Lost on Persephone
Saturday, September 9, 2006

Simon Tam is a very fun drunk when he wants to be. Also I cant spell well.


Mal was in a very good mood. It had finaly happened. Kaylee had dumpted Simon. He had over heard then talking in the engon room and was delighted when he heard Kaylee said that it was over. Mal had never liked the popus doctor very much and he didn't think that Simon was rite for Kaylee. " He just never got her." Mall thought as he, Jayne and Zoe but the final creat onto the mule and set of for Serenity. When they arrived they had to wait for Inara to come back from her apointment with lady Karren the owner of the majority of the land on that planet. Wash came out of the ship. " Hey guys have you seen SImon today?" " I saw him leave but I don't know were his gone." said Zoe kissing Wash. Just then river appeared with Kaylee to help bring the crates on to the ship. " What are all these creates full of any ways they way about a ton." said Kaylee useing her one unbroken arm to lift a particularly heavy box with Zoes help. " Well the blue once are full of med suplies and the whtie ones are full of food. Were bringging them to Ghost." said Mal smilling. " What are you in such a good mood about? Kaylees not cooking for use again is she cus no affence but your not the worlds best cook Mal." said Wash looking hopefully at Kaylees broken arm. " Sorry Wash my arm still isn't better. that engine part broke it clean in two." said Kaylee with a grimace. River look at Mal for a second and laughed. " Whats so funny their little albotross?" " Its not whats funny know its what will be funny." Said River smilling. " And taht makes all the sence in the world" Groweled Jayne. He had never forgiven River for getting him into toruble with Mal after she had found one of his guns and almost used it. "So no one knows were the Doc is then?" asked Zoe. " NO Clue I don't think we have to worry about him until after Inara gets back." said Wash lifting a create off of the mule. but mabey book knows were he is?" " Come to think about it I haven't seen him ither." Mal swore " I guess were going to have to look for them then. ok Wash you and Kaylee go that way adn me and Zoe will go this way and who ever find Simon or Book come back to Serenity and don't leave. know the only problem is what to do with you little River." Said Mal looking pointedly at River. " She can come with use if she wats." Said Kaylee smilling at River " the more the marrier." "What about me Mal?" Asked Jayne . " YOu ( You lucky bumd) get to stay here and guard the ship." "And wont that be fun." said Jayne looking put doen. Five seconds later They were off Mal and ZOe had gone about a mile when they saw a tall man with black borwn hair walking out of a bar. " I that Simon. I mean I don;t think I've ever seen him really drunk but theirs always a first for everything." Said Zoe sounding interested. " I have I and I thin thats him." said Mal drving the mule alittle closser to the man. It was Simon but he was abviusly very very drunk. He could walk strait, hes usually tuked in shirt wa half in half out of his pants and his singing the national anthum. Zoe started to laugh as they stopped rite infront of him. "Is that you SImon." Asked Mal. Sion tryed to take a seing at Mal but was to drunk to ame and just fell on his ass. "You don't know me. none of you know me." Said Simon standing up and swaing slitly. " I'll take all five of you one by one or all at once." Zoe almost fell of the Mule she was laughing so hard. " Your drunk." Said Zoe " Your Sexy." Said Simon faliing again. " Okay then that was slitely horrific." said Mal smilling " I , I don't know what your geting at I haven't felt better in my life." Said Simon rite befor he threw up on the side walk. Ok drunken time is all good and fu, but know its time to go back to Srenity." and with that stamtent Zoe amd mall picke up Simon and put him in the back of the mule. ******* While all this was going on Wash and Kaylee had had no lick in finding shepad book. when all of a sudden they saw him talkning to a police offiser . Kaylee shouted his name and Book greeted them. "Hello you to what are you doing here?" hes asked looking slitly dazed. Mean while the police officer had shrunk back into the crowed and was no where to be found. " We came looking for you. What rong you look like youve seen a ghost?"said Kaylee looking a little woried for her old friend. " Oh I just was one of the youths from my old monestary steeling. that police man had cought him and was about to orest him or something when I interveened." " Its a small world" wash said as they walked back to Serenity. "Have you seen Simon?" Asked Kaylee " Mal and Zoe are out looking for him." Yes I saw him but he just said he was going out for a walk and woudl be back later." While they were talking they had made it back to Serenity where they found Mal and Zoe proppung up Simon between them. " What hapenned?" Asked Kaylee in shock. " We found him at the bar down the street. You" Said Zoe camly as she trying to stop Simon from faling down. Simon was drulling slitely. " Foudn book here aobut a mile away talking to a police officer that god that he ddn't see River. " I would say that god I would say oh no shes still here." said Jayne looking with dislike at the 18 year old. " Well Jayne thats what we say when we see oyur still here in the morning." Grinned Wash stepping a few feet away from Jayne." I still don't what you found to funny River..." Just as Mal was saying that Simon Gave Mal a kiss and fell over on him completely unconsius. Mal scrambeled to his feet and started rubbing at the place were Simon had kissed him " Thats what I thought was funy." said River and walked into Serenity. "That wasn't funny that was disturbing!" Said Mal in a strangled voice. " I don't know I think youd be a nice couple." Joked Wash "Yah if we were both always drunk!!" Kaylee laughed at help Mal carry Simon to his room. *** The next day when Innara came back she found all of Serenitys ocupents in a daze. Simon had a horrible head ack Mal was looking at Simon with a funny look of his face. and River, well River was being River. " What a horrible high." Gronned SImon rubbing his throbing head " Ill never drink again. Not ever I can't even remeber what happened after I left the bar." " Lets just say that your a very fun drunl when you what to be." Said Wash grinning at Mal. Mal loooked at Wash and though " This will be the ongoing joke for quite a while. FIN


Saturday, September 9, 2006 6:26 PM


This story sounds intersting but it was really hard to read. It would be easier if there were more paragraphs. In particular each line of dialouge by a new speaker needs a new paragraph.

I can look past spelling errors in a really good story. But there are those who cannot. You might consider having someone beta read your work. There is a whole thread of wonderful volunteers willing to beta read in general discussions.

Good luck. you have a great start here.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 10:28 AM


Normally, I am quiting willing to let small things pass with story submissions...but I gotta say this: what I presume sounds like a rowdy little yarn about Simon getting shite-faced got lost in some serious garble from a lack of proof-reading. Really couldn't make heads or tails of it...and that's a pity.

Like desertgirl noted, having a beta would go a long way to ensuring you get tons of positive and encouraging reviews.



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