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An imaginary way Simon and Kaylee could have gotten together a bit sooner than the BDM with a little help from River. Repost of a fic long forgotten.
INT. SERENITY ENGINE ROOM Kaylee is sitting cross legged by the engine fixing a part as River sits by handing her tools.
River hands her the tool.
Simon likes you, you know.
Kaylee sits up and gives her a wide eyed look.
What did you say?
He likes you.
Really? Like as in...sweeties?
Sure. Why wouldn't he?
KAYLEE (bashful)
Cause...He’s a doctor...and I’m..just a mechanic.
Ship’s engineer.
That sounds nicer. So, tell me more.
He’s crazy about you, actually. Said your name in his sleep.
Yeah, and I’m always catching him sneaking looks at you.
I caught him a few times. Once he turned red. He confounds me so much. Why doesn’t he do something about it if that’s the way he feels? I mean, I’ve given him enough signals. Haven’t I?
Sure you have, it’s just...he hasn’t accepted this life yet.
I figured it was something like that. He wants to go back to Osiris, a rich, successful doctor, and doesn't want me on his arm, just a hick girl from the border.
No, Kaylee, no! He thinks the ‘verse of you. Its just, our life, was so different back home. What he hasn’t accepted is that we can’t go back. Ever.
But you have?
No choice. Alliance chasing me. Parents abandoning me. Serenity is all I have now.
Oh, River. I never really thought if it that way.
It’s okay. So, about Simon? You really sweet on him?
You know it! (forlorn) What can I do?
Leave it to me.
What do you mean?
I’ll set him straight.
KAYLEE (mischievously)
Are you playing matchmaker for your brother?
No, for you.
River, why are you so nice to me?
You were the only one on Serenity who took us in from the first day. Well, Simon from the first day and me after. You never tried to sell us out or had a thought of abandoning us. Maybe Wash, too. He told me how broken up you were when we were captured by those hill folk on Jiangyin. The look on your face when the captain ordered him to take off, to leave us. KAYLEE
I just...couldn’t believe it.
Not your fault.(beat) My childhood was very strange. Being the smartest person in class makes you a target of all kinds of meanness. I never had a friend except Simon. You’re the closest to a sister and a friend I’ve ever had.
Give me a hug.
They hug, wipe away a tear.
So let me do my thing.
She stands and exits as Kaylee gives a big smile and goes back to work.
Simon is taking inventory as Mal stands nearby.
We need more plasma and whole blood.
I’ll pass the word, ask for donors.
Thanks. Hope we don’t need it but..
Better to be safe. Anything else?
Morphine, adrenaline, surgical thread, a software update for the scanner, and rubber gloves.
Our coffers ain’t exactly overflowing but see what we can scrounge next stop. Software might have to wait.
River sticks her head in the door.
Howdy, little sister. RIVER
Howdy, Captain. Need to talk to Simon.
Mal steps out.
He’s all yours. Got captainy things to do.
He exits. Simon looks at River.
Everything OK?
No. There’s someone needs tending.
SIMON (serious)
What happened? Who?
You need to wake up.
River, are you off your meds?
RIVER (eyes rolling)
No, big brother.
What’s going on?
Been talking to Kaylee.
SIMON (taken aback)
She really likes you.
Excuse me?
See? Still asleep. She’s crazy about you, actually.
I figured that. She’s very...obvious.
And she’s wondering why you haven’t done anything about it.
I’m just...not sure.
You’re such an idiot. You say her name in your sleep, find excuses to be around her, look at her when she’s not looking.
In my sleep?
More than once.
River, I can’t..accept this life for us. Kaylee will never leave Serenity and I wouldn’t want her to choose. It’s better not to start something.
Maybe you should let her decide that instead of making up her mind for her. Simon, there is no other home for me but Serenity. We can’t go back. Why can’t you accept that?
I want to. I want to put it behind us, find a safe haven.
Serenity is a haven. Maybe not so safe, but a haven. Go to Kaylee. Tell her. It’s the only way you’ll have a happy life.
Maybe your right. I’m such a fool. (beat) Where is she now?
Where else?
Kaylee’s just standing up wiping grease off her hands as Simon enters. She’s startled and blushes, tries to straighten her hair, gets grease on her nose.
Oh, Simon, you..surprised me. He takes out a handkerchief, moves closer, hesitates a second, then wipes the grease from her nose, tenderly. She smiles.
There you are.
They are very close. Neither moves away. Her eyes go down as he swallows a gulp. She looks at him.
Hi. Been talking to my sister?
Oh. Yes, I have. You, too?
Yes. She’s very..intuitive.
Knows me better than myself.
Me, too.(beat) Kaylee, I want to say something.
Then just say it. (beat, with longing) Please.
SIMON (quiet)
I’m...crazy about you.
Oh, God....
He touches her face and kisses her gently, then arms around each other, Kaylee trying not to get grease on his shirt, then going for it, big hug, long deep kiss, getting smudges of grease on Simon’s back and shoulders.
SIMON (whisper)
Oh, Kaylee, how long I’ve wanted to do that.
KAYLEE Simon, ssssh. Kiss me.
Another long kiss, more passionate.
KAYLEE (sultry)
I want you. All of you. Now.
KAYLEE (beaming, softly)
Come on.
She grabs him by the hand, quickly leads him from the engine room.
Jayne is heading up from below.
Hey, Doc, my knee’s bothering me again.
Later, Jayne.
Simon just shrugs as she drags him past a surprised Jayne into the dining area. Jayne sees the grease marks.
What the...?
Zoe, Mal and Inara here fixing the table for dinner. Book and Wash sit in the small lounge playing chess. Kaylee ignores them as she drags Simon by the hand.
Doc, got some volunteers for the blood....
He’s busy.
Mal looks at Simon, who gives a slight shrug, half a smile. Inara looks at Zoe with a big grin. Zoe beams.
Guess we’ll talk about that later.
Dinner’s almost ready, you two.
Ain’t hungry.
Save something. (beat) Please.
Then exit toward fore hall as Jayne enters.
Did I just see what I think I saw?
I believe you did.
Looks at Book who is still looking to where Simon and Kaylee walked by.
What? I miss something?
Book’s not even looking at the chess board.
That’s only check, not checkmate.
Wash scratches his head, looks closely at the board.
Doc’s gonna need a big meal after, I reckon.
About time. Those two been dancing round each other for months.
She looks at Inara and then to Mal, who she catches looking at Inara. He quickly looks away as Inara turns her head.
Kaylee and Simon approach her bunk, she opens the door and down she goes.
Give me a second..kind of a mess.
He looks back toward the dining area. Everyone is at the door looking at him, smiling, grinning.
Come on. Give them some privacy, will you?
Come on down.
Simon looks at the others with a bashful grin.
See you...I’m...going...later.
Everyone eating except Simon and Kaylee.
I just moved things in the direction they both wanted to go.
When did you start moonlighting as a matchmaker?
I want them to be happy.
Glad you did, for both their sakes.
Your brother isn’t exactly the romantic type, is he?
Oh, he’s had girlfriends before.
All this time I thought he was sly.
Shocked looks. River throws a piece of bread at him.
Ape brain!
Hey! I ain’t the only one thought that way, am I?
I knew he favored women folk the minute I met him.
How’d you know that?
The way he looked at me. The way he looks at Kaylee.
What did you think about me the first time you saw me?
This conversation is getting kind of horrific.
Let’s see. A carnal, lustful man with nothing on his mind but his own pleasure. About right?
Yup, that’s me.
What about me?
A man who was scared to look at me least his wife box his ears.
Yeah, that’s about right.
I wouldn’t box 'em. Just pull em off.
What about Mal, here?
The beginnings of laughter die as Mal stands.
Enough fortune telling for one night. Jobs to do before bed, let's do them.
He stands and walks toward the bridge, Inara watching him. JAYNE
He always spoils the fun.
Their clothes are throw haphazardly around the room, abandoned in haste. Simon and Kaylee lie on her narrow bed under covers. Snuggling close, breathless, just finished making love.
You were wonderful.
So were you. It was...fantastic. Been..
So long?
Simon, I ain’t a one night stand.
I don’t want you to be.
Good. Cause my heart needs a man to lie with me and stand by me.
I think I’ve finally found my home.
He looks around at the room, then to Kaylee, smiles.
You don’t want to go back to Osiris?
Not if you don’t want to.
What about your career, your life at the hospital?
River’s right. Serenity is home. Being here, seeing the state of the border planets, the people, I figure I’d do more good out here than I’d ever do back on Osiris. People here appreciate a doctor.
I wouldn't want you to sacrifice anything on account of me.
Being with you is not a sacrifice. It’s a joy. Just wish I could take you on a proper date.
KAYLEE (smiles, kisses him)
That’d be nice. Next time in port. If we don’t have to run away fast.
That happens a lot. (beat) I’m hungry.
Me, too.
Her hand slides under the covers, Simon gives a start.
Slow down a bit.
I thought you were young and healthy.
Young, yes...Healthy, I don’t...Oh, guess I am.
He turns to her and gives a big kiss and hug.
Kaylee’s bunk opens and she and Simon climb out. They stop for a long kiss, then head to the dining area. INT. DINING AREA - CONTINUOUS
It’s empty, quiet. They tiptoe to the table, uncover two plates with food on them and sit. They start to eat, ravenous, giggling, trying to be quiet. Mal enters from Aft Hall.
Hey, up late aren’t you?
Hi, Mal.
Capt’n. Hungry?
No, little Kaylee, just doing a walk about, make sure were a tight ship.
I’ll run a diagnostics if you like.
He moves to get a cup and some water.
No need. We’ll be in Beaumonde in two days. Do it then.
He sits and drinks.
I ain’t interrupting, am I?
Just having dinner.
Good. Keep your strength up.
Simon and Kaylee give each other a look, then laugh as Mal realizes he spoke out of turn.
Sorry, my mouth speaks before my brain thinks sometimes.
Its OK, Mal. Small ship. No secrets here.
Not after the way I dragged you through the whole ship.
Well, now that’s out in the open, I’ll say this just once since I got the two of you together. I’m against shipboard romances as a rule.
What? What about Zoe and Wash?
Now, Kaylee, let me speak my piece before you get all flustered here. As a rule I said. But you know me and rules. They tend to get broken. So, that said, wish you all kinds of happiness.
Thanks, Capt’n. That’s real sweet.
Thank you, Mal.
MAL (to Simon)
Oh, and by the way, you break her heart, I’ll toss you out the air lock. Dong ma?
He stands off their shocked looks.
MAL Night.
And he exits towards his bunk.
Is he your brother?
Not by blood. Don’t mind him. You won’t break my heart.(beat) Will you?
Not in million years or all the money in the verse.
Good. He wouldn’t really throw you out the air lock.(beat) Maybe.
That’s a comfort.
Friday, December 14, 2007 11:31 AM
Tuesday, November 15, 2011 9:56 AM
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