Not Enough
Monday, April 30, 2007

River stared into cold blue eyes and saw nothing but all encompassing rage. 100 word drabble series with a hint of Rayne, 3 of 7.


River stared into cold blue eyes and saw nothing but all encompassing rage. Nearly sweeping her away, she clung to memories of him as he had been, even those from Ariel. Then she saw his gaze flicker for an instant. But that instant was enough to sear her mind with all the pain and anguish he had felt when he’d been left behind, everything he’d done since then. She gasped under the onslaught of images.

I’m sorry!

ThaT’s nOt eNoUGH!

I didn’t want to!

Turning the tide, she pushed all of her guilt over leaving him behind into his mind.

Previous - Haze of Red | Next - A Desperate Hope

Author's Note: I'd like to emphasize the fact that these are ONE HUNDRED WORD DRABBLES. And that it is a SERIES. If you are horribly impatient and can't wait to find out what happens, you can find this story in its entirety at the following location:

Please do not leave me any more comments with regards to my story's length. It's short for a reason.


Saturday, May 5, 2007 7:01 PM


It's just that we're all addicted to these brilliant drabbles and want more immediately, whitesilence;)

Still...amazing work here! Definitely loved this series on LJ and I am loving it here;)


Sunday, May 13, 2007 9:44 PM


I really liked Jayne's flash of recognition and River saying sorry, with Jayne struggling to tell her that isn't enough. What it must take to hold on to your sanity after all that is not only creepy and amazing but sparks compassion too. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me


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A River of Violence - Chapter Five Part II
When one hears the line "Two men walked into a bar..." it's usually the beginning of a bad joke but for Jayne, it's the sound of his past about to catch up with him. After years on the run, it's finally time for him to settle old scores and confront old enemies. But the only way for him to get out of this alive is to turn to the one person he can count on. A multi-chaptered fic set after Serenity, inspired by the graphic novel and movie, A History of Violence. Rayne. Rated R WARNING: Violence, lots of violence.

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