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Serenity arrives
The Last Spartan – Chapter Nineteen Author owns no rights to Firefly, nor it’s related characters, writing without recompense for his own entertainment. -------------------- It was a sad day for the crew of Serenity when the ship entered orbit over Londinium. In minutes, Mal was yelling for Jayne. “Jayne! You better have some clout around here, or we ain’t going no further!” Jayne walked to the bridge. Mal pointed to the cortex screen, where a very officious looking traffic controller was looking at Mal with a pinched face. His look lessened a great deal at the sight of Jayne. “Is there a problem?” Jayne asked. He was wearing a very subdued crimson robe, really a jacket, with an odd seal on the breast pocket. Gone was the goatee, the scruff look. Jayne looked every inch the nobleman. “M. . .My Lord Janos,” the controller stammered. “Forgive me, My Lord,” the man bowed. “I was not aware you were aboard ship.” “Now that you are aware, is there any compelling reason why Captain Reynolds cannot land his vessel at my estate?” Jayne’s voice was like liquid helium. “Of course not!” the controller looked off screen, waving hurriedly at someone out of view. Suddenly Serenity’s printer began chattering with landing permits and codes. “Thank you,” Jayne nodded, and switched the still stammering and sputtering official off. “Well, that was impressive,” Mal snorted. “It’s who you know,” Jayne smiled thinly. “Mal, I want to ask you, once more. Please, at least consider staying as my guest for a few days. It will cost you nothing, and there will be no indebtedness whatsoever. You have been good to me,” Jayne lied through his teeth. “Allow me, in whatever way I can, to repay that kindness. You are welcome here.” Mal said nothing, looking at Jayne closely. “Need to find work,” he said suddenly. “I have just paid you more than you can make in three months to bring River and I home,” Jayne pointed out. “You can refuel your ship from my stores, at my expense. There is no valid reason not to enjoy the time here, with Inara.” “That ain’t none. . .” “Mal, please,” Jayne sighed wearily. “Why must you take offense to every attempt to show kindness to you? At any rate, I ask you, for the sake of your crew, to at least consider it.” Without waiting for a reply, Jayne turned and left. Mal watched him go. For the first time in many days, he wasn’t angry. -------------- “Nervous?” Jayne asked as River joined him in the cargo bay. She nodded. “A little,” she admitted. “Do not be,” he reassured her. “You are the Lady of Sapor Parco,” he smiled. “A title that will belong to you for as long as you desire. Do as you wish. No one will object.” “Might be sorry,” River’s voice was a singsong. “I will never be sorry,” Jayne told her, and she blushed prettily. “Hey, wait for us!” Kaylee called. She and Simon were walking toward them, bags in hand. “Decided to stay a while?” River asked. “Heck yeah!” Kaylee smiled. “Can’t pass up a big foo fer all, like a ball!” “What she said,” Simon smiled. “I’m glad,” River smiled. She would be less nervous with Kaylee and Simon present. All heads turned at the sound of another bag bouncing down the steps. Zoe Washburne was pulling her bag along behind her, he face a study in contrast. She reached the others, and smiled tentatively. “This the right group?” she asked playfully. “It is, indeed,” Jayne nodded. The ship settled gracefully onto the pad, despite Mal being at the controls. Once on the ground, Zoe hit the ramp release, conscious as she did so that it was probably the last time she’d do anything like that. It saddened her. When the ramp hit the ground, the gathered friends gawked. Before them lay a lush and green landscape, with ponds and waterfalls dotting the walkways. Beyond the gardens stood an immense mansion, three stories of perfected architecture. Even as they watched, a ground car pulled up to the pad, and two servants jumped from the vehicle. They approached Serenity, bowing as they caught sight of Jayne. “Welcome home, My Lord,” the older said, a smile playing about his face. “Thank you, Prim,” Jayne answered kindly. “These are my friends, Prim,” he gestured to Simon, Kaylee and Zoe, “as are those still on the ship. They are to be treated with the utmost respect at all times, their every wish granted. See to it that the others are made aware. Any slight to them is a slight to me.” Prim’s eyebrow’s rose at that, and he bowed. “I will see to it, My Lord,” he promised. “And this,” Jayne continued, taking River’s hand, “is the new Lady of Sapor Parco. Her word is my word, her wish is my wish. Is est mei. Ullus tenuis ut suus est nex pro ledo,” Jayne added, and River paled at that. Prim merely smiled again. “That is wonderful news, My Lord,” he beamed at River. “Welcome, my Lady, to Taste of Sparta!” He bowed deeply. “We will walk,” Jayne said, indicating himself and River. He turned to the others. “You may do as you like. Your bags will be seen to. Enjoy yourself and be at peace.” With that Jayne had a few more words with Prim, then departed. “What did he say ‘bout River?” Kaylee whispered, and Zoe joined them. “She looked almost scared.” “I think Jayne is somewhat short tempered,” Simon smiled weakly. “He told Prim that River was the Lady of Taste of Sparta. ‘She is mine. Any slight to her is death for the offender’.” “Oh! That’s so romantic!” Kaylee almost swooned, and Zoe had to laugh. “Mei mei, only you could see a death threat as romantic.” ----------------- Inara Serra stood on the ramp, looking out at the lush expanse of Jayne’s home. To say it was beautiful would be an insult. It was breath taking. In her years as a Companion, she had seen many great places, homes and estates of some of the wealthiest men in the known ‘verse. None of them compared to this. “May I be of service, my Lady?” She turned to find a grey haired man looking at her thoughtfully. “No, thank you,” she smiled. “I was simply admiring the view.” He smiled at that. “It is a wonderful place, my Lady. My name is Prim, by the way, and I am My Lord Janos’. . .assistant, so to speak. If there is anything you require during your stay, please do not hesitate to inform me.” “Thank you, Prim,” Inara smiled graciously. “I do not believe we will be here much longer, but I will remember.” “Very well, my Lady,” Prim bowed again, and departed. Inara watched him go. Whatever Jayne might have pretended to be, he inspired loyalty in his servants. On impulse, she called out to him. “Prim?” He turned at once. “Would it be permissible for me to walk in this beautiful garden?” Inara asked, waving to the lush landscape before her. “But of course, my Lady!” Prim smiled brightly. “Master Janos has left strict instructions that no wish of your’s is to be denied!” Inara blushed at that. “Thank you, Prim,” she nodded. Gathering her skirts, she descended the ramp, and entered the plethora of flowers. --------------- “Shame the Cap’n can’t get over his issues,” Kaylee remarked sadly as she, Simon, and Zoe eyes the great house. “More than a shame,” Zoe lamented at her side. “It’s a waste. I never seen him like this, Kaylee.” “He has lost control of those around him,” Simon murmured, remembering something Jayne had said. “He feels like things are beyond his ability to influence, and he doesn’t like it.” Zoe looked at Simon thoughtfully. “You might just be right, Simon,” she said after a moment. “It’s still sad,” Kaylee sighed. “This is such a beautiful place!” “It is remarkable,” Simon nodded. “There is nothing on Osiris to compare to it. It absolutely boggles the mind that Jayne Cobb, of all people. . .” he shook his head, unable to finish. “He’s a good actor,” Zoe grinned. “But I suppose he’s had to be.” “Yes,” Simon nodded, thinking now of his sister. Kaylee watched him. “She’ll be fine, Simon,” Kaylee whispered softly, and he smiled. “Know me too well, I think,” he replied, squeezing her hand. “Well, you two can stay out here all day gawking if you want,” Zoe told them. “But I intend to see what kind of bath tubs Jayne has in this run down place.” Simon and Kaylee both burst out laughing at her description of Jayne’s home, and followed her toward the house. ------------------ “Jayne, why did you say that, back there?” River was walking alongside Jayne in the garden. The place was huge, with paths wandering all through it. Pools and fountains and falls adorned the entire expanse, with man-made streams working through almost every meter. “Say what?” Jayne asked her, though knowing what she meant. “You promised death to any who ‘slighted’ me,” River said quietly, still shaken by the announcement. “Do not be alarmed,” he laughed gently. “It is an ancient phrase,. A ritual that establishes your authority over the house and all who live or work there. The actual death would be more in line with being dismissed.” She looked up at him, making sure he was being truthful. “I will not lie,” he added. “Any real slight to you will very likely cause a violent reaction, my Lady. Do not act so surprised. You know who and what I am,” he told her when her eyes went wide. “I can care for myself, Jayne,” she told him gently. “Completely beside the point,” he shook his head. “My authority here is absolute, River. Thus, so is yours. I am often gone from here for years at a time,” he added. “There must be at least some stick to accompany the carrot which my servants enjoy,” he laughed. River finally smiled at that. “Just so no one dies over me,” she replied. Jayne stopped at that, looking deep into her eyes. “I will not promise you that,” he said seriously. “I cannot. But I do promise you that it will take more than a perceived insult to provoke that wrath. Is that acceptable?” River considered that. On the one hand, his protectiveness was endearing, and reassuring. And, she remembered, Blue Sun would always be looking for her. On the other, she did not want to be the cause of anyone else dying. “You are safe, here,” Jayne told her, as if reading her thoughts. “Not even Blue Sun will dare try to take you here, my Lady.” “I. . .” She fumbled for the right words, but could not find them. She realized, at last, that Janos was, and always would be, a Spartan at heart. That a culture older than the very civilization in which she lived was instilled in him still. She couldn’t hide the uncertainty in her eyes as she looked up at him. When their eyes met, she felt him stiffen, and the wall she’d thought gone forever was instantly between them. “I understand,” Jayne’s voice was suddenly distant. “This is not what you desire. I feared as much,” he admitted. “Still, hope, once kindled, is difficult to extinguish.” He smiled at her, but it was weak. Hurt. “You still need to stay, long enough for me to teach you that which you need to know,” he told her. “Once that is done, and I will make it as quick as possible for your sake, I will see to it that you are well prepared to begin your new life wherever you desire.” He lifted her hand, and kissed it gently. “If you will excuse me, I have things that need my attention. As I said, I have been gone for a long time. I will see you at dinner.” Before River could object, he was gone. “Jayne!” she called after the blur that had left her standing alone. “That’s not what I . . . ” But he was gone. River stood alone in the garden, her heart breaking. What had she done? She had wanted this for so long! And just when she had it, she had ruined it, over nothing more than an ancient ritual that conveyed protection and authority. A public declaration of his love for her, and her place in his life. Tears fell freely as she recalled the hurt on Jayne’s face. In his eyes. He had allowed her to get close to him, despite his own fears. And she had repaid him by wounding him in the worst possible way. She sobbed so loudly that Inara heard her, and came to her side. “River?” Inara asked quietly, placing an arm around the younger woman. “River, sweetie, what’s wrong?” “Oh, Inara!” River sobbed again, falling into Inara’s arms. “I’ve ruined everything!” ------------ Janos attempted to take comfort from the fact that he had known it would someday end like this. But to have it taken from him before it was truly his! He cursed himself for his weakness in allowing her to enter his life. He felt the pain, and let it wash over him, penance for his foolishness. A single, bloody tear fell from his eye, and he wiped it away in anger. There was no place for weakness, for softness, in a Spartan. He was the last of that proud people, something he took very seriously. That Sparta had died two millennia past made no difference. So long as he lived, Sparta lived. Hardening himself, he walked toward the house. He needed to see that the others were taken care of. And he would have to tell Prim, of course. He would be disappointed, but he had endured disappointment before. With a bitter taste in his mouth, and a constricting tightness around his heart, Janos set out upon his way.
Friday, November 30, 2007 5:33 AM
Friday, November 30, 2007 6:17 AM
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