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HARD 'R' Belongs to somebody not me. Blah blah blah, yackety schmackety. Please to comment. Good. Bad. Whatever.
Mal hadn't planned it. At least no more than he had ever planned such things in his life. Which was to say, not so much.
But kissing her up against the hallway was like coming home after being gone for too damn long. It felt good and right and other more urgent things that left him aching and hard.
It shouldn't be in a hallway. but somehow, the combination of the two things he loved with an unspoken fierceness near on maniacal seemed right. Serenity was as much home to him as she was. A real home, like Kaylee always reminded him.
And then thing were happening too fast and not fast enough all at the same time. Two years worth of pent-up lust made them both a bit awkward and rough around the edges, almost like they were a coupla teen-agers their first time out the gate.
Except the way she was managing to undo him with just her fingertips inside his pants was like no teen-aged girl he'd ever met. Every feather-light brush was drawing out his need that much further, until he thought he just might snap from it.
Her skirts were in disarray around her waist, leaving just a pair of silk underthings standing between the one thing both of them had vehemently denied for far too long. Far too long from home.
Mal was not quite sure how she did it, although he supposed there were probably advanced-level classes available at the Academy, but with a subtle shift of her hips, that last line of defense was around her ankles.
He pushed back the almost-pain of his need long enough to be certain.
"You OK with this? Here?"
"This is your home, Mal. You'll always have a place here."
He wasn't certain if she meant her or the ship, and he didn't think now was an optimal time to try and suss that out. Not when there were more urgent matters that needed doing.
Buddha help him, but she really did feel like home when he finally eased himself inside her. Like all of the hopes and dreams he used to take for granted. It was almost more than he could hold up against, and he had to take three or four ragged breaths so that he wouldn't rush right over the edge.
And then none of truly mattered, save for the both of them trying to get to that place both of them had sworn they'd never get to, never want, never have. Lies, all of it, as she tightened around him once, twice, three times until he just lost count of it all.
He could feel he was about to shatter, and then he did. Please, Buddha, let her be there to pick up the pieces.
Afterward, he was still holding her up against that wall. Afraid to let go of her. Of them.
"Welcome home, Mal."
Monday, November 13, 2006 11:05 AM
Monday, November 13, 2006 11:21 AM
Monday, November 13, 2006 2:36 PM
Monday, November 13, 2006 7:24 PM
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