And how’s that girl of yours?”
“I’m Shiny, Mrs Cobb.”
“Kaylee, now I told ya ta call me Marie.”
“Marie. How are ya?”
“Just fine, Kaylee. Now what’s this call about?”
“Ma, I’ve asked Kaylee ta jie hun me, and she said yes. We’re ding hun.”
“Oh, Jayne. Gong xi. You too, Kaylee.”
“Thanks Ma.”
“Xie xie, Mrs Co…… Marie,” Kaylee corrected herself with a smile.
“Where a ya jie hun? Ain’t no way ya keeping’ me and Mattie away. Ya other brothers and sisters too.”
“Kaylee has some family on Lilac.”
“Son, we can’t afford to get there. The crops been bad this year, and Mattie’s been ill.”
“Ma, ya should have told me. I’d have got home ta help.”
“You’ve got Kaylee ta look after now.”
“Ya still my Ma.”
“Son, it’s true, but Kaylee should come first now.”
“We’ll ask Mal ta pick ya up on Serenity on our way ta Lilac.”
“Marie, we’ll let ya know the date nearer the time.”
“I’ll make somethin’ for ya wedding breakfast.”
“Thanks, Ma.”
“I’d better go, Mattie needs his medicine.”
“Talk ta ya soon, Ma.”
“Take care, Marie.”
“You look after her, boy. She’s a wu jia zhi bao.”
Kaylee blushed. Jayne drew her close and kissed her on her brow. This xi shi was really going to happen.
“Mal, we’ve decided ta jie hun on Lilac. Kaylee has family there, and we can all stay on her Aunt & Uncle’s ranch.”
“Good choice. It’s a lovely planet. Plenty of nice places ta get married in.”
“Only thing is, my Ma and Mattie can’t afford ta get there. Can we pick ‘em up on the way?”
“Don’t see why not. If it’s not too out of our way.”
“Xie xie, Mal.”
The next few days were a bustle of making preparations. There were guests to be invited and decorations to be made, relatives to be informed and buildings to be booked, dresses to be created and food to be prepared.
Inara helped Kaylee get the dresses made at one of the best dressmakers in the core. She also had bouquets prepared for the bridal party and for the decorations in the church.
Zoe and River talked with Jayne and Kaylee’s parents about what food each should prepare and bring. They prepared and organised the rest, roping Wash and Book and Jayne in to help.
Mal and Jayne contacted Kaylee’s aunt and uncle on Lilac were prepared for the size of the wedding party. Jayne spoke with them about allowing Kaylee and him some privacy on their mie yue.
A few days before, Serenity stopped to collect Jayne’s family, and they landed on Lilac to prepare for the hun shi.
“Jayne Cobb, ya get over here.”
“Yes, Ma.”
Wash couldn’t help smiling at the sight of Jayne being bossed around by his Mama.
“Ya lookin’ fer trouble, lil man?”
Wash backed away. “No, Jayne. Everything’s Shiny.”
Kaylee was in tian tang, seeing her family again and having everyone run around after her. No one would let her pick up or do a single thing.
After one day, Kaylee was starting to get frustrated. “Jayne, will ya tell my Mama that I can do somethin’ myself.”
“Ain’t my place ta get between a woman and her Mama.”
Kaylee gave him a swift slap.
“Kaylee girl, that ain’t no way ta treat ya future husband.”
“I’m goin’ feng le, not being allowed ta do anythin’.”
Jayne went over to where both their Mama’s were busy preparing food. He spoke to them both, they nodded and smiled at Jayne and over at Kaylee.
“We’re goin’ on a lil expedition.”
“How d’ya get them ta say yes?”
“It’s ma manly charms. No woman can resist them, not even Mamas.”
“What did ya say?”
“Told ‘em I was takin’ ma woman out for some rest and relaxation. Ax ‘em if there was a swimmin’ hole nearby. Told ‘em ya wouldn’t be so crochety if just you an’ me went and spent some time alone.”
Jayne grasped her by the waist and lifted her up on a chestnut mare, seatin’ himself behind her. Kaylee leaned back into his arms and fell asleep as they rode.
At the swimming hole Jayne slipped off the horse and whispered in her ear, “Time ta wake up, bao-bei.”
He laid a blanket under a tree and lifted her out of the saddle. “Ya want ta go swimmin’?”
She shook her head. “Wanna sleep?”
She nodded her head, he lay down beside her and they fell asleep in each others arms.
When Kaylee woke up, Jayne was in the water cooling off. “Ya comin’ in?” he called out.
She shook her head.
He came out of the water and dripped over her. “Jayne!” she shrieked, “stop that.”
“Ya shy? Cause I think yun fu are the most beautiful….” Kaylee stopped him with a kiss.
Jayne began to undress her, covering each newly exposed piece of skin with kisses. Dressed in her underwear, with an adorable bump beginning to show, he kissed her stomach, said hello to the baby, and picked her up in his arms to take her to the pond.
“Put me down Jayne.”
“Ya safe,” he whispered, lowering her into the water, “I won’t let nothin’ happen to ya.”
She gasped at the cold water, but Jayne didin’t let her go. He arms stayed tight around her as he began to kiss her. Pressing his lips softly against hers, Jayne parted his lips running his tongue across hers. Moaning Kaylee opened her mouth and responded with her tongue.
“Kaylee girl, ya so mei li. I won’t have ma eyes on no one else at our xi shi.”
He moved his arms across her stomach and touched her swelling breasts.
“I know ya feel chuai, but that’s fei hua. Believe me when I tell ya I’ve never seen ya look so mei li. Ya hua li, ai ren. Ya glowin’. No other woman holds a candle ta ya right now. Ya all shiny and healthy, and ya carryin’ our baby. Makes me feel all kindsa protective of ya.”
“Oh, Jayne.” She wrapped her legs around his hips.
Jayne grinned, “Ya sure ya want to?”
“When ma man whispers all sorts a sweet nothin’s about me being hua li and glowing, and how ya won’t have eyes for no one else at our xi shi… ”
Jayne groaned as he started to suck on her neck and take off her bra. Ai ya, he loved her swelling breasts. And she was all kindsa sensitive since she got pregnant. She made all these sexy sounds whenever he kissed and touched her. Wo de ma, but he loved sexin’ his yun fu ai ren. She glowed even more than usual with their baby inside her.
Kaylee gasped every time his hands touched her breasts, his fingers working their magic, and when he bent to kiss them, ai ya. Finally he reached down to touch her sweet spot, sending waves of pleasure through her. Then he slid inside her, stilling as their bodies adjusted. He slowly thrust in and out, keeping his hand in between to send wave after wave of pleasure through her, as he groaned in pleasure with his climax.
“Ya ‘kay, Kaylee girl?”
She nodded and kissed him, giggling because he used the phrase to ask for a kiss. They held each other close as they caught their breath.
“Ya feel better now? More relaxed?”
She nodded and grinned. “That’s the kinda relaxation I could take mornin’, noon and night,” she joked.
“Well, no more snapping at ya Mama and Daddy. Or I might hafta bring ya here again.”
“We could always just go to our room.”
“And ya really think they won’t all be able ta hear us? That’s why I chose somewhere far away. It’s private and we can make as much noise as we like.” He winked.
“Jayne, what did I do ta deserve such a xi-xin ai ren?”
“Ya won ma heart. I ain’t never loved a woman like I love ya, Kaylee. Ya ma ai ren, too.”
And they kissed each other passionately.
To be continued
Monday, July 3, 2006 7:31 PM
Tuesday, July 4, 2006 3:50 AM
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