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A few more little tidbits from the Firefly 'verse that somehow got lost the first time around.
LOST CONVERSATION XII 1. WHERE THE ALLIANCE OFFICER LETS SERENITY AND THE CREW GO FREE IN “Bushwhacked” INT. SERENITY, DINING AREA The derelict’s survivor that turned into a Reaver lies dead at Mal’s feet. Mal looks at the shocked Harken. MAL Now you believe me? Harken doesn’t move. One soldier moves to help Harken as the other talks into a mic. SOLDIER 1 Sir? You OK, sir? SOLDIER 2 (shaken, into mic) Back up! Need back up in the Firefly! Get a med team here now! Upper level! He then moves to the soldier with the slashed throat. MAL He’s dead. Soldier 2 checks and then looks back at Mal and to Harken. SOLDIER 2 He’s dead, sir. Harken starts to get to his feet, straightens his uniform. HARKEN (terse) Thank you...Captain Reynolds. MAL (sarcastic) Always glad to do a favor for the Alliance. (indicating handcuffs) Be much obliged. Harken nods his head to the soldier, who moves to take off the cuffs. MAL (CONT’D) So, now what? HARKEN It appears you we’re perhaps telling the truth about the Reavers. MAL Guess you can see that for yourself. Mal moves farther into the dining room, stepping aside the dead Reaver and soldier. Running footsteps come and more soldiers and medical personnel enter from the fore hall, stopping, seeing the carnage. Mal turns in surprise but they seem not to have found Simon or River. HARKEN (to his people) Remove the bodies. Return to the ship. They set to the task. Someone looks at Harken’s face, cleans the blood from it. MAL And my crew and ship? INT. CARGO BAY An Alliance soldier takes the crates they took off the derelict back through the air lock as all the crew stand looking at Harken, standing with two more soldiers. HARKEN You are free to go, Captain. My report will indicate your attempt to save that man. MAL And that’s it? HARKEN That cargo is Alliance property now. Be thankful I am only taking it and not you and your ship, also. Good-day. With that he turns and his men follow. Mal steps up and closes the door. KAYLEE (worried) Where’s Simon and River? MAL Don’t rightly know. Wash get us out of here. Fast. Wash is already heading up the stairs. WASH On the way. They all start to head up. INT. FORE HALL Wash and Zoe head to the bridge as the others look at the fore airlock. Kaylee looks at the controls. KAYLEE It’s locked. So’s outside hatch. MAL Open it. Kaylee does so. Looks up. KAYLEE Found ‘em. Come on down. Coast is clear. Simon and River slowly come down, River first, still with helmets off. SIMON Are we safe? KAYLEE Yup. They’re gone. MAL Smart thinking, Doc. SIMON I thought they had come back. We got inside and I wasn’t sure if I could get the helmets on properly, so we just waited in the airlock. RIVER I want to go again! Simon looks at her wide eyed as everyone has a good chuckle. MAL Some other time. SIMON (to everyone) Thank you. For helping us. And for not saying anything. MAL (to crew) Guess I should say the same. That officer said I have a very loyal crew. JAYNE Yeah, they was all set to torture us next. KAYLEE No, they weren’t! BOOK It was an interesting...experience. INARA Not one I’d care to repeat. SIMON Sorry for all the trouble. MAL Like I said before, Doc, more of a self-preservation thing. Alliance don’t look too kindly on those harboring fugitives.
SIMON Still. Thank you KAYLEE Told you we wouldn’t let ‘em take you. MAL Alliance left quite a mess. Let’s get you out of these suits and get to cleaning up. Starting with the dining area, lots of blood there. Everyone looks at each other suddenly wanting to be somewhere else. KAYLEE I gotta check the engine room. And off she goes, but down the stairs, not through the dining area. MAL Kaylee, engine room’s that way... She’s gone. JAYNE They best not touched my guns. He heads to his bunk. INARA I’ll be in my shuttle. BOOK I’ll see to the passenger rooms. Mal rolls his eyes as they both exit down the stairs. MAL (hopeful) Doc? SIMON I’ll clean it. Suppose the infirmary is a mess, too. Need to get us out of these suits first. MAL Be on the bridge you need help. River looks back up at the airlock. RIVER When can we go again? Mal and Simon look at each other. MAL Next time we have some trouble. OK? RIVER Good. I love trouble. She smiles and Mal gets an unsettled look on his face as River then heads off down the stairs and Simon follows.
2. WHERE MAL AND BOOK DISCUSS BOOK STAYING ON BOARD SERENITY FROM “Serenity” INT. SERENITY, PASSENGER LOUNGE Book sits on the sofa reading his Bible when Mal enters from the cargo bay, looks in the infirmary room window. No one is there. BOOK Captain? Looking for Doctor Tam? MAL Seen him? BOOK I believe he is checking on his sister at the moment. Mal is about to head that way. Book stands. BOOK (CONT’D) She’s having one of her bad moments. Best to let him calm her down. Mal stops, turns to him. MAL Yeah, suppose so. Mal stands a bit awkward then sits down and Book also sits. BOOK Something troubling you, Captain? MAL What? Oh, the Doctor. Yeah, just my arm where that bullet grazed it. Think it’s infected. BOOK Well, I’m sure the Doctor will take care of that no problem.(beat) Anything else bothering you? MAL Nothin’, except the fact that Kaylee’s laying in a passenger room bed, healing from a lawman’s bullet, too sore to get down to her bunk or fix anything. I also got two fugitives on my boat, one who ain’t all there. On top of all that I killed a lawman someone is bound to notice missing and I’ve been shot. Otherwise, fine. BOOK I thought killing Dobson wouldn’t have bothered you. MAL The killing part didn’t. The fact that he’s a lawman does. Alliance don’t like to lose one of their own. Someone will come looking, asking questions. He called that Alliance cruiser, they got a bead on us that’s for sure. BOOK Maybe we should lie low for awhile, keep away from the larger planets, travelled routes. MAL We? Are you part of us brigands now, Shepherd? BOOK Not exactly a brigand. But I’m not sure if I’m quite ready to leave yet. A few souls here need my help. MAL Long as one of them ain’t mine, your welcome to stay Shepherd. Could use the fare. BOOK About that. Man stays in an abbey as long as I have and he has little opportunity to make much money. Soon it will run out. Mal shrugs. MAL Well, we’ll cross that bridge when it comes. (beat) What was your plan when you left the abbey? BOOK Had none, really. Not an exact plan. I’m trained to bring the word of the Lord to the people. Thought I would find a ship, head to the rim colonies, perhaps find a little town which needed a man of God, settle in, give people comfort and guidance. MAL Been wanting to ask you, but why’d you pick my ship? Cause we were heading to Boros? BOOK No, Boros had no particular meaning for me. It was Kaylee. MAL Kaylee? BOOK Yes. She was trying to get passengers for Serenity and she was just so...honest, I guess is the word I’m looking for. MAL That she is. Don’t believe I ever heard her tell a fib, not one I know about anyway. BOOK When she got shot...I’m ashamed to say, I wanted to do violence to that man...Dobson...for a brief moment I forgot I was a man of God. MAL Well, you sure disarmed him in a hurry. BOOK Man my age learns a thing or two about self-defense. Just then Simon comes out of a passenger room and walks over. BOOK (CONT’D) How is she? SIMON Sleeping. For now. MAL And Kaylee? SIMON Good. Out of danger. She should be able to walk in a few days. Work might have to wait. BOOK Thank God. MAL Doc. About my arm...think I might have you look it now. SIMON Yes, of course. Simon and Mal enter the infirmary as Bok returns to reading his Bible.
3. WHERE WE FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENED TO MAL AND WASH AFTER THEY WERE AMBUSHED IN ‘War Stories” EXT. DESERT - DAY Bolles and his two men are dead. Wash and Mal are still down and slowly raise their arms as the ambushers stick weapons in their faces. MAL Let me do the talkin’ Wash is clearly freaked out. WASH Talking, yes you do the...talking. AMBUSH LEADER Shut up. Get up on your knees. Wash looks to Mal who nods and they both get up to their knees. AMBUSHER LEADER Hands behind you. They do so and the men start to tie their hands. One removes Mal’s pistol, tosses it aside. Another checks Wash and he has no weapon. MAL Now fellas, if it’s cargo you’re after, take what you see and let’s be done. AMBUSHER 1 We’re not here for your cargo. MAL Well, that’d be a mistake. Worth substantial money value. WASH And we got more! Mal looks at him angry. WASH (CONT’D) More! Somewhere else...Where, there’s no one!..Just us! The Ambush Leader puts his gun to Wash’s head. AMBUSH LEADER What’d I say about shutting up? WASH Shutting up, sir, shutting up, now. They put blindfolds on them. MAL Now, that ain’t exactly fair. AMBUSH LEADER (laughing) Fair? This the easy part. Your day is just beginning, Captain Reynolds. MAL Now you all seem to know me, suppose you tell me who you all are. AMBUSH LEADER You’ll find out soon enough. The SOUND OF AN ENGINE comes. WASH What’s....oh, I know that sound... MAL Wash, shut it. AMBUSH LEADER Best listen to him. I got orders to bring him back. Didn’t say anything about no big mouth idiots. WASH Ok, shut... MAL (angry) WASH! The ENGINE SOUNDS get louder. Dust is kicked up as a small off world shuttle lands. AMBUSH LEADER On your feet! They get up and are pushed and dragged to the ship and shoved on board as all the men get on. INT. SHUTTLE Mal and Wash are put on the floor, sitting side by side in the back, ambushers watching them. Wash attempts to whisper sideways to Mal. WASH Mal? MAL Son-of-a-bitch. WASH We’re taking off. MAL I know. WASH Who... MAL No idea. Could be...anyone. WASH We don’t have too many friends in the ‘verse do we? MAL One less now Bolles is dead. WASH This is the stuff Zoe never tells me about? MAL Ain’t all fun and games. WASH Guess I never realized... AMBUSH LEADER Hey! Shut it! INT. SKYPLEX TORTURE ROOM The blindfold is taken off Mal and he looks right at Niska’s face, who is smiling like he’s won the lottery. MAL WASH What? Author’s note: Course, these last two lines aren’t mine but thought it was best way to end this.
Author’s note: Course, these last two lines aren’t mine but thought it was best way to end this.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011 6:58 AM
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