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A few more little pieces of the Firefly 'verse we would have liked to have seen the first time around.
LOST CONVERSATIONS X 1. WHERE ZOE, JAYNE AND BOOK SECURE THE UNCONSCIOUS DOBSON IN “Serenity” INT. CARGO BAY Simon and Mal pick up the injured Kaylee and move toward the infirmary as Inara leads the way. Zoe stands guard over the unconscious Dobson as Book stands nearby. ZOE Who knocked him out? JAYNE (O.S.) Shepherd did. Got a mean right jab. Book doesn’t even look at him as Jayne approaches with a roll of duct tape. ZOE Shepherd? What happened? Jayne bends to secure Dobson’s hands as Book talks. BOOK I heard the Captain and Doctor Tam arguing. He seemed to be accusing the Doctor of being a Federal agent. When I entered the cargo bay, I notice Dobson standing on the stairway with a pistol. (beat) He’s a lawman. Jayne and Zoe look at each other in surprise. JAYNE A what? A lawman? No ruttin’ way. ZOE Did he say he was? BOOK He told the Doctor he was bound by law, so I assumed he was. He did not deny it when both the Doctor and I called him lawman. Said the cruiser was en route. He had called them. ZOE The Doctor? Bound by law? BOOK Yes. JAYNE What the hell for? BOOK We didn’t get into the details before you and Kaylee entered and he...panicked. A beat of silence. Book looks toward the infirmary. He closes his eyes and says a silent prayer. Zoe and Jayne say nothing, their expressions full of worry and then hate as they look at Dobson. ZOE Pick him up. Let’s put him in a passenger room for now. Jayne doesn’t like this. JAYNE Airlock’s good enough for likes of him. ZOE Jayne, you ain’t in command of this boat. Till we know the truth he stays alive. Jayne gives a snort of disgust and moves to pick up Dobson. JAYNE Led a hand here, Shepherd. Book bends and helps Jayne pick him up. Dobson gives a small groan. They start to drag him to the passenger dorm. INT. PASSENGER LOUNGE They struggle with Dobson over the stairs and past the infirmary. Simon doesn’t even look as he fights to save Kaylee’s life. Inara and Mal take notice. Zoe stops by the door. Mal’s face is a mask of worry. MAL Keep him alive. Check with Wash, see how we’re faring. ZOE Yes, sir. (beat) Kaylee... INARA Simon’s got it under control. Simon doesn’t even acknowledge the conversation as he concentrates on his job. Zoe leaves and heads up the stairs to the upper level. INT. PASSENGER ROOM Jayne and Book put Dobson down on the bed, still unconscious. JAYNE Think I can handle it from here. BOOK I think I’d better stick around. No telling what ideas you’re going to get about what to do with him. JAYNE Now, Shepherd, you might have jus’ hurt my feelings. If I had any. Suit yourself. Jus’ don’t let him outta your sight. BOOK (flat) I’m sure my mean right jab will come in handy again if he tries to escape. Jayne gives a little laugh and exits. INT. PASSENGER LOUNGE Jayne walks by the infirmary, stops a beat, his toughness falling away as he sees how bad Kaylee is hurt. He climbs the stairs, and crouches down, looking in the window as they still work on the unconscious Kaylee.
2. WHERE JAYNE, MAL, SIMON, AND KAYLEE RETURN TO SERENITY IN “Jaynestown” EXT. JAYNE’S STATUE - DAY The statue lies in the mud. Jayne’s is seething with rage, doesn’t notice the foremen and his prod crew edging closer. Mal comes up behind Jayne. MAL Best we be leaving. Jayne nods slowly, turns, takes once last look at the youth who took the shotgun blast for him, then walks away. The crowd parts as Jayne and Mal come through and approach Kaylee and Simon. Mal puts an arm to help Simon but Kaylee shakes her head. KAYLEE I got him, Capt’n. MAL Come on then. They pick up the pace. The foreman and his men walk through the crowd, the crowd moves to block them. FOREMAN What’s this?!? You all want to end up in the hot box or the mud pit like Hessian here? Mummers and then they part. The foreman’s men scowl at them as they walk through. PROD CREWMAN 1 Why we wasting time, let’s get him. FOREMAN They ain’t going nowhere. Ship’s landlocked. EXT. SERENITY, DOCKING PORT - DAY Mal looks over his shoulder at the men walking toward them. MAL Might have some trouble here. JAYNE (looking back) Good. I feel like killin’ some more today, especially these sumbitches.. MAL Not with Kaylee here and the Doc in no shape to defend himself and neither a us with a gun. Let’s move. SIMON (in pain) I’m fine. KAYLEE No, you ain’t. You ain’t much of a doctor when it comes to yourself. They reach the ship, head up the ramp. The ramp comes up and the foremen and prod crew come into scene. The ships tries to rise but can’t. FOREMAN They stuck. We get some... He doesn’t get a chance to finish as suddenly Serenity rises, and the turbulence of the VTOL’s sends the foremen and his crew flying off toward the mud pits in a jumble and tumble of arms and legs, much to the amusement of the Mudders. INT. CARGO BAY Jayne is heading up the stairs, as Mal helps Simon with Kaylee. Simon stops. SIMON Jayne. He stops and looks at them. SIMON (CONT’D) Thanks for pretending to not know me. JAYNE Doc, I wish I nev....never mind. Take good care a him, little Kaylee. INT. INFIRMARY They feel the ship rising as they sit Simon on the examining table. MAL You got it? Kaylee gives him a look like she’s not an idiot. MAL (CONT’D) Right. Be on the bridge you need anything. He exits. Kaylee turns to the medical supplies, seems a little lost. KAYLEE Uh, Simon...what... SIMON Second drawer, anti-biotics...yes that’s it. She takes out a paper packaged wrapped needle, hands it to him. SIMON (CONT’D) Gauze, bandages and alcohol for my cuts. She moves to get them as he expertly injects himself with the anti-biotics. She puts some alcohol on some gauze and moves to his left arm, takes it, tries to roll up his sleeve, can’t, and he winces in pain from her actions. KAYLEE Take off your shirt. Simon is surprised. SIMON What? Why? Kaylee looks at him sternly. KAYLEE Take it off or I’ll cut it off. He holds her stare for a second, realizes she’s serious, starts to take it off, vest first then with Kaylee’s help the shirt. Kaylee tries to hold back a little smile as she takes in her first view of a shirtless Simon, starts to fix his arm, wiping blood away as he again winces in pain. KAYLEE (CONT’D) It ain’t deep. SIMON Thankfully, I won’t need stitches. Kaylee takes a bandage roll, starts to wind it round Simon’s arm, gently. Again he winces in pain. SIMON (CONT’D) You’re enjoying this, aren’t you? Kaylee is surprised. KAYLEE You mean seeing you shirtless? Well, Doc.. Simon tries to suppress a grin. SIMON No, seeing me in pain. (beat) After what I said to you this morning. She steps back, her face not so smiley anymore. KAYLEE Simon, I don’t wish pain on anyone in the ‘verse. Simon sees he has screwed up. Once again. SIMON No, Kaylee, I didn’t mean...just this morning, I was kind of rude to you. KAYLEE (rolling eyes) I guess you were. SIMON Mal... he...he surprised me...and She puts a finger to his lips. KAYLEE Let’s just forget about that. He nods slowly as she slowly lowers her hand. Silence as she works, finishes tieing the bandage, slight pain on Simon’s face but he doesn’t say anything. Then she picks up some cotton swabs, puts alcohol on them and starts to dab the cuts on his face. KAYLEE (CONT’D) That man. He was Jayne’s partner? SIMON Appears to be so. KAYLEE Why’d he beat you? SIMON He found me in the bar. Said he heard I was with Jayne, started beating me, cut me. Kaylee starts to put a small bandage near his eye. KAYLEE Shouldn’t’ve left you there, alone. (beat) Sorry. Simon grins slightly. SIMON That’s a first. Usually I’m the one doing the apologizing. Kaylee looks at him seriously. KAYLEE You just made me so mad I forgot one a the most important rules. SIMON What rule? KAYLEE Never leave shipmates alone in a strange place. SIMON So, we’re shipmates? KAYLEE Course. You and River both. Told you that before, remember? SIMON Yes. (beat) Thank you. Kaylee steps back, looks at him. KAYLEE Good as new. He looks at the bandage on his arm. SIMON Good job. Ever think on.. KAYLEE No.(beat) Happy where I am. Engines don’t scream or make you cry when they die. Not always anyways. SIMON Suppose not. He gets down slowly, grabs his shirt and vest. KAYLEE Now you go have a rest. I’ll check in on you later. SIMON OK, Doctor. He exits and she stares at him as he goes, gives a little smile. Inara comes down the stairs and sees Simon’s back as he goes to the passenger rooms. She enters the infirmary. Kaylee brightens. KAYLEE Hey, ‘Nara! Have good sex? INARA Of course. I was there, wasn’t I? I always make sure its good sex, even with a novice. (beat) So, playing nurse for Simon? KAYLEE Yeah, he got beat up. INARA Mal filled me in. Not all the details though I heard Jayne is a hero and you and Simon got drunk last night. You two didn’ know. KAYLEE Have sex? No. (beat) But he was so drunk he’d never remember. She grins. INARA What’s so amusing about that? Thought you wanted to, with him. KAYLEE Oh, I do. Just got an idea about how to tease Simon later. He’s such a mark sometimes. 3. WHERE BADGER HIRE’S SERENITY FOR THE DERELICT SALVAGE JOB IN “Serenity” INT. BADGER’S LAIR, PERSEPHONE - DAY Badger sits behind his desk looking at Mal, Jayne, and Zoe, standing in front. Badger’s thugs are all around, armed as usual. BADGER Feel up to doing a bit a salvage work? MAL What’s the haul? BADGER Got word of a derelict, just a few day’s ride from here. One a my regulars passed by, took down the hull numbers. I checked it out, seems it was running food supplies to the rim colonies. JAYNE Food? Ain’t no profit in food. Mal gives him one of his patented “shut the hell up” looks. MAL What kind of “food”? BADGER Kind that cost a mint. Suppose to be high quality food sups, three crates loaded at Greenleaf. MAL What’s our end? BADGER Three hundred, coin, one per crate. (beat) If the cargo’s intact. JAYNE (mad) Three... Jayne seems to want to say something more but then shuts up. MAL Bet we could sell it for a lot more ourselves on the open market. BADGER Right you could, but then you’d never be able to set foot on Persephone again without looking over your shoulder for my lot or get another job in the ‘verse after I spread the word about how you screwed me out of my share. I bring you the info, you do the job. Nothing up front, strictly speculation. That’s business. Don’t like it, find another line of work. MAL Just making sure you know that I know you’re screwing us. Badger laughs. BADGER Captain Reynolds, you know and I know I’ve screwed you on every deal we ever made together so why you keep coming back to me? Silence, Jayne simmering, Zoe ready to grab her gun, tension in the air. BADGER (CONT’D) We got a deal or not? MAL The derelict. What kind of shape is it in? Badger indicates a video feed on a small hand held video recorder, looks like it was taken from a window of a passing ship. They see the derelict all beat up, smashed to pieces except for one area. MAL (CONT’D) Ain’t much left of it. JAYNE What happened? BADGER Bad luck. Meteor shower, Reavers, who knows and I don’t care. They’re misfortune is our fortune. MAL Need my people to see if this wreck still has a chance of holding that cargo. ZOE Need to upload it to Serenity. BADGER Be my guest, little lady. Badger hands her the device and she starts pressing buttons. Zoe puts in an earwig comm link in her left ear. ZOE Wash? Incoming transmission, video. You and Kaylee check it out see if any cargo holds still intact. WASH (O.S.) Roger that, baby. Zoe nods to Mal. MAL My guys say its good, we’ll take the chance. They wait a few beats. WASH (O.S.) Seems the cargo area may be intact. ZOE OK. Be back soon. She looks at Mal. ZOE (CONT’D) We’re good, sir. Badger hands Mal a small chip. BADGER Here’s the location. Wave us when you got my goods. You all have a nice trip. Ta. Mal doesn’t say a word as he takes the chip turns and exits, Zoe and Jayne following. EXT. EAVESDOWN DOCKS, PERSEPHONE - DAY Mal, Jayne, and Zoe walk through the crowds heading back to the ship. JAYNE Some day I’m gonna put a bullet in that little man. MAL Jayne, I ain’t taking you to no more meets till you learn to know when to talk and when to shut it. JAYNE But, Mal, three hundred? ZOE Three hundred ain’t much, sir, especially with nothing up front. We barely got enough fuel to get there and get back. MAL Badger’s our only regular. We need this job. Ain’t no way we’re going on the drift. Three hundred see us to Boros with a little comfort room. Got a line on another possible job there. Worse comes to worse, we can always take on passengers.
Monday, November 14, 2011 9:07 PM
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