Broken Trust: 3/3
Saturday, September 30, 2006

Mal gives away Inara's secret and Jayne has a conversation with Simon, Kaylee and Book. *takes place post OiS and before the film*


Previous chapters can be found here:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2


Chapter 3

“How is it you don’t look too surprised over this news, Preacher?” Mal asked, ignoring Wash and Book’s question.

The Shepherd shrugged, not wanting to appear too knowledgeable about such things. “I just had a feeling something like this would happen, is all. I wish I’d been wrong.”

“Me too,” Mal sighed, rubbing his bandaged arm.

“I’m rather insulted myself,” Wash turned Zoe. “You’re my wife. We don’t keep secrets.”

Zoe raised an eyebrow. “You definitely don’t want to go down that road, husband.”

Wash winced, knowing his wife was right, and turned to Mal. “Crew should have been told about this.” He looked around, hoping to find some support – at least from his wife.

“I made the decision I thought best at the time.” Mal was growing tired of having to defend his actions. He was the Captain. What he said was not to be contradicted – except by this crew.

“Well, we all know how well your decisions have served us in the past,” Inara said as she walked into the room. She’d been standing in the entry way listening to their conversation until she grew frustrated enough to join in.

“Well, you won’t be havin’ to live with ‘em for much longer, seein’ as you’re gettin’ off at the next stop.” Mal gnashed his teeth, instantly regretting his quick comeback. What was it about this woman who could get under his skin quicker than a dust mite?

Inara closed her eyes and muttered a few choice curses beneath her breath. She hadn’t told the crew that she’d decided to leave yet.

If looks could kill, she’d have sent Mal to an early grave.

Without another word, she walked out of the room and back to her shuttle, waiting until she’d arrived and closed the door before screaming obscenities that would have curled even Jayne’s toes.

River frowned at Mal and followed Inara, already knowing she wouldn’t be able to help the Companion.

“What?” Wash, Zoe and Book asked, their eyes never leaving Mal’s face.

Mal stared regretfully at the path Inara had taken and shook his head. He’d have to deal with her later. “Need to go check on Kaylee. Make sure the Doc ain’t upsettin’ her further.”

Mal walked away without another backward glance and Wash muttered, standing with Zoe, “No, I’m thinking upsetting Serenity’s girls is your job today.”

Zoe elbowed him in the side as they, along with Book, made their way toward the engine room.


“Jayne ain’t never gonna believe you, of all people, tried to defend ‘em.” Kaylee crossed her legs beneath her and leaned against the bulkhead, staring intently at Simon. She was still real annoyed that he had kept this rather important bit of knowledge from her, but some uninterrupted quiet time talking with Simon had tempered that anger considerably.

“I’m not so sure why I did, myself.”

“’Cause you’re a good man, Simon.”

Simon grinned wryly and glanced at some invisible spot on the wall over her shoulder. “I suppose.”

“Not so good with the talkin’ sometimes, but you’re gettin’ better.”

Simon actually chuckled at this and dropped his eyes to her face. “Thanks.”

She reached forward and took his hands, squeezing them. “Welcome.”

His fingers closed around hers and a real, genuine smile graced his face with how at home he felt being so close to her. And he hadn’t even yet said anything to upset her all evening.

That’s how Mal, Zoe, Wash and Book found them, sitting cross-legged on the floor, holding hands.

Mal surveyed the sight with an incredulous gaze, fully expecting to have to break up a fight, or at least pry a scared Simon out from behind some big piece of machinery. “Huh.”

“I’ll say,” Zoe agreed quickly.

“I’m thinking maybe River ain’t so crazy after all,” Wash surmised

“I’m inclined to agree,” Book said, his deep voice finally drawing the couple’s attention.

Simon immediately dropped Kaylee’s hands and got to his feet, missing the disappointed look she shot him in the process.

“Kaylee?” Mal stepped into the room, getting her attention. “Everything good?”

“Right an shiny, Cap’n.” Kaylee smiled brightly at Simon before turning her attention back to Mal. “Promise not to tamper with the controls to Jayne’s bunk this time.”

“This time?” Mal raised an amused eyebrow.

“Don’t mean I won’t be re-routin’ the temperature and grav controls in his bunk next time he does something like this.”

Mal ruffled Kaylee’s hair and smiled gratefully at Simon, who backed away to give the Captain some room. “There definitely won’t be a next time, mei mei, or you tamperin’ with his bunk’ll be the least of his worries.” He nodded to Simon, “Can honestly say I’m surprised you didn’t end Jayne’s life for what he did.”

“All secret-like too,” Wash added with a smile before Zoe nudged him in the ribs to keep him quiet.

Simon offered a small smile. “I’m not a killer, Captain.”

“That is plainly obvious, son,” Book winked at Simon, clearly remembering the younger man’s inability to do much good on Niska’s Skyplex.

Simon grinned wryly at Book before returning his attention to Mal. “I save lives, I don’t take them. And while Jayne is on my table, he’s safe.” Simon risked a quick look at Kaylee, her bright smile buoying his heavy heart. “We’re part of the same crew. Have more than enough enemies between us. There’s no need to be fighting each other at every turn.”

Mal clasped Simon’s shoulder hard enough to knock the smaller man off balance. “Well, I must say, doctor, you’ve come a long way since you joined us.”

“Yep,” Kaylee chimed in cheerfully, shooting Simon a knowing look. “All the way to the ass end of the galaxy.”

Simon’s eyes widened as he recalled saying something similar before he’d been kidnapped by hill folk. “I – uh, Kaylee –“

She leaned forward and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. “Just funnin’ with ya, Simon. Not mad ‘bout that no more.” She flounced over to the part she’d been working on when Simon had come in and began tinkering – loudly.

“That girl is too cheery for her own good,” Wash observed, carefully eyeing Simon.

Simon touched his cheek slowly, still feeling the tingle of her lips on his skin. He tried not to look back at her, but his eyes were drawn to the bubbly young woman so intently that he didn’t notice Book approach and grin knowingly at him.

“Come on, son, let’s leave her to her work.” He clasped Simon on the shoulder and led him out of the engine room, struggling to hold back the laughter at the longing look the younger man tried desperately to hide.

“Yeah,” Wash watched as Book led Simon out and Kaylee bent over to tighten some big bolt. “He ain’t gonna last much longer.”

“Agreed,” Zoe said with a small grin which widened when Mal turned a disgusted look on the couple.

Wash shrugged as the three of them left Kaylee to care for her girl. “Can’t stop nature.”

“Sure I can,” Mal said, eyes narrowed, and set his jaw. “Can do what I did with Jayne when he stepped on this boat.”

“Threaten his life, Sir?”

Mal nodded smugly and turned to follow Book and Simon. “Yup.”

“Didn’t work with me,” Wash quipped with a playful smile, wrapping his arms possessively around his wife’s waist.

Mal stopped, swiveled on his heel and stared at Wash. “Only because Zoe threatened to break my arm.”

Wash’s smile grew and he pecked Zoe on the cheek. “Oh, you’re just cruel. He needs that hand.” He wiggled his eyebrows at Mal before positioning himself expertly between his wife and the Captain.

Zoe bit her lip to keep from laughing and Mal huffed at her with annoyance. “Do something with him, will you?”

“Yes, Sir.” Zoe took his hand and led them back toward their bunks.

“Did he just order us to have sex?” Wash asked incredulously just as the hatch to Jayne’s bunk opened and his head popped out.

“I believe he did.”

Wash turned and smiled a big, wide Kaylee smile at Mal. “I love my Captain.”

Mal groaned and walked away and Jayne’s head disappeared, followed by a muted groan, into his bunk again.


“You just had to do it, didn’t you? Just couldn’t keep that qiang bao hou zi de mouth of yours shut.” Inara paced in front of Mal, clearly irritated.

“Tired of keepin’ your secrets. They needed to know.” He would never admit to her that he was sorry it came out in the way it had. It truly hadn’t been his intent.

“I was going to tell them!” Inara’s voice rose a bit and she was glad they were in her shuttle. The tone wouldn’t carry as far.

“When? As we landed and you had your shuttle all packed; things ready to go?”

His comment sobered her response. But just for a moment. “This is harder than I thought it would be.”

“Yeah, well only half the crew knows now. Better you get to the other half before someone else does.”

Inara took his comment as a threat and her eyes flared. “Get out, Mal.”

But he stood his ground and crossed his arms. “This is my shuttle.”

“I’m not yet behind on the rent.” They’d had this discussion before. And he always lost this particular verbal battle.

Mal turned to leave, shrugging. “Too bad.”

Inara glanced at his departing back and then down to some heavy china that sat on a nearby table. Scowling, she decided to leave it where it was. There was no need to break good china on account of that man.

Enough had been broken because of him already.


Kaylee sat on the diagnostic chair, watching Simon wrap a weave atop her knuckles. His hands were so soft and gentle, she found her attention split between his face and where his fingers gently worked on her hand.

While she felt better after their talk, closer even, she was still annoyed with Jayne, and even with Simon for having kept Jayne’s betrayal a secret. She hated secrets. Her life was an open book. Everyone knew when she was happy or sad, angry or hungry. But not everyone was like that. The incredibly uptight doctor standing before her right now was a prime example.

Kaylee smiled at him, but his eyes were firmly attached to his work. She’d gotten him to loosen up in recent months, but it always seemed like whenever they took a step forward, something would happen to make him take two steps back.

“Thanks, sorry to bother ya. Know ya had a busy day.”

Simon looked up at her then and smiled and she could see the warmth in his eyes. “Never be sorry, Kaylee.”

She returned his warm grin, noting how his hand had stilled and now gently held her own. Simon's blue eyes studied her intently, and Kaylee shifted towards him imperceptibly - and then cursed herself as the movement ruined the moment and Simon's entire demeanor froze again.

“I’m a doctor. It’s what I’m here for.” The words sounded lame to his own ears and he again cursed his inability to speak like a normal person when confronted with Kaylee's big eyes. He’d done so well today too.

Kaylee gave him a lopsided smile. “I thought ya was here to keep River away from the Alliance?”

Simon’s smile vanished and Kaylee inwardly berated herself. But before she could apologize, they heard Jayne’s lumbering gait as he approached.

“Hey, Doc, seen the light on, you –“ Jayne stopped in the doorway and regarded the scene before him, a smirk spreading across his face as he noticed the placement of their hands. “Oh.”

Simon turned to Kaylee, all professional. “Come back tomorrow so I can check and re-wrap it.”

Kaylee frowned at him before sliding off the chair and moving towards Jayne. “You should be thankin’ Simon for you havin’ regulated temperature in your bunk tonight.”

Jayne turned a worried look between the two but Kaylee continued.

“Ain’t happy what you did to him an’ River. Weren’t right.”

“Yeah.” Jayne shuffled his feet, caving beneath her intense gaze as if he were receiving a dressing down from his mother. “I mighta been –“ he glanced at the doc, annoyed that the boy was witnessing this. “I was wrong.”

The smile that spread across Kaylee’s face at his admission made him forget all about the uptight priss.

“We gotta take care of each other, Jayne. We’re crew. We’re all we got.”

Jayne stared down at her, the bright, expressive eyes, the turn of her cheeks as she smiled. Man could get lost in that smile.

He shook his head as he realized she was waiting for him to respond.

“Oh, uh, yeah. I know that now.” he glanced at Simon, who was trying not to watch the exchange as he cleaned. “Ain’t gonna happen again.”

“Better not.” Kaylee moved away and Jayne felt himself drawn to her as if to a magnet. “Might find yourself all icicl-y, floating mid-air among your guns if it does.”

Jayne felt his body flush at the threat. Just picturing her trying to carry it out was far too arousing for his own good and he nervously glanced toward Simon to make sure the clueless man hadn’t caught on –

And found the younger man staring right at him.

Jayne cleared his throat uncomfortably and took a step back, calling after her, “Yeah, well. It won’t.”

Risking another furtive glance to the doctor's tense form, he turned on his heel and walked quickly out of earshot, nearly running over Book as he stepped out of his room. “Oh, sorry, preacher.”

“Everything all right?”

Jayne cast a quick look back toward the infirmary. “Yeah, why?”

“You look a little – uncomfortable.”

“Been a tetchy day.”

“Indeed it has.”

Jayne pursed his lips and dropped his shoulders. “Don’t think worse of me now do ya?”

“Everyone has a path to walk in this life, Jayne. Mistakes to make and atone for. I can be neither judge nor jury.”

Jayne’s mouth hung open for a moment before he thought to speak. “That was real – profound.”

Book smiled and clasped the mercenary on the shoulder. “When you’ve been to hell and back, you learn a lot along the way.”

Book excused himself and stepped away toward the weight bench, leaving Jayne staring after him with a mixture of awe and disbelief across his face. One of these days that man was going to spill his secrets.

Jayne just hoped he lived long enough to hear them.



Chinese Translations:

Qiang bao hou zi de - monkey raping


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Saturday, September 30, 2006 5:55 AM


Hooray, my DSL is back up and this is the first thing I got to see. Thanks! Too bad we know all these slow-building interpersonal relationships go straight to hell before the movie.

Saturday, September 30, 2006 7:03 AM


“Did he just order us to have sex?” Wash asked incredulously just as the hatch to Jayne’s bunk opened and his head popped out.

“I believe he did.”

Wash turned and smiled a big, wide Kaylee smile at Mal. “I love my Captain.”

ahhh, i love your wash!

okay so i didnt comment on these parts individually because i was 'gathering my thoughts' lol. overall, i really liked it. i thought it could easily dissolve into jayne bashing, but it didnt do to much of that. i think everyone's reactions were very accurate--kaylee and wash would be the most upset, zoe and book not all that surprised. loved mal's hurtful words about inara leaving--so in character in that they wound each other without trying. i maybe wish we'd had a longer private scene between kaylee and jayne, but liked the one between her and simon. this story makes me wish for eight more episodes between OIS and the BDM. sigh :(

Saturday, September 30, 2006 7:09 AM


Really well written,
you almost made me want to forgive Jayne for the whole thing, almost.

Saturday, September 30, 2006 10:32 AM


Wow...mighty fine finish you got here, Leiasky. A tad bit...shorter than I would have hoped, but I am still glad that there's not too much lingering malaise amongst the crew.

Definitely loved your Mal/Inara and Kaylee/Simon moments, as they were spot-on for where the characters were at the time this story would be set. Got to agree with Mal though...not really fair for him to keep secrets that will do emotional harm to others, even if I ain't jonesing on how he blurted it out. I agree totally with Kaynara that how you had it come out (and their fight) is how Joss & co. would have handled the moment.


Saturday, September 30, 2006 11:32 AM


I loved this story from the beginning and I love it at the end too. It's a great bit of insight into all of our favorite characters. Everyone's reactions are dead-on, from Shepherd to Wash to Zoe. I'm in agreement that the "order to have sex" line is probably my favorite.

Also, love the moment between Mal and Inara in the shuttle. It's just long enough for us to see how truly wrecked they are by all the other person is doing and not doing to get them to stay/go. And of course, the awkwardness between S/K in the infirmary at the end is terrific - you write their awkwardness and their uhm ... "non-awkwardness" with the same kind of aplomb - it makes me highly jealous!

So, what's next?

Saturday, September 30, 2006 2:33 PM


This was beautifully written and I really enjoyed it. Loved Wash's comment to Zoe as to whether Mal was ordering them to have sex, that was so funny. I also think Mal hit the nail on the head after Inara had a go at him for blurting out the fact that she was leaving then saying in the shuttle that she was probably intending to wait until they landed and she was all packed and ready before telling the crew. Had that been Mal she would have accused him of being a coward and being unfair to the crew. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Monday, October 2, 2006 1:14 AM


“He ain’t gonna last much longer.”


Awesome finish.

Friday, October 6, 2006 1:29 AM


“I’m rather insulted myself,” Wash turned Zoe. “You’re my wife. We don’t keep secrets.”
~ I'm a little confused. Does he actually think she knew about it beforehand (I thought she mentioned in a previous chapter that she didn't)

“No, I’m thinking upsetting Serenity’s girls is your job today.”
~ Wash is so very spectacular

The exchange with Wash, Mal, and Zoe regarding the death threat, the breaking of arms, and the orders for sex were wonderful.

Everyone knew when she was happy or sad, angry or hungry.
~ hungry? LOL

“When you’ve been to hell and back, you learn a lot along the way.”
Book excused himself and stepped away toward the weight bench, leaving Jayne staring after him with a mixture of awe and disbelief across his face. One of these days that man was going to spill his secrets.
~ This of course makes me sad, since he died before we got to hear any of those stories. Good little bit of mystery to throw in at the end here (thinking about it, Book and Jayne
could have some conversations after the series and comics but before Book goes to Haven about it, hmmmm, story ideas [if I can ever get myself into the writing again, been more'n a
month, though the training and subsequent catching up on fanfic, which comes to an end today, has kept me from it])

Friday, October 6, 2006 2:16 PM


Sorry it's taken me so long to catch up and finish this glad I did. Your Kaylee voice in this was just excellent, and it made the conversations that included her easy to read, her character coming out perfectly.

“Not so good with the talkin’ sometimes, but you’re gettin’ better.” *She's always the forgiving type, be that Simon, Mal, or even Jayne, and this little quip...just her to say it, like she is proud that his doctor speak is starting to be replaced by a tongue she more easily understands.

“Don’t mean I won’t be re-routin’ the temperature and grav controls in his bunk next time he does something like this.” *LOL really funny, and I want to see Jayne start to float off his bunk, get hot, cold and try to figure out why its happening. Really funny!

“Just funnin’ with ya, Simon. Not mad ‘bout that no more.” *great tie-in to the BDS, I liked it. AND She flounced *Such a Kaylee verb to use!

“Everyone has a path to walk in this life, Jayne. Mistakes to make and atone for. I can be neither judge nor jury.” *Loved Book here, you wrote him well, calm, cool, instructive and matter of fact. Very, very good job, and totally believable.

Great series here, great idea, and you did a wonderful job of putting type to this page!

Thursday, August 9, 2007 10:23 PM


Another nice one, well done with the characters. Just knew Kaylee would react the strongest to Jayne's secret betrayal. Zoe was right, they should have just spaced him or shot him on the spot. Book's secret's are still a mystery. Read a recent interview with Joss Whedon and he specifically mentioned Book's past as a question he constantly gets at conventions. He said the secret will never be revealed until he gets a chance to do the story in another form. Here's hoping for that.


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Simon and Kaylee discuss other - avenues, as they lay in bed. Oddly, this is a pretty PG story.

Simon and kaylee disturb the ship with their nocturnal activities. Post BDM. Part of a challenge table. Rated NC-17 for adult content.

Broken Wings: Conclusion (Repost)
The crew take Kaylee home to be buried and the reason for Simon's secrecy is discovered. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 18 (Repost)
Simon, Mal and Jayne have a moment with Kaylee. Inara and River are reunited with the rest of the crew. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 17 (Repost)
Simon has a conversation with Zoe, Mal and Jayne - separately. Sequel to 'On the Edge.' Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 16 (Repost)
The crew is reunited - mostly, as Simon arrives to treat the wounded. River rushes to Inara's aid before her deception is discovered. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 15 (Repost)
Simon's escape is halted by his father. But River comes to the rescue. Jayne - sees the light - far too up close and personal for his safety. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 14 (Repost)
Simon and Inara's deception is discovered. Mal, Jayne and Zoe continue to fight what looks to be a losing battle. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 13 (Repost)
Simon has some unexpected help with his fussy son and River receives another assignment. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 12 (Repost)
Inara and Simon continue their work while a message gets out to those on the front lines. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.