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Party Crashers!
The Last Spartan – Chapter Twenty-Eight I own no rights of any kind to Firefly, and write only for the pleasure of it. ************************** The sound of gunfire had been heard even above the small orchestra in the Grand Hall. The music died away, and guests milled about in fear and confusion. Jayne looked at Prim, who nodded, and left the room. “What is it, Janos?” River asked calmly, holding his arm, but not his hand. “I do not know,” he admitted grimly. “The security for the estate is quite strong, so there is little reason to think that we are in danger. Still,” he added, looking at her, “I’d feel better knowing what was happening.” “Why don’t you go and wait with the others, while I find out what’s happening. I won’t be a minute.” “All right,” River surprised him, standing on her toes to kiss him gently. “Be careful.” He smirked. “I’m always careful.” She was still glaring at him when he turned to go. ****************** Inara had watched Prim depart, then Jayne, and realized she needed to do something. She went to the podium, and managed to quiet the crowd. “Ladies and gentlemen,” she said calmly. “I’m not sure what’s taking place, but let me assure you that Lord Janos has taken every precaution to ensure your safety. His security forces are among the best anywhere, and are on the job.” “You’re safe here, in the Hall,” she continued, amazed that she could speak. “Please remain calm, and let’s not allow these events to darken the mood, or spoil our fun. It is Lord Janos’ desire that you have a wonderful evening, and it would be a shame not to, on this special occasion. So, let’s have music,” she looked pointedly at the director, “and let us continue to dance, dine, and mingle.” The crowd calmed noticeably at that, and resumed normal conversation. True, most of the talk was about the gunfire, but it was no longer punctuated by excited or panicked cries. Inara sighed in relief, and stepped down from the podium, heading toward where her friends were gathered together. *************** River had almost reached Zoe and the others, when two men approached her out of the crowd and took up positions on each side of her. Startled, she looked at them. “River Tam, come quietly,” one growled. “If you do, no one need be injured.” River didn’t need to be a reader to know who they worked for. “You’re a fool,” she said calmly, almost smiling. “You will not live to see the sun rise.” “Nor will you, if you resist,” the other told her flatly. “You belong to us, River Tam. It’s time you came home.” “I am home,” River hissed, and struck out with no warning. The first man was on the ground before his partner knew what had happened. Then, the room erupted into action. ****************** Nettles cursed as he saw the Tam subject strike out. He’d warned the fools! Good help was so hard to come by. Ignoring the shrill voice of his Companion, Nettles moved quickly toward River Tam. He had to defuse this quickly, before anyone got hurt. He noticed several people moving at once to help her, and nodded to his three remaining men to block them. He’d take care of Tam himself. **************** Mal had been nursing a drink at the bar when the fight started. True to his word, he’d behaved, and hadn’t partaken of much alcohol. The sight of River attacking a man who had walked up to her shocked him, but he recovered quickly, and moved to help her. Forgetting that she probably didn’t need his help. Zoe had done likewise. The two had taken no more than five steps, however, when they found their way blocked by three men. “This doesn’t concern you,” one warned quietly. “It don’t?” Mal asked innocently, then let fly. Zoe was right behind him. ****************** River had taken down one of her attackers, and was dealing with the second, when she heard the words she’d dreaded for years whispered from behind her. “Etta koorum, nas mecht!” Nettles had used the safe word, confident no one would hear him save for Tam herself. His plan was for her to faint away, and he’d simply be a good Samaritan, carrying her someplace she could lie down. Only she didn’t faint away. She completed her blow to the second man’s head, then spun to face him. Nettles eyes widened as he realized the safe word had failed. River smiled evilly at him. “Didn’t you get the memo?,” she asked quietly, and lashed out. Nettles managed to duck the first blow, and spoke the words again, louder this time, and with greater urgency. “Etta korrum nas mecht!” “Feel free to keep trying,” River smirked. She lashed out with her small fist, catching Nettles on the chin. The man wasn’t field personnel, and didn’t take the blow well. He hit the floor as if he’d been boned. Suddenly River sensed intent from one of the strange minds near her and whirled. Sure enough, one of the men battling Mal and Zoe had drawn a gun. Even as she headed toward him, she knew that despite her new found speed, she might not get there in time. *************** Inara had stopped in shock when the fight started. At first she assumed that Mal had had too much to drink. Then she saw River battling first two, then three men, and realized something worse was in the offing. Looking around for Jayne or Prim, she remembered that both had departed to see what was going on outside. Without a thought, she started forward to help. It never occurred to her that River probably didn’t need her help. All Inara saw was a friend in danger. Just as she reached Hiram Nettles, the man stirred, dragging a handgun from under his coat. Inara barely had time to register the look of fury on his face before realizing he was about to shoot River in the back. She didn’t even think before she stepped in front of him. *************** The gunshot was loud in the room. Everyone stopped what they were doing except for the attacking strangers, Mal, Zoe, and River. Mal saw the man bringing a handgun to bear, and tried to push Zoe aside. Zoe saw the gun as well, and tried to pull Mal with her. River leaped into the air, her ability enhanced by her new ‘self’, and launched herself at the gunman. Her foot connected solidly to the man’s temple, and she felt the satisfactory crunch of bone as the man fell to the ground. She was startled by the gunshot. The man should not have been able to pull the trigger. Then, realizing that the sound had come from behind, she turned. And saw Inara Serra lying on the floor, a pool of blood beneath her, spreading rapidly across the ballroom’s polished hardwood floor. ***************** The crowd erupted once again, this time with guests trying frantically to get out of the line of fire. Three of Janos’ security men were in the ball room in seconds, but found that the fight was all but over. Mal and Zoe, unaware as yet that Inara was down, had renewed their assault on the remaining two assailants. Mal slugged his in the face, following that up with a shot to gut. He finished him with a knee to the face, and the man crumpled to the floor, out of the fight. Despite her gown and heels, Zoe managed to subdue her opponent as well. The man had underestimated her, taking her for simply another guest. Zoe’s foot lashed out, burying a three inch spike heel into the man’s groin. Before he could double over, her right arm lashed out, the elbow connecting solidly with his temple. Staggering, the man swung a blind punch in her direction. Zoe easily dodged it, then walked into him, left fist smashing his nose. She heard the crunch of broken cartilage, and smiled in grim satisfaction. She punctuated her victory with a solid kick to the ribs as the man lay moaning on the floor. Her foot had drawn back for another when she heard River’s shriek. “Inara!” Mal and Zoe both looked up to see Inara on the floor. Mal stood still for a full two seconds, stunned at the sight. Then he and Zoe were both moving to her. Nettles, horrified at what had happened, nevertheless raised his gun to try another shot at River. If he could still capture her, it was possible that he could salvage the situation, given time. As he took aim, River Tam turned to look directly at him. The look on her face made him pause, and that pause would cost him everything. With a speed he could scarcely appreciate, the small woman was at his side, his gunhand grasped in her own. He felt her squeeze, heard the sound of bones breaking, and realized, with a start, they were his bones. Screaming in pain, he released his hold on the weapon, and River slugged him in the forehead, far lighter than she desired. She needed him alive, however, and the blow merely dazed him. Nettles disabled, she turned to her friend. “Simon!” she screamed, but Simon was already on his way to where Inara lay. He practically slid to the floor beside her, and ripped open her dress to expose the wound. The blood drained from his face at what he saw. **************** Janos and Prim had rushed back to the ballroom at the sound of the gunshot. Whatever was going on outside would have to look to itself. When they entered, both stopped, shocked at what they saw. Inara was bleeding profusely, now, and Prim went to her without a thought. Simon was already kneeling over her. “Master Tam?” Prim asked, voice rife with pain. “Hospital, Prim,” Simon said tersely. “Quickly now.” Prim gathered Inara into his arms as if she were nothing, and ran from the room. The crew of Serenity followed. Janos went to River, who was standing over a man on the floor. “He shot Inara,” River said venomously. “Trying to shoot me,” she added, looking at Janos. The large man’s eyes grew dark at that. “You have no right to interfere,” Nettles gasped. “She belongs to us.” “My Lord,” a man in a security uniform spoke, three others alongside him. “See that the guests are kept safe,” Janos ordered calmly. “Ladies and gentlemen, I apologize,” he said louder to the crowd around him. “I do not know why this has occurred. My men will see to it that you are escorted safely to your vehicles, and see to it that your departure is protected. I thank you for attending, and express my sorrow that the evening has ended so poorly.” “We shall do this again, however,” he smiled without any joy. “Next time without the gunplay and violence, perhaps.” The weak joke had the desired effect, and the guests laughed. Jayne looked back to the man waiting orders. “I want this one and his cohorts taken to the Locker,” he ordered quietly. “Do not fail me again, Jax. I am not pleased.” “Yes, my Lord,” Jersix replied, swallowing a lump in his throat. Lord Janos’ wrath was not something to be taken lightly. He nodded to his men, calling for more as he did so. Janos turned to River. “Let us see to Inara, then we shall see what this is about,” he told her. “I know what it’s about,” River said tearfully. “This one,” she pointed to Nettles, “used the safe word, Janos.” Janos looked to Nettles, being hauled to his feet by two angry security officers. “I demand that you call the authorities,” Nettles tried, and Janos laughed. There was no humor in it at all. “I am the authority, here,” Janos informed him icily. “And the penalties for trespassing are severe.” Nettles looked into the eyes of the man known as Lord Janos, and saw an ugliness he’d never encountered before. A savagery, hidden beneath layers of civility and wealth. As he looked into those pitiless eyes, the words of the Director rang in his ears. “Lord Janos will mash you like a bug.” Finally, when it was too late, Hiram Nettles understood why the Director had told him to forget River Tam.
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