Bein' Right
Thursday, September 28, 2006

Mal contemplates on what is right. One shot.


What is right? That's a hard thing. There is no single answer. Right is something that comes from that little voice inside. It is more often that not what runs contrary to our desires and our sensibilities.

Right doesn't come from experience or what your team says. Right doesn't come from a vote. Right doesn't come from the will of one man.

What is clear is that every man--every human--in the 'verse knows what is right and has to make choices. With, maybe, the exception being Reavers. But I was talking about men, not animals.

Reavers stopped being men some time ago. Maybe they chose not to be men anymore. If so, that makes my point. Somewhere along the line they decided not to do right and to always do wrong. I don't know. I make it a point to avoid 'em or kill them when I can't avoid 'em.

But right is something every person has to face.

Right is inflexible. It just is and it is what makes one man better and more noble than the next. Nothing else does except doing what is right.

Right doesn't come from men...but from something beyond and above me.

I hope, that when all is done, I can undo the wrong I did, and make it right. I hope, that when it is all said and done, where ever it is right comes from, will look on me with mercy. All I ever wanted was to do the right thing. Which is why I am out here now. And until I am done, I will stay out here.


Thursday, September 28, 2006 2:28 PM


Wow...very "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" with Mal's "out here till I atone" view on things, Washpilot. Not quite what I would picture for Mal's internal monologue...but that's the best part! We see so many different things when we look at Mal;)



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