The Last Spartan – Chapter Thirty One
Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Nettles pays the price


The Last Spartan – Chapter Thirty One I own no rights to Firefly or Serenity, and make no money for these stories. It’s all for my own enjoyment. *************** Mal and River found Zoe and Kaylee also ‘scrounging’ for food. Of course ‘scrounging’ in this house wasn’t quite the same as on board ship. The private dining room’s table was covered in food. Security members were drifting in and out in pairs to fix themselves something, then return to their posts. Word of Jersix’s ‘termination’ had spread quickly, so there was no loitering. Not to mention that no one wanted Neera to catch them sluffing off in any way. The friends all fixed themselves something, one of the cook’s doting on River’s ever need. Mal eyed the large platter in River’s hand suspiciously. “That’s a right impressive plate there, Albatross,” Mal commented casually. “Any other kinda announcements we mighta missed out on earlier?” His voice was friendly, almost teasing, rather than mean and biting as it would have been a month ago. River looked at her plate, finally realizing what Mal meant, and colored nicely. “No, Captain,” she laughed lightly. “There are no little Jaynes or Rivers on the way,” she assured him. “My metabolism is far higher than it was even two weeks ago, let alone before. I need more food, and water, to sustain myself nowadays.” “Just checking,” Mal winked. “Thought we might need to have Inara. . .” the words died on his lips, and the happy moment was gone. “It’s all right, sir,” Zoe said quietly. “I’m sure Inara’ll be up and giving orders in time for any baby showers.” Kaylee and River both laughed softly, though it didn’t help much. “Sorry,” Mal mumbled. “Didn’t think until. . .” “Cap’n, ya ain’t got ta ‘pologize for somethin’ like that,” Kaylee told him firmly. “We was all like to think the same thing, truth be told.” Zoe and River nodded their agreement. “Well, let’s talk ‘bout somethin’ else,” Mal ordered, forking a mouthful of food in. “I agree,” River nodded, tasting her own fare. “In all the excitement, I didn’t even eat!” Kaylee observed. “Me neither,” Mal said. “Don’t think any of us did,” Zoe remarked. “And if we had, it’d be gone by now.” “I need to see ‘bout Simon,” Kaylee said with a gasp, having forgotten the young doctor. “I have already ordered food and drink taken to him,” River told her, smiling. “Finish your own meal before you go and check on him.” “Thanks, River,” Kaylee smiled back. “A good hostess must take proper care of her guests,” River told her, instantly regretting the words. She stopped eating, and placed her fork on the table with a sigh. “Don’t go gettin’ all morbid on us, ‘tross,” Mal ordered. “‘Nara ain’t dead as yet, and Simon says that her being stable is good, considering. Eat.” River nodded without reply, and resumed her meal. No one spoke again for a long time. **************** “I swear that’s it,” Nettles moaned. He had long ago lost tracked of what was hurting. It was easier to keep track of what wasn’t hurting. Which was nothing. He’d never known such pain. “And this Director sent you, specifically, to attack my home, knowing who I was?” Janos asked. That was important. He wanted to know who was responsible for that, above all else. “Yes,” Nettles gasped, forgetting, after telling the lie so many times, that it hadn’t happened that way. “My orders were to retrieve the Tam subject at all cost.” Janos’ face darkened at the words ‘Tam subject’, but he refrained from lashing out. He looked at Neera. “We have what we need?” “Yes, milord,” Neera assured him. Nettles had provided them with plans to the entire facility, personnel, and detailed information on the security features and personnel. Janos looked back to Nettles. “Mister Nettles, you realize that if you have lied to me, your death will span many days of constant pain, do you not?” Nettles paled at that. “I swear, it’s all there,” Nettles almost wailed. The fear in his voice, and on his face, was evident. Satisfied, Janos turned to Prim. “He’s yours.” Primeter Vatorian smiled. It was not a pretty sight. Then his eye’s glazed over, his mouth opened to accommodate his fangs, and Hiram Nettles realized that he wasn’t going to have to worry about the consequences of lying to Lord Janos. The Locker was a special security room, constructed to be soundproof. It failed. ******************** “What the hell is that?” Mal stiffened, looking up as a wail of pain, terror, and anguish rang through the house. “Don’t let it worry you, Captain,” Elana Harwood told him politely. “Just someone taking out the trash.” Zoe shivered at the coldness in the other woman’s voice. The two locked eyes for a moment, then Zoe nodded in acknowledgment. Harwood nodded in return, and without a word between them, Zoe understood that Hiram Nettles was no longer among the living. “Well, I’m goin’ to see Simon,” Kaylee announced, rising to her feet. “I’ll walk with you,” Zoe rose as well. “I want to see how Inara is, anyway.” The two women left the room, leaving River and Mal, along with her retainers, alone in the room. “I shouldna said that earlier, ‘tross,” Mal said suddenly. “‘Bout the miracle cure thing,” he added when her eyebrows rose in question. “Matter o’ fact, there’s a lotta things I ought not o’ said lately, and a good many of them was to you. I ain’t gonna say I’m sorry. Don’t seem like enough, all things considered. So I’ll just tell ya I know it was wrong o’ me, and hope you can forgive me for it.” River looked at Mal for a moment, a soft smile playing across her face. “Of course I forgive you, Captain Daddy,” she giggled, using that title for Mal for the first time in a great while. She rose from her chair on impulse, and hugged him fiercely. After a second, Mal hugged her back just as tightly. She wasn’t gonna break. Not now. “No, never break again,” she whispered, a single tear running down her cheek as she stood back. “No peekin’,” Mal admonished playfully, and was rewarded with another giggle. “Just a little,” she smirked. ****************** Prim had gone to his suite after dealing with Nettles. A quick shower and fresh clothing had erased any sign of his earlier activities. As he entered the hospital, he walked into a fierce discussion between the doctor and his paramour “And I say you need to lie down, and get some rest!” Kaylee said sternly, or as sternly as she could, using a stage whisper. “I can’t, Kaylee, not right now,” Simon replied. “I need to be here, or close by, until Inara is out of danger. I can’t leave her alone for more than a minute at. . .hello, Prim,” Simon broke off when he saw the older man walking into the room. “Mister Prim,” Kaylee said sweetly, “will you please tell Simon he needs rest?” “You do need some rest, physician,” Prim said absently, his eyes going automatically to Inara’s still form. “I will sit with her, and you can use the room at the opposite end of the hall. It has a double bed,” he added with a slight smile, and both young people turned beet red. “I will summon you if anything occurs, Master Tam,” Prim told Simon, when the doctor seemed about to object. “You can do her no good, if you are down as well.” Simon acceded to that logic with a nod, and Kaylee grabbed his hand at once. “C’mon, Doctor Tam.” “You go ahead,” he said to her, taking his hand from hers. “I need a word with Prim, and then I’ll be along. I promise,” he added, when Kaylee seemed about to object. “Make him keep his promise, Mister Prim,” Kaylee said to Prim, who smiled. “I will, indeed, Lady Frye,” he assured her, and Kaylee blushed at that. Simon waited until Kaylee had entered the room before speaking. “Her status is unchanged,” he told the older man. “She’s still stable, which, if not good, isn’t all bad. I did note that her blood pressure has climbed some in the last hour, however, which is a very good sign. Her temperature is constant, also a good sign.” “You think she will recover,” Prim said. It wasn’t a question. “I’m starting to hope,” Simon corrected. “I’d feel better if she woke, even for a few minutes. She should be awake, or at least in and out of consciousness.” “Have faith, physician,” Prim said earnestly, shocking Simon. Prim smiled. “You are surprised?” “Honestly? A little,” Simon nodded. “I don’t know why, though.” “We are from different times, Simon,” Prim said kindly. “I came of age in a world where science was two old men discussing whether the world was flat, and if stars were simply small gems in the night time sky.” Simon chuckled. “In that time, faith was important,” Prim continued. “And some things stay with you, no matter where you go, or how long you live. Should I sit with her in the room,” Prim turned back to business, “or simply wait here?” “Whichever you prefer,” Simon told him. “Sit with her, if it pleases you. I think it would please her. Talk to her,” he added suddenly. Prim looked at him in question. “Whatever would I say?” Prim asked. “Whatever you like,” Simon answered, starting for the room Prim had told him and Kaylee to use. “She might hear you. It would be a comfort.” “Very well,” Prim said hesitantly. As the young doctor disappeared into the room, Prim looked back to where Inara lay on the bed, wrapped in blankets, tubes and lines everywhere. He walked cautiously into the room, pulling a chair to the side of the bed. He stood beside her for bit, absently stroking the hair away from her forehead. Such a beautiful creature, he thought, not for the first time. He’d seen many beautiful women in his time. But Inara Serra was. . .different. Beauty, yes, no denying it. Yet there was strength there as well. Inara had taken a bullet meant for Lady River. Had, in fact, if witness accounts were accurate, stepped deliberately into the path of the bullet in order to keep River from being shot. A selfless act if ever there was one. She was graceful, as she was beautiful. Prim recalled the joy of dancing with her at the beginning of the evening before. He had so wanted to dance with her again. Inara had poise, intelligence, everything that made an attractive woman truly beautiful. A rare and exquisite creature, the rarest he’d ever seen, let alone known. He took his seat, his hand reaching out to take hers. “So, My Lady,” he said suddenly. “What shall we talk about, eh?” He stroked her hand idly, looking out the window at the brightening day. Another sunrise, he thought, wondering absently how many he’d seen. “Would you like me to continue our earlier discussion, perhaps?” he asked, returning his attention to Inara. **************** Primeter Vatorian had awakened with a start, rising from the strange blankets he was swaddled in. “Ah, awake at last,” he heard someone say, and turned to see Commander Junta standing in the doorway of the small hut. “Where am I?” Prim asked. “You are safe, Centurion, I assure you,” Junta replied, moving into the room, and taking a seat. “You are well on the way to being whole, as well.” Prim looked beneath the blanket, expecting to see a stump where his leg had been. Instead his leg now sported a wicked looking scar, already pink with healing. “How long have I been asleep?” he asked in wonder. “Six days,” Junta told him. “And some part of another, in fact. I had almost decided that you preferred sleeping to my company.” “How is this possible?” Prim asked in confusion. “I should be dead!” “Indeed,” Junta nodded. “But you are not, Centurion. Instead, you are very, very much alive. In fact, as you will soon see, you are more than just alive.” “What is it you have done?” Prim demanded, trying to rise. Junta’s hand stopped him without effort. “Rest, my friend,” the man’s voice was kind, understanding. “I know you have questions, and fears. You need not fear, I promise you. One warrior to another. As to your questions, they are to be expected. I assure you there is plenty of time to answer them.” Junta leaned back again, and smiled. “Before I begin telling you about what’s happened to you, I will tell you a little about myself. Ay? As I told you, I am not of their ilk,” he waved his arm at the door. “I will explain my presence among them in due time, but for now, tell me. Have you ever heard of Sparta?” **************** Prim broke off his story abruptly, as he felt Inara’s hand squeeze his slightly. So slightly he’d almost missed it. He rose from his seat, looking down upon her. Inara’s eyes fluttered slightly as he watched, and Prim felt his heart leap. He leaned forward. “Inara, can you hear me?” he asked firmly but quietly. “Inara, if you can hear me, try and open your eyes, please.” She groaned slightly, and Prim was overjoyed to see her head move slightly. Even as he watched, Inara’s eyes opened, then closed again at once. “Inara? Inara, try and open your eyes again,” he pleaded, holding her hand carefully, lest he injure it in his excitement. “If you can hear me, Inara, squeeze my hand, so I know you’re there, okay?” He felt a gentle pressure on his hand, and wanted to jump for joy. “Inara, I’m going to call Simon,” he told her, gently taking his hand away. As he moved away from the bed to the comm unit, Inara spoke. There was only one word, and her voice was weak. Scratchy. But Prim felt his world crumble around him as she spoke. “Mal?”



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