La Escorpiona- The Scorpion-Chapter Three: Objects in the rear view mirror…
Tuesday, March 27, 2007

A Bounty Hunter,torn from her home remolded by the hands of blue. She escapes into the black.Her only target- River tam.But can she kill her? After BDM.


La Escorpiona- The Scorpion

Author: Tinadoll (aka Tina- That’s me!) Setting: After BDM Rating: PG-13- NC-17. This chapter is R Spoilers: probably-But who cares? We have all seen the episodes? Author’s note: I have written fan-fic before. But this is my first Fireflyfic and my first serious (kind of) one. Scorpion is mine. All Spanish, Latin or any other language will be in parenthesis. This could get messy folks. My spelling and grammar is horrible. And my humor is odd. And I’m a fan girl. LOL ENJOY Disclaimer: Firefly et al. Are properties of Joss Whedon- Those who don’t like that will get punched in the Kidneys.

And also I used(and butchered) an Army of Darkness quote. Thats Sam Raimi's


Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

Chapter Three: Objects in the rear view mirror…

Its pitch black.

And here she was sitting up a gorram tree waiting for the target to show. She knew that she would be greatly rewarded for bring her in.

But she shouldn’t count the chickens before they hatched.

River wouldn’t have backup. The crew of Serenity was drunk.

But was it going to be that easy. Scorpion couldn’t be too sure.

She was sure however that she was tired of this life. This would be her last mission


After years of study the time had finally come for her to earn her keep.

In her room, she was painting.It wasn’t anything special, just a asian highly stylized crane. Her room was her only sanctuary from her master.In her room she felt whole.

She heard him enter but didn’t stop painting.

“ Little one.” Her master said. “Its time.”

“Time.” She replied as she turned around. Her voice was monotone as usual. It wasn’t a question. It was a statement.

“Time for you to show me how much you are worth.” He said. Patting her on the head as usual.

“ Haven’t I already shown you my loyalty, Saiai?” she said, some contempt in her voice. Did all those nights of trying to leave her body and the days of torture mean nothing?

He got very quiet. And stopped stroking her hair. “You do not want to please me?” he asked. What a loaded question

“Have I not pleased you enough?” she said. She was greeted with a slap. Which she caught. He grabs her arm and throws her over the bed. Like a cat- she lands on her feet, quickly scales the wall and grabs a hanging Katana. She unsheathes it and narrows her eyes at him

“Very good, my dear.” He said, very pleased. “You have learned well.”

He moves towards her “But there is one problem.” He points to her arm, which is now swelling. “Your arm is broken in three places.”

She momentarily takes her eyes off of him and looks at her arm. It was swelling badly. But nothing a good doctor… or she couldn’t fix.

“What does that have to do with anything?” She asks.

“Do the job, or else the next time it will be your neck.” He said, smiling. What a creepy guy.

He threw the profile on the bed and then narrowed her eyes. She would have the last laugh.

It was a simple killing. A warlord that was profiting off of Blue sun goods. He had begged for mercy. She heard nothing. And she took his head.

When she presented it to her master she was rewarded. Hmmph- Material objects. Shiny things did nothing to quell the inner depression that was building inside of her. And every time she killed the more dead she felt inside.

This had to stop.

She climbs down from the tree. Her augmented eye works as well as a night predator. She can see in the dark. With one blink it goes to Infrared, and with another blink it goes to normal.

She cocks her gun.



She looks down at her hand and its bleeding. Her right hand was just shot.

What the ….

She adjusts her sight. Instead of River she sees Malcolm Reynolds on his way towars her. She could her another pair of footsteps coming up side…Zoë perhaps “I don’t want you.” She says to the Capt. She puts her eye patch back on and bandages up her shot hand with a handkerchief.

“Or you…” she says in Zoë’s direction. She is holding position with a sawed off shotgun.

“Well sorry ma’am, I can’t much let you go and take one of my crew, now can I?” he says. He is pointing a pistol at her.

He moves towards her. Out of the corner of her good better eye she could see Zoë in the grass.

Zoë turns on a spotlight. Everything is illuminated.

“Drop it.” He motions for her to drop her weapon, now seeing her position. She yawns and does so. Of course she concealed a knife in her boot.

“Now you will tell me who you are and what you want with her.” He says.

“No.” she says

He shoots an inch from her foot- Warning shot

She doesn’t flinch and she steps forward. She put her hands up in the air.

She hears the click from Zoë’s gun as she steps toe to toe with Reynolds.

“Kill me.” She says. It’s partially a bluff but also partially true.

He blinks. She could feel his breath on her face. “What?”

She smiles. “Well Mister Fancy pants. I've got news for you pal, you ain't leadin' but two things: Jack and shit... and Jack just left town. So just kill me.”

“If you insist.” he said. Click

But River came out of nowhere and kicked her in the shoulder.

“River!” The Capt. said forcefully.” I thought I told you to stay behind?”

“My fight.” River put it simply. She kicked again at her again but this time Maria blocked it. With her bad hand no less.

“She has a point, sir.” Zoë chimed in

“But I’m the Captain. I make the decision on how to approach each situation.”

“Tell that to Jayne.” Scorpion says as she grabs River in a headlock complete with nuggies. River attempts to get out of the headlock but Malcolm just shoots Maria in the shoulder.

River is released

“This is the point where I am supposed to say Ow?” She asks. She knows she is exposed and possibly finished. Think! How do you get out of this???

Captain Reynolds does his infamous *duh* face and says “”

“Shiny.” She says mockingly “ Ow ow you ruttin shot me..” Bluffing again. If she didn’t stop the bleeding…

Click again. And then she sighs.

She looks at River.

“Not all bad.” River says. River points to Maria’s exposed Dog tags. It was a good luck charm she kept with her.

“Blue sun.” she says. “No fault of my own. Captured, Serenity valley”

Captain Reynolds winced.

Bleeding heavy from her shoulder is making her very tired.

“Experiment.” she says. Her lung collapses. “She was my final target. I was going to quit.”

“You can’t quit your line of work.” Zoë says.

“Yeah you can. I was going to kill him…” she drops to her knees. The loss of blood is too great. “That son of a bitch raped me.” She passes out.

Zoë emerges from the grass. “What now, sir?”

He looks at River, who has sorrow in her eyes.

“Bring her aboard.” He says “I want to know who else is coming.”

“Is that wise, sir?” Zoë asks.

“No.” he says. “But hell, Jayne probably wants a piece of her.”

Zoë nods.

End of chapter


Tuesday, March 27, 2007 10:43 AM


Huh, posted a comment and it never appeared.
Still lovin' it. Tons of places it could go from here.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007 12:43 PM


Huh...a bit rough in formatting and flow, but I do love what you're doing here Tinadoll. Guess I just wish for more more more;D


Thursday, May 31, 2007 3:37 AM




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La Escorpiona- The Scorpion- Epilogue
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

This is how it ends...or does it?

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion: Chapter 25: Ending it...peacefully
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion: Chapter 24: My beloved Life
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion: Chapter 23:Deep
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion: Chapter 22: Into the void.
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion :Chapter 21-The jig is up
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.It keeps getting worse for her.Now she has sparked the interest of an evil man. He wants her for his own.Run Scorps Run. Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion :Chapter 20- Trust
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.Her own salvation.or will she just end up stung by the Scorpion? Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes. Jayne/River( River puppy love), OC/Jayne, Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara angst

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion :Chapter 19
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.Her own salvation.or will she just end up stung by the Scorpion? Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes. Jayne/River( River puppy love), OC/Jayne, Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara angst

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion :Chapter 18
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.Her own salvation.or will she just end up stung by the Scorpion? Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes. Jayne/River( River puppy love), OC/Jayne, Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara angst

La Escorpiona/The Scorpion :Chapter 17 I left my heart at Serenity Valley.
There was this girl named Maria(Code name Scorpion). She was a soilder,then a slave. But she didn't know where she was goin' or where she'd been. She just knows that she is taken in by big damn heroes and now she has to make good on her promise to herself.Her own salvation.or will she just end up stung by the Scorpion? Takes place after BDM.Violent and Adult themes. Jayne/River( River puppy love), OC/Jayne, Simon/Kaylee, Mal/Inara angst