The Prodigal Mother 6/?
Monday, May 21, 2007

eventual Rayne. When Jayne's ma dies, he discovers that while he's described as man ape gone wrong, by Simon his blood might just be bluer than either of the Tams. Who are Jayne's real parents? Why did they give him up? And why does River keep talking about a prodigal son? ALSO IN THIS CHAPTER...Jayne gets some disturbing news


“Now come on Stinky, we agreed on 45 platinum straight up for these. Ya ain't gonna back out on our deal are ya? Cause then I'd have to let it known in this sector that Stinky Ray and Cyrus ain't the trustworthy type,” Mal gave them his most charming captain smile.

“We're already known as the untrustworthy type, like ya said. Ain't no skin off our nose,” Stinky sneered. He was the runtier, smarter, and definitely the stinkier of the two. Cyrus gave a consistent nod to whatever he said.

“Now come on boys. Went through a lot of trouble to keep your cargo in tact. Specially the pillows. Ain't gonna find no goose downy filled pillows out here on the Rim. So unless you keep to your word, my crew and I'll be sleeping with the softest pillows tonight this side of the system. Not to mention drinkin' some of the finest whiskey and smoking the best tobacco around,” Mal said in a friendly like manner.

He'd rubbed his temple in an absentminded way. But Jayne had caught the sign and gripped Lulu tighter. His thoughts lingered on Vera hanging above his bed or Phoebe who was almost as nice as Vera. Naw, he didn't need to bring out his best girls for these two idiots. Mal was doin' some more talkin'. Jayne rolled his eyes, he knew these dumb asses were gonna make Mal do somethin' stupid unless Jayne did something about it.

"Cap, can I start shooting em now? I'm gettin' a bit bored," he cocked Lulu menacingly.

Stinky and Cyrus gave him very nervous looking glances. They'd both reached for their pitiful revolvers. Mal scowled at Jayne, but gave him a small smile when the other two weren't looking.

"Jayne, cut it out. Can't ya see I'm tryin' to do some business here. I swear if Zoe were here... "

"Sorry Cap, just get real excitable, is all," Jayne caressed Lulu again and gave Stinky a hungry look.

"Uh... look Reynolds," Stinky rubbed the back of his neck. "Seeing as we're kinda in a rush... got a fella that needs some a this stuff for a wedding and all... forty-five platinum it is," he tossed Mal a leather bag that jingled.

Mal opened it up and counted it quickly, something he'd learned to do, being in his line of work. It was all there. In fact there was even an extra five, that no doubt meant Cyrus had done the counting in this little bag. No skin off his nose.

"Deal," Mal closed the leather bag and placed it in his pocket.

"All right then. Cyrus, start loadin' 'er up," he gestured to the large man about Jayne's size.

"Nice doin' business with you," Mal smirked. "Come on Jayne."

They backed away to the mule and drove away quickly, before the others thought to shoot them down.

"That was actually some real good thinkin' on your part, Jayne. Pretendin' ya was bored to get em all nervous like," Mal chuckled.

"Who said anythin' about pretendin'?" Jayne smirked.

Mal arched a brow at him before turning back to keep his attention on driving the mule back to the ship. River for once might have been wrong, Jayne seemed to be the same brutish Jayne as always to him.

"So then I says to him, 'Ain't no way I'm gonna do that! I maybe from the Rim but you Core folk really got some strange notions!' You should a seen how red he got. Went off to talk to some whore in the corner after that," Kaylee snorted.

"Did the captain say anything to him when he found out?" River asked as they returned to the ship.

She'd been correct in predicting there was a letter for Jayne at the post office. But it wasn't from his mother. It was a letter, from the looks of the return name on it, from his brother.

"Heck, River, ya think I was gonna tell the Cap'n something like that happened. He'd a started a fight with that poor core boy that thought I was some Rim whore," she laughed.

"Who thought you were a what?" Simon asked looking scandalized.

"Oh no one. I was just tellin' River here about an incident at a tavern before you two joined up with Serenity," Kaylee gave him a bright smile before kissing him deeply.

Simon looked gobsmacked when she let him go. She ran her fingertips lightly over his cheek before breaking their embrace.

"I'll be in the engine room, warming 'er up," she gave Simon a lust filled look that promised many things that night.

"You're happy, she makes you happy. I'm glad, you haven't been this happy since..." River trailed off. She had been about to mention since before she'd left for the Academy.

Simon placed an arm around her shoulders. "Mei-mei, it's not your fault that I've been unhappy for so long. If anything, I should be thanking you."

"Because if I hadn't gone to the Academy, you would have never met Kaylee?"

"Well yes... and no. I don't wish to say I'm glad you went but... do you think we'd ever think to venture out this far in the system if you'd have gone to a different school? Well maybe to Persephone but that's it. This whole horrible ordeal brought me to the highlight of my life, Kaylee."

"Then why do feel guilty every time you look at me?" she asked him bluntly.

He seemed shocked at her question at first. After a few seconds, he answered her. "Because I know that while I've found happiness in the most strangest place, you've yet to achieve it."

"But I am happy. Serenity is my home, more even than the estate where we grew up. That was just a house that held our things and lukewarm memories. We were nothing more than puppets for our parents to groom and do their biding there."

Then she motioned to the ship "Here, we're ourselves. There's no pressure to be something we don't want to be, to impress father's business associates or clients. No one parades us around to be admired little dolls. Here we are loved or loathed because of who we are not what we are."

Her brother stared at her quietly. Then he gave her a bright smile. "When did you get so wise?"

"I've always been wise. You're just too much of a boob to have noticed before," she rolled her eyes.

Before he could do more than laugh, the mule rushed in, nearly clipping Simon before it stopped.

"Are we in a rush?" Simon asked.

"No, I just like to drive her fast," Mal flashed him a mischievous smile. "That letter for me, little albatross?"

"No. It's for Jayne." She swiveled her eyes toward the mercenary, holding out the letter.

Jayne jumped out of the mule and snatched the letter from River, muttering a thanks. He ripped open the letter.

"So anything to report?" Mal asked Simon, who'd been glaring at Jayne.

"Hm? Oh nothing to report. No WAVEs, nothing of consequence happened. What about you, do any of you need any stitches or bullet extractions done?" he surveyed the captain with a clinical eye.

"Now why do I get the feeling that you're undressing me with your eyes?"

Simon blinked and started stammering. Mal clapped on the shoulder and laughed.

"I'm just jokin' with ya, doc. No, surprisingly enough, Jayne was scary enough to instill fear in the hearts of our clients. Now on to Beaumonde and then—”


Perhaps it was Jayne's rough sounding voice that stopped him in his tracks or the way River's gaze had not left the mercenary's face since delivering his letter that made his good mood sink.


“I can't go with ya to Beaumonde,” he said still staring at his letter.

“And why is that?” he asked suspiciously.

“My ma's dyin',” he finally looked up. There were no tears in his eyes, but his face was deathly pale and his eyes looked dark and hollow.


Monday, May 21, 2007 7:54 PM

BLUEEYEDBRIGADIER's that final moment with Jayne's reaction to the letter from Matty that really sells this chapter. Cuz it really works with the character to go all quiet and pale but not cry at knowing his mama's gonna be meeting her maker soon:(

Oh...and the Tam Family convo was all kinds of well-done as well:)


Tuesday, May 22, 2007 2:47 AM


Noooo! This is going to get all kinds of sad now isn't it? I knew it was coming but it still hurts! Poor Jayne. Great moment at the end there though, really conveyed Jayne's reaction and emotion well.

Very nice moment between Simon and River, I'm glad they've both realised that they have a family and home right there on Serenity.

Great work all round, looking forward to more!


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The Prodigal Mother 18/?
eventual Rayne. Jayne finds out his blood might just be bluer than Simon or River's. IN THIS CHAPTER...What you've all been waiting for, the big revelation.

Not Mine it all belongs to JOSS


The Prodigal Mother 17/?
eventual Rayne. When Jayne's ma dies, he discovers that while he's described as man ape gone wrong, by Simon his blood might just be bluer than either of the Tams. Who are Jayne's real parents? Why did they give him up? And why does River keep talking about a prodigal son? ALSO IN THIS CHAPTER... Lady Vera and River have a small conversation.

The Prodigal Mother 16/?
eventual Rayne. When Jayne's ma dies, he discovers that while he's described as man ape gone wrong, by Simon his blood might just be bluer than either of the Tams. Who are Jayne's real parents? Why did they give him up? And why does River keep talking about a prodigal son? ALSO IN THIS CHAPTER...Lady Vera makes Mal an offer he can't refuse.

<P> Thanks to my beta Annabella who talked me out of making a mistake involving rice paper *shakes head* what was I thinking?

The Prodigal Mother 15/?
eventual Rayne. When Jayne's ma dies, he discovers that while he's described as man ape gone wrong, by Simon his blood might just be bluer than either of the Tams. Who are Jayne's real parents? Why did they give him up? And why does River keep talking about a prodigal son? ALSO IN THIS CHAPTER...Mal has an interesting conversation with Lady Vera.

The Prodigal Mother 14/?
eventual Rayne. When Jayne's ma dies, he discovers that while he's described as man ape gone wrong, by Simon his blood might just be bluer than either of the Tams. Who are Jayne's real parents? Why did they give him up? And why does River keep talking about a prodigal son? ALSO IN THIS CHAPTER...We see a little bit of what the girls are up to.

Not much in this chapter, just thought I'd let you know what the girls are doing meanwhile. And wanted to do a little background stuff for Zoe. She's a really hard, but really fun character to write for.

The Prodigal Mother 13/?
eventual Rayne. When Jayne's ma dies, he discovers that while he's described as man ape gone wrong, by Simon his blood might just be bluer than either of the Tams. Who are Jayne's real parents? Why did they give him up? And why does River keep talking about a prodigal son? ALSO IN THIS CHAPTER...Jayne finally sees his ma... both of them

The Prodigal Mother 12/?
eventual Rayne. When Jayne's ma dies, he discovers that while he's described as man ape gone wrong, by Simon his blood might just be bluer than either of the Tams. Who are Jayne's real parents? Why did they give him up? And why does River keep talking about a prodigal son? ALSO IN THIS CHAPTER...Joon-Mei and Mattie have an interesting conversation

The Prodigal Mother 11/?
eventual Rayne. When Jayne's ma dies, he discovers that while he's described as man ape gone wrong, by Simon his blood might just be bluer than either of the Tams. Who are Jayne's real parents? Why did they give him up? And why does River keep talking about a prodigal son? ALSO IN THIS CHAPTER...Serenity reaches Jayne's home

The Prodigal Mother 10/?
eventual Rayne. When Jayne's ma dies, he discovers that while he's described as man ape gone wrong, by Simon his blood might just be bluer than either of the Tams. Who are Jayne's real parents? Why did they give him up? And why does River keep talking about a prodigal son? ALSO IN THIS CHAPTER...Lady Vera finally sees her namesake