The Wool Over Our Eyes. Part 4/4
Saturday, September 9, 2006

The end. Mystery gal revealed and some loose ends tied. :0)


Chapter 10 All the animals back in place, Mal was on the catwalk yet again taking inventory. “Twenty seven, twenty eight, twenty nine. No!” He did another quick head count. Twenty-nine. “River.” he mumbled to himself. “I need River.” Mal barreled into the infirmary where Simon was putting an IV in a mildly sedated Jayne. "Doc, can your sister read animals?” ”What?” “Can she read animals, like she does people?” “No idea why?” “Because we’re missing a goat and I could use some help finding it. Quickly.” “We’re in space,” Simon reminded him. “It could not have gone too far.” “Okay, next person who reminds me we’re in space is going to get to go swimmin’ in it.” Simon turned around and rolled his eyes. “Next question, where is your sister?” “Probably in her room.” “No she’s not,” offered Kaylee who had walked in from the common area, “I just walked by and her doors wide open.” “Missing teenaged girl and a missing goat. Don’t need to be a reader to figure out those two are connected” mumbled Jayne, causing Simon to dope him a little more. “There’s a million places on this boat where they could be.” sighed Mal. “But only one place I am, “ said River entering the infirmary carrying the gray instigator goat. “River,” started Simon, moving away from Jayne. “Mei-mei, we thought you were asleep.” “Couldn’t sleep, too much going on.” “That’s the goatthatahurt…” slurred off Jayne. “Well, you couldn’t sleep then you should have been helping with this,” said Mal, struggling to look stern when he really wanted to laugh at Jayne. “I was helping, this little one was scared. I call her Muriel,” River said, smiling. “Could have been helping us,” Mal sighed. “Well, she’s back now, put her with the others.” “She’s special, “said River looking proud of Muriel, “she knocked out Jayne. She deserves special treatment.” Muriel bleated as River walked her back into the cargo bay and put her into the corral. On the way back to her room, River stopped to talk to Mal. “You won’t have any more trouble from them, they made their point. They’ll be at their new home in 11 hours, sixteen minutes and 52 seconds. I’ll be up in plenty of time to guide her in. I’m going to sleep.” “They had a point?” questioned Mal as he headed to his own bunk.

River was right on both accounts. 11 hours, sixteen minutes and 52 seconds later, they arrived at Paradisio with no other insurrection or difficulty. In fact most of the ship, animals included, got some much needed sleep. When they did arrive on Paradisio River was first off the ship with Muriel to take her to the young girl whose parents owned the farm Muriel would be living on After a quick conversation with the farmer they were delivering the animals to, Mal found himself with surprisingly little do to. With Zoë leading them, his crew really had everything under control. So much so that he was really getting underfoot. And on Zoë’s nerves. “Sir, I think I saw a General Store in town as we flew over, why don’t you go look into replacing that mug that River broke last week?” “Zoë, you looking to get ridda me?” Mal questioned. “No, sir. Just thought you could use a little break is all. A rare planet left where we ain’t got trouble. It’s just a couple of blocks east. If trouble arises, you’ll hear it.” Mal nodded. “Could go see if there’s anything the ship needs. Ain’t got much to spend, but don’t think we need much. I’ll go take a look.” “Very good, sir.” Zoë said as she turned her attention back to unloading the animals feed from Serenity. Inara got out of bed to find that the rest of the ship was working and the feeling of doubt as to her place on the ship that had been hounding her last couple of days returned. She dressed as casually as she could and decided to see if there was anything she could do to be helpful. She was also hoping this would make an easy segue to telling Mal about her newfound unemployment. Dressed to work and her attitude set to sweeten up the captain, she walked off Serenity feeling hopeful. When Mal saw what Paradisio called a shopping district, he knew that Zoë had in fact been looking to get rid of him. It consisted of grocer, a feed store and a knick-knack shop. He was considering checking out the latter, when he heard the whirr of a laser pistol behind him. “Malcolm Reynolds,” said a nervous female voice. “I’ve been across half the galaxy looking for you.” A laser pistol on a moon like this was a rarity that confounded Mal. He was trying to figure out how he missed that Bourne was setting him up. The owner of said gun walked out of the shadow of small shack just to the left of him. The short, extremely petite brunette pointed the gun at him but clearly had no idea how to use it properly. “Mind telling me what I done to warrant all this?” he asked hands up. She was clearly not about to shoot. “I owe you a great debt.” “Debt? Well, you can start by putting that weapon away.” “Oh, that? It doesn’t work anyway, it was just meant to get your attention.” She threw the gun on the ground and walked up to him.

Inara’s good mood shifted a bit when she saw that Mal was nowhere to be found. Heels sinking in the dirt she approached Zoë, who was unable to contain her smile. “Lookin’ for the Captain?” “I was hoping to be of assistance. I thought he’d be the person to ask,” she said defensively. “Thanks, but we have it under control. So much so I sent Mal to town. Keeping him out of trouble would be the best way you could help,” said Zoë. “Two blocks to the left.” “I’ll do my best,” Inara said, and was glad for the chance to have him alone off the ship. In public might be the best place for this conversation. It might help keep both words and feelings in check. She was working on the best way to bring up the subject when she turned a corner to realize that he wasn’t alone.

“Finally,” said the stranger as she threw herself in Mal’s arms, hugged him and gave him a big kiss before he could shake her off. “You found her for me. You found my sister.” Mal could do nothing but stand there, open mouthed and totally confused. He saw some movement to his left and to his surprise saw Inara standing here. A look of shock spread across her face as she locked eyes with Mal. Face going blank again she shook her head and turned around, back towards the ship. “Oh…” Mal said, looking annoyed. He looked back at the little troublemaker. “I’m glad I could help, but I don’t think you realize the heap of trouble that put me in. Now who’s your sister?” They crew was done and starting to make their way back onto the ship when Zoë saw Inara hurriedly walking onto Serenity. Her anger was almost visible. “Captain okay?” hollered Zoë. “Oh, he’s more then fine,” she replied curtly, not stopping. Everyone, but Inara was in the cargo bay when Mal walked onto Serenity with the little brunette. “I want everyone in the downstairs common room for a meeting in five minutes. No exceptions,” requested Mal, in a tone no one dared question. “Zoë, would you keep an eye on our visitor, I need to run upstairs for something,” requested Mal, already walking away. Zoë knew why and where he was going, but she just nodded. Mal had seen Inara go into the kitchen and he found her there, not looking at him. They both knew she had heard him coming. “Hey, having a crew meetin’ downstairs. Wasn’t sure if you had heard.” He was trying to keep this from becoming one of their standoffs. “Introducing your new friend to the gang?” Her voice was like ice. Mal got quite a rush from her jealousy and he couldn’t help himself. “Now, that ain’t fair. If you don’t kiss and tell, why should I?” He was grinning when he said it, but the pained look that crossed her face ended that quickly. “No, thank you, Mal. I don’t think this really involves me,” she said turning to leave. “Actually it does,” he said blocking her path. “This here’s a crew meeting. My crew. That makes me the boss. If you ain’t paying for fare then you’re on the crew. The Captain says you’re needed there, then you go.” She was torn, angry that he was making demands on her, yet glad to be included. “I’m on my way, Captain,” she said sharply, but the angry moment between them had passed. Mal bowed as he let her pass him in the doorway. He placed a hand on her back and guided her down the hall and down the stairs to where the others were. They joined the others, sitting on opposite ends of the couch, as the mystery woman began to speak. “I should start from the top. I guess. My name is Diane Caron. My sister, Dr. April Caron was the scientist in the recording that you broadwaved about Miranda. She was missing for years before they told us her ship crashed, but even then they never sent us a body. I knew something was wrong. I never imagined it was as wrong as it was, but…I spent over ten years looking for her. After the broadwave, I then began looking for you. All of you.” “You traveled to the ass end of the galaxy to say thank you?” snarled Jayne, not quite getting it. “Well that, and to give you what you have earned. See, there was a reward for my sister when she first went missing. A substantial one. It was put into an account and accrued interest over time. I wanted to make sure it went to its rightful owners. And that Captain Reynolds, is you and your crew.” She took a sack out of the backpack she had been carrying. “How much is that?” asked Kaylee “Seventy-five thousand, platinum,” answered River. The air seemed to be sucked out of the room. “That’s… exactly, how did?” sputtered a confused Diane. “Genius,” said River, not looking at her. “There’s no catch to this, nothing we need to do for you?” asked Mal, heading toward overwhelmed. This much money would allow them to keep taking little jobs until people knew they could be trusted. Diane had almost single handedly saved Serenity. “You’ve already done the work. This is payment for services rendered. It’s yours.” ”What will you do now?” inquired Inara, who even with the explanation, would be glad to see her leave the ship. “I’m going to go home. Start my life and work again. I taught school. It’s over time I got back to it. Thanks to all of you, and I am sorry for your losses.” Finished telling her story, Diane sat down with a sigh and took a drink of the water River had placed in front of her before she had sat down. The six sets of eyes that belonged to Mal’s crew were looking at him expectantly. Well, they were when they weren’t eyeing the money, that is. “Well, folks,” Mal began. “I ain’t in the habit of telling you all how to spend your money, but you all may want to save some of this you see in front of you. Hard to say when steady work will come. You all had a hand in earning this, so we’ll split it the usual way. I’ll take this and look at things from a monetary perspective, let you know how much we’re all getting by tonight. Questions?” Jayne did have a thought, but he remained silent. He decided to wait until the captain was alone. Chapter 11 A few hours later, Jayne knocked on the door to his bunk where Mal was doing his calculations. River could have done this in about fifteen seconds, but as much as he hated this part of the job, he did feel it was his to do. He had given her and Kaylee the job of giving Diane a tour of Serenity, so she would feel comfortable for the several days it would take to drop her off on Boros . “Jayne, you really want to bother your boss before he signs your next paycheck?” kidded Mal. Well, mostly kidded. You never did know what you were going to get with Jayne. “I had a thought on that, actually,” he said placing the medal between them. Mal’s eyes got wide as what he was looking at started to register. His initial thought was that Jayne had found religion. Then he remembered the color of Jaynes face as he left the trade-plex. Very little could have shaken Jayne up so badly. “That from Book?” “Is. Had it sent to me with a letter, sayin’ how much Serenity meant to him and all. Anyways, Shepherd did have a hand in all this and he was sure part of the crew, so I think he ought to have a cut of some of this reward money.” “To do what with Jayne? It’s no good to him now.” “It should go to his Abbey, in Persephone in his name. Was them that he trusted to send the medal to us and they made good. I’m sure he’d like to make good with them. You don’t want to do this, fine; I’m giving them half of my cut, then. One way or another, this is going to happen.” “It means that much to you, then all right. I’ll see to it.” “Just trying to do what’s right is all. Ain’t got no need for anyone else to hear about this neither.” Mal nodded. As Jayne turned to leave, Mal called his name. “If you want to hang that in one of the common areas, that’s okay by me.” Jayne nodded, and left.

The next morning, Mal got to go from room to room handing out large wads of bills to each of his crew. He felt like Santa Claus. He was most pleased with the second pile of bills he gave to Kaylee, for Serenity, for whatever she needed the next time they were planetside. As his mood tended to alter the most after their encounters, he saved Inara for last. More nervous then he cared to admit, Mal knocked on the door of Inara’s room. “You knocked, “ she mocked surprise. “Things have changed. Come in.” Mal nodded, “I have money for you.” “Giving money away? You don’t get to do that too often in your line of work; you’re stealing it more often then not.” “Well, you earned it” he said, leaning himself against the dresser arms crossed, legs crossed at the ankles. He was trying to look casual and calm while inside he was anything but. “Just making sure you get an even cut.” “Well, thank you. Anything else, Captain?” she said sharply, without affection. “No,” he said curtly starting to turn away. “Not unless you want to tell me what I did to warrant the attitude.” She looked away, true to form. “I thought we were getting along,” he continued. “I thought we were past this.” “We were getting along; I just wish you’d stop making it so hard.” “There, now that’s something you don’t say too often in your line of work.” Inara sharply moved over to the dresser and pulled the letter from the companion board out of the drawer. She handed it to him from as far away as her arm would stretch. “Former line of work,” she spat at him Steely jawed and angry Mal took the letter and read it. He sat down on the bed. “Wang bao dahn. I’m sorry. Really.” He was, but there was a part of him that soared to hear this news. He did his best to hide that end. But she knew better. She sat down next to him, easing up a bit. “It’s okay, I have known for a few days, I’ve adjusted to it, but that’s what I need to talk to you about. This complicates things…” “Actually, I think it might make things easier, you know…” “I’m not talking about us, or whatever it is or isn’t.” She stood up and crossed the room pacing, then made her way back to standing in front of him. ”I’m talking about reality. I need to support myself. I need to make a life for myself and I don’t know if I can do that and stay on Serenity like I said I would.” “Do you have any thoughts on what that life might be? What you might do?” “I might teach. I play instruments and speak five languages. I have skills; they’re just not the ones that have supported me for the last dozen years. I think…” “Stay.” “…I would like to teach…what?” she said, eyes wide. “Stay. It’ll work itself out, but don’t leave the ship again. Please.” Mal stood in front of her, letting the gravitational pull between them bring them together for once. Her mouth was open and words were running through her head, but nothing would come out. He moved a piece of hair behind her ear, and rested his hands on her shoulders. He bent down a little bit to her eye level. “I ain’t askin’ as the ships captain, or as your landlord. Just me, just as the man I wasn’t brave enough to be the first time. Please don’t leave the ship again.” She croaked out the only word she could eek out, ”Why?” Mal smiled at her. She could not have asked a more loaded question. “The whole ship needs you, Inara. I need you.” “You do?” She was unable to move. He had one hand running through her hair. “I do at that. I need you to be there when Kaylee either has her heart broke by the Doc or when she gives it to him for good. I need you to be there the next time someone gets hurt, to hold their hand so I can take care of the bastard that’s hurt them. I am the head of this ship and the little family that has sprung up on it. But if Zoe’s my right hand, my gun hand, then I need you to be my left. Do the ships motherin’, so to speak.” She was shocked. It was so much more then she had expected. “Mal, I had no idea you felt that way.” “Yeah, well, that’s my fault. I should have told you long ago.” He chuckled. “Hell, Inara, I got a whole list of things I should have told you a long time ago.” “I have a similar list,” she admitted, “ But I can’t say I have the strength or desire to start checking things off tonight.” “Well, how much time we have to do that is up to you. You gonna give us the chance?” She nodded her head, looking at him how she had always wanted to, holding nothing back. “Then we got time, he said, putting his arms around her and pulling her into him. “We’ll get there.”


Saturday, September 9, 2006 9:39 PM


*Thinks very very hard, then sighs*.....Perfect.

Saturday, September 9, 2006 10:54 PM



Sunday, September 10, 2006 9:32 AM


Oh, I liked this! Some really nice twists, especially with the barn animals. It was hilarious to think of them all hearding little pigs and sheep around Serenity. And Jayne getting knocked out! LOL. It's so nice to see them getting a happily-ever-after. Thank you!

Sunday, September 10, 2006 11:58 AM


I loved your fic and the wonderful tie ins to the show and the movie. Your characters were right on and your story line was delightful. This story was a true pleasure to read. I loved your details of "Animal Farm" and especially Zoe's wisdom of love and loss and getting on with reality. Thanks for the fic!

Friday, September 15, 2006 7:00 PM


Finally! The dumbass finally asks the question that's been percolating in the background for ages;)

Amazing work here, Girlaskew! Definitely wouldn't mind see more from ya:D



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Even Warrior Women Get the Blues
Written for LJ community FF_Friday. The prompt was "reunion". I have been meaning to write a post-BDM Wash/Zoe thing for some time. This is my first fic in five months, so feedback would be good.

High Pressure
Written for LJ community, prompt was "mend".

Crew is in an Alliance Hospital. Mal/Simon. Non-shippy. Doctor/Patient.

Somewhere along the line, I became obsessed with something that was left out of the BDM: All that time it took to fix Serenity up and heal the crew some. There are some theroies that it could have been months between the final scene on Mr. Universe's world and the time our BDH's fly off. This takes place during that time.

...But Food Is Where The Family Is
Writte for two different prompts from two differnt LJ communities. One prompt was "the dining area" the other was a "Better Days" theme, in honor of our soon to be new canon fodder. HA! Anyway, Pre-BDH, Pre-Those Left Behind. Funny(I hope) near the point of parody.

Easy on the Ears
Written for LJ Community Firefly100. Is *very* silly. Comments are appreciated. The prompt was "mistake."

Something New
A drabble written for LJ Community Firefly100. Prompt was "new".
Look, I wrote fic that isn't M/I! Woo-Hoo!

The Cure for the Common Man-Part2/2
Finally. Manicures and more for the whole crew. M/I on the ship alone! No smut or anything fun like that, so don't get excited!
Part one is here, if ya missed it!

The Cure For The Common Man-Part One of Two
Written for LJ community ff_friday. Prompt was hands. Inara buys manicures for the crew. It got long and I hadn't even gotten to the good M/I yet, so there'll be a part 2.

Comment, please.

Written for Firefly100 on LJ. Prompt was Meat. I loved doing this so much I had to have someone else edit it, I just couldn't do it. There will be a longer version later. I'm not done with it yet.
I called Mal's mother Lilly, but as far as I know, she has never been offically named.

Seasons Change
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The Fruits Of My Labor
Another drabble, written for FF_100 on LJ. The prompt was "fruit". A theory about Saffron, back when that was her only name. Shortly after "OMR". Longer M/I fluff piece coming soon!
::waves at 4Nathan:: 'cause I know she's here!