The Hitchhiker's Guide to the 'Verse: Part 3
Sunday, August 27, 2006

In which, we find out what happens when a dapper mechanic and a semi-suicidal A.I. have a bit of a... problem. And when people from other shows show up. And what the word 'womble' means. Yes, thats a word. Screw dictionaries


ON TO THE LAUGHS!!!!! *** Kaylee wombled about under the main console in the Heart of Gold. The reason she wombled on this particular day, while surrounded by the rather delicious smell of a cooked space goose, was simple. In fact, almost as simple as why herds random letters would gorgniegh, or why mattresses named Zeb would froogle about. Kaylee wombled, because she was poking about inside the guts of the ships engines, while also lazing about, while trying to look like she knew what the Hell she was doing when she honestly had no clue at all. And, she decided to create a word for it. She had already used Remalphaxy, which meant that she was dreaming about Simon while working under Serenity's engine and fixing a power converter. Darquabn was taken, as it meant tuning out Mal when he was yelling at folk for being idiots, which was rather hypocrital of him, as he was a rather large idiot himself, but she never tell him that. She had also gone through Garglesnuff, Higlypiop, and frohgiutiuion. She didn't know why she labled things like that, she just did. So, she decided to use the word 'womble'. As it was, Kaylee was rather good at wombling, even though she had never did it before this very day. Of course, the major problem with wombling is that one is rather likely to touch something that one is usualy not wont to touch, as something very bad is likely to happen. Of course, Kaylee was sinultaneously wombling and groozling (to groozle, one has to drown out the voice of Marvin by humming tunelessly to oneself), which almost doubled the risk of doing something moronic. In fact, that is exactly what happened. She touched something she was wont to not have, if she had known what would happen. There was a flash, and she and the console were surrounded by a six foot wide bubble of infinite improbablity. Of course, Arthur and Simon were completely surprised when she disapeared. They had both been demi-groozling, which was drowning out the droning Marvin with tuneless humming and trying not to get noticed as they stared at Kaylee's delectible rear end. Of course, they both did it differently. Simon masked the staring the staring by glaring heatedly at Arthur, while Arthur drank his almost-but-not-quite-tea. They both stood up, trying to figure out what to do when their respective love-intrest has disapeared into a ball of infifnite improbability. This is called proogle-snelfing. Arthur knew from experience that one should not touch a ball of infifnite improbability. And Simon, while stupid, was not that stupid. So, they did nothing. Kaylee, meanwhile, in the ball of infifnite improbability (or the B.O.I.I., for short), meandered through it, seeing things both strange and wonderous. By wonderous, of course, I mean horrific and sickening. A short boy in a loud orange jumpsuit and with large, spikey blonde hair ran up to her, gesticulating wildly and shouting in a language that was familiar, yet she could not place it. "Dattebayo, onee-san." He shouted some more of something she didn't catch. "BAKA!!! BAKA, BAKA, BAKA!!!!!!" Then, the boy, realizing that he was in the wrong unizerse, ran off to the side and commited hari-kiri with a plastic spork (ten points if you can guess who it was!). Then, several mattresses gave her a lift to Xanth, then rememberesd that Piers Anthony was an entirely different author, and took her back to the B.O.I.I. Then, Kaylee saw a light. A very bright, white light. Off to her left, someone cried out, "DON'T GO TO THE LIGHT!!!!" "But its so... shiny..." Like a moth to a lantern, she went closer. The voice suddenly sounded familiar. "For the last time, DON'T GO TOWARD THE BLOODY LIGHT!!!!!!" "Marvin?" Then, as it would happen, she tripped over a handy foot, and fell into the light. *** Simon had just come up with an idea, but decided it was idiotic. Arthur was doing something slightly less stupid, which was calling for Ford. Then, Kaylee fell out of the B.O.I.I., and onto her bum. Both men ran toward her, showering her with such sweet nothings as "What the Hell happened?" and "Are you all right?" She shook them, stood up, stuck her hands in her pockets, and said, "Whats the bloody point?" Suddenly, a dapper, rather more chipper voice, said, "Oh, are ya alrigh'? I hope yer havin' a super shiny day an' all!!!!" Arthur sighed. "Oh, bugger... not again."


Sunday, August 27, 2006 11:02 AM


I just love reading these. Quirky and funny and I love the blend between the two series. Write more please!

Sunday, August 27, 2006 12:46 PM


Hehe, this is great! I love how you can really make it seem like Douglas Adams wrote it. I also liked the reference to Piers Anthony's great series!

Wednesday, August 30, 2006 4:54 AM


I love this series. So random and creative.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006 6:27 PM


Uh...can I get the ten points by identifying the orange gi-wearing figure as Naurto?


And this still rocks the big one, Alliethorn7! Definitely channelling Douglas Adams here;D


Wednesday, August 30, 2006 6:27 PM


Crap....meant Naruto:(



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