Inferno - Chapter Sixteen
Saturday, January 5, 2008

Trying to get off Aberdeen


Inferno - Chapter Sixteen Author owns no rights to Firefly, and makes no coin for his troubles. No copyright infringement is intended. ------------------ Mal arrived at Guilford’s just in time. Inara was on the bridge, doing her preflight, when she saw Mal’s ground car come barreling up the road. Smiling, she rose from her chair, and went down to the cargo bay. “I had decided that you weren’t going to make it,” she smiled. Her smile faded when she noticed a blood stain on his shirt. Following her gaze, he hastened to reassure her. “Not mine! One of my men got shot in the arm making an arrest. I patched him up. Must have got it on me then.” “Anyone I know?” Inara asked, relieved in spite of hearing that someone had been shot. “One of Liam’s brothers,” Mal grinned. “He was more mad than hurt. Managed to solve one of the troubling cases I was telling you about. That was the arrest.” “Mal, it sounds like this job is more dangerous than we thought,” Inara said quietly. He shook his head. “No, I don’t think so. It’s plenty dangerous, of course. Will be until we get things cleaned up. But I’m mostly an observer. The boys do all the heavy lifting.” “Hmm,” Inara looked at him. “Honest,” Mal told her. “Hmm mmm,” Inara nodded slightly. The look on her face clearly told him she wasn’t buying. “It ain’t that bad,” he murmured. “And, things are going better. This will help lay to rest a lot of the comments that we ain’t gettin’ the job done. Give us some breathing room to get organized, get some people trained up. It’ll work out.” “Sounds like you’re starting to enjoy your job,” Inara grinned at him. “I guess I am, in a way,” Mal admitted, thoughtful. “I hadn’t thought on it, really, but I guess you’re right. It’s a challenge, but it’s. . .I’m doing something, you know? Something with purpose. I haven’t felt this good about a job since. . .” “Since the war?” Inara asked quietly. Mal looked at her for a moment, then nodded. “Yeah,” he replied quietly. “Since the war. It’s a hard job, but it’s one need’s doin’, and one that people need done. It. . .it feels good, you know? Doing’ something that helps keep the peace. Keep things safe.” “I’m very proud of you, Mal,” Inara said suddenly, hugging him tightly. “So very proud.” Mal returned her embrace. “Thank you, bao bei,” he replied, his voice husky with emotion. “That. . .that means a lot to me, you know.” “Good,” Inara smirked, kissing him before he could reply. “I guess you need to go,” he said reluctantly. She nodded. “I need to get a word with Holly, ‘fore you leave.” “He’s in the engine room,” Inara said. “I think you know where it is.” “I’ll find it,” Mal smiled, kissing her again. “Be careful.” “Always am.”

-------------- It took Jayne and Liam only a few minutes to find Terry Willis, throat cut, lying in the woods. Jayne gently lifted the young man up from the ground, and carried him to the ship, laying him on the ground, outside. “I don’t know what to do,” Lem Willis said softly. “I. . .his wife. . .his mother. . .I. . . .” The older man finally broke down, crying softly. Caleb Frye had walked out with him, and placed a hand on his shoulder. Gerald Frye walked up just as the two older men walked inside. Jayne looked at him. “Good work,” he nodded. Gerald shrugged. “Ran right at me,” he said quietly. “Couldn’t miss.” “Still good work,” Jayne told him, slapping him on the back. “Let’s get aboard.” -------------- “Zoe wants to see you, after we get into the black,” Kaylee told Jayne, her face streaked once again with tears. “Okay, mei mei,” Jayne nodded. “I’m. . .I’m sorry things have been so hard. . .” “Ain’t your fault, Jayne,” Kaylee replied, hugging the big man tight. “You’ve worked so hard to save my folks, and the Willis’, and the Mann’s. Did all you could, and I know that. Things just are how they are, that’s all.” “Don’t make me no less sorry, girl,” he patted her back gently. She nodded. “I know that. Wouldn’t be the man ya are, if it did,” she smiled up at him. “But I want ya to know, Jayne, how much I appreciate everything.” “Anytime, Kaylee gal.” “Who’s that other girl you brought back?” Kaylee asked, and Jayne frowned. “Forgot about her,” he admitted. “Tell you the truth, I don’t know. She was with the Mann gal, and said she didn’t have no one to go to, so I brung her along. I need to see about her.” ------------- “What’s your name, sweetie?” River asked the girl who’d come aboard with the others. Tall, slender, with dark brown hair near her waist, she was dressed in pants and a shirt. River guessed she was about fifteen. “Chelsa,” the girl answered quietly. “Chelsa Timmons.” “My name is River,” the little pilot smiled. “River Cobb. It’s nice to meet you.” “Where are you taking me?” Chelsa asked. “Where do you want to go?” River asked in return. “Do you have any family that we can take you to?” The girl shook her head. “No, ma’am,” she replied, eyes tearing up. “My folks was killed by. . .by the men who took me. They. . .they touched me. I fought them, but. . . .” She broke down, finally, sobbing. River put her arms around the girl, comforting her as best she could. “It’s okay, Chelsa,” River said quietly. “No one will hurt you anymore. I promise. We’ll take good care of you. You’re safe, here.” Jayne walked up at just that moment, and Chelsa shied away from him. Jayne frowned. “Ain’t no call for that, little’un,” he said calmly. “I won’t hurt you any. And no one else will, either.” “See?” River smiled at her. “Chelsa, this very large man is my husband, Jayne.” “He’s the one who found me,” Chelsa said softly. “He brought me here.” “Yes, he is,” River smiled again. “He’s a very good man, but please don’t tell anyone,” she hastened to add. “He doesn’t want people thinking he’s a good man. Might ruin his image.” Jayne growled like a bear, and Chelsa giggled a little in spite of everything. “She doesn’t have any family, Jayne,” River said, looking up. “She’s coming with us.” Jayne looked at his wife, eyebrows raised in question. “I know that,” he nodded. “I brought her here. . .wait a minute. You mean with us?” River nodded, eyeing Jayne as if daring him to dispute it. “Okay,” Jayne shrugged. “Whatever you want, Angel.” River smirked. “Now, let’s get you down to sick bay, so my brother, Simon, can check you over. After that, you can come sit with me on the bridge, while I fly the ship. Would you like that?” “You fly the ship?” Chelsa said, awed. “She sure does,” Jayne said proudly. “Ain’t nobody flies like my Angel.” “Well, I do pilot the ship,” River said, blushing furiously. She led the girl away, Chelsa still asking questions about River being the pilot. Jayne smiled. Might be good for River, at that. And the girl needed someone, that was certain. He’d gotten married a week ago. Now it looked like he was about to become a father. Wonder what will happen next week, he mused. ---------------- “And how is my wonderful Captain?” Goldie asked, walking into the curtained area where Zoe was laying in bed. “Ready to get up,” Zoe growled, and Goldie snickered. “Can’t do that,” he told her, kissing her forehead lightly. “I’m looking forward to waiting on you, hand and foot, all the way home.” “I don’t need. . .” Goldie cut her off with a kiss. After a second, she kissed back. “It’s not about what you need,” he said softly, when their lips parted. “It’s about what I want. I want to take care of you. Not because you need it,” he raised a hand to forestall the coming objection. “But because I want to do it.” “I promise,” he added, grinning, “that I won’t do more than you can stand. And you promise me that you’ll let me do all that you can. Deal?” Zoe eyed him critically for a moment, then nodded, almost against her will. “Deal,” she gave in. “That’s good,” Goldie smiled back at her. “Now, have you decided what you’re gonna do about the kid?” “What do you mean?” Zoe asked. “I know you aren’t gonna let this lay like this, Zoe,” Goldie told her bluntly. “You ain’t got it in you. So, I want to know how you plan to fix things.” “Think you know so much, don’t you?” Zoe glared up at him. His smirk blossomed again. “I know a good bit,” he preened. “And don’t change the subject.” “I’m going to apologize,” she admitted finally. “Or try to. He’s pretty stubborn,” she pointed out. “He’s also a lot more forgiving of people he considers family,” Goldie told her quietly. “And he considers you family. He may not like you much right now,” the smirk was back, “but he still considers you family.” “Don’t you have something better to do than stand here, cheering me up?” Zoe groused. “Not a thing,” Goldie said proudly. “Kaylee certainly doesn’t need my help in the engine room. And the Frye’s are helping the Willis’ deal with the death of their son, which I wouldn’t be much good at anyway. . .” “What?” Zoe asked, stiffening. “What happened?” “Ah, yes,” Goldie nodded. “I see that the grapevine doesn’t make it down here too well. Okay, then. What happened was. . .” ------------- “Well, I think you’ll be fine,” Simon told Chelsa, smiling. “A few bruises, some cuts and scrapes, but otherwise, no serious injuries. I have to ask you, Chelsa, did the men who took you. . .did they. . .?” “Chelsa,” River cut in softly. “What he needs to know is, did the men who took you force you. Did they try to have sex with you?” “No,” Chelsa couldn’t look at them. “They. . .groped me, I guess is the term, but they laughed, said they didn’t have enough time to ‘break me in’ the right way. Threw me in the hole, and promised they’d be back later on.” “Well, if I know my brother-in-law,” Simon offered, “they won’t ever be back, Chelsa.” “No,” River smiled softly. “They won’t. Chelsa, you realize that Jayne, and Liam, killed the men who took you, don’t you? The men who killed your parents, and attacked you, won’t ever be able to do anything like that again.” “Yes,” the girl nodded. “I saw them, coming out of the shuttle. It. . .it helped me, to see it.” She looked up. “Does that make me bad?” she asked, fear in her eyes. “No,” Simon said firmly. “It makes you human. That’s all. Not long ago, some very ugly men tried to hurt my sister,” he placed an arm around River’s shoulders, and she smiled, hugging him. “Jayne, the same man who rescued you, killed those men, too. And you know what? It helped me to see it, Chelsa. And I don’t think I’m bad.” “No, you aren’t bad,” she smiled at him. “You’re very nice.” “You can tell other people he’s nice, Chelsa,” River laughed. “Simon has a different reputation than my husband.” “I should hope so,” Simon sniffed theatrically. River thudded him lightly in the ribs, then turned to the girl. “Chelsa, let’s see if we can’t find you some clothes, and then you can shower and change. When you get ready, you can come up on the bridge with me.” “Okay.” ---------------------- “We’re ready to lift anytime, River,” Kaylee said, meeting River and Chelsa in the galley. “Okay, Kaylee,” River smiled. “Chelsa, this is Kaylee our ship’s engineer. Kaylee, this is Chelsa Timmons. She’ll be staying with us for a while.” “Hi sweetie,” Kaylee smiled. “Hello,” the girl said softly. “Are all the crew women?” “Well, almost all,” River laughed. “Including our Captain. She’s in the infirmary, right now. She was injured a few days ago.” “Yesterday,” Kaylee said softly. “Seems like forever ago, now.” “It was yesterday, wasn’t it,” River nodded. “Anyway, you can meet her later, when she’s rested a bit.” “Kaylee, would you show Chelsa where the showers are? And ask one of your sisters to stay with her, while she cleans up.” River’s eyes told Kaylee more than her words. “Sure will,” Kaylee nodded. “I’ll get ready to get us off the ground, then,” River told her. “Let me know when you’re in the engine room.” ------------------ Thirty minutes later, Companion lifted into the sky, and began the dangerous voyage out of atmosphere. Liam and Goldie had gone through the bay, making sure that everyone was sitting on the floor, and that any and all crates, boxes, and effects were either strapped down tight, or put away into compartments. The situation on Aberdeen was worsening by the minute. New fires were springing up all over the planet, and the fire-generated winds were almost howling in some places. Smoke was obscuring almost everything now, and was much thicker than when the ship had landed two days prior. Kaylee had ventured outside earlier in the day, making sure that the engines were clean of any build-up that might affect their take-off. But she worried now that the oil thick smoke would gum up Companion’s intakes, or worse, slip into the engines themselves. Hopefully the heat from the thrusters would burn the residue off, without igniting. Hopefully. “If we don’t get off the planet now,” Kaylee had told River quietly, “we may not make it at all.” River was concentrating on keeping the ship steady, while Jayne monitored the sensors, and the proximity alert. In the harsh environment they were in now, neither wanted to work properly, but some warning of an impending collision was better than none at all, he reasoned. He forced himself to sit quietly, and think calming thoughts, to avoid distracting his wife while she fought to get them off planet. It took all her strength and skill just to help fight the shudders that the heavy winds caused as they buffeted the ship. In the infirmary, Zoe sat helplessly, waiting for word that they were into the black, and hopefully out of danger. It was difficult for her, but she was resolved to trust in the people who worked for her, and not make the same mistakes again. She’d learned from her experiences, and hoped they would make her a better captain. Kaylee watched everything intently as the ship struggled to leave the atmosphere of her burning home world. Engine temperature. Flow adjustment. Coolant mix. Power core. Engine temperature, flow, coolant, core. It became one long item as she scurried back and forth, tweaking, adjusting, trimming. The ship was struggling. She could feel it. So could River. “Kaylee, I need more power, if possible,” River called. Kaylee increased the burn, just below max. “Anymore, and we’ll be wide open, River,” Kaylee called. “This should do it,” River replied calmly, though Kaylee could tell her friend was nervous. Goldie felt the ship lurch to starboard, dangerously so, and fought to keep calm. As the people in the cargo bay yelped, he grinned. “Women drivers,” he quipped, which immediately got an argument going over who was better suited for driving, or piloting. Caleb Frye, who stayed clear of the ‘discussion’, nodded to Goldie, acknowledging the idea as a good one. Liam Greggs stood near the stairs, watching for anything that needed attention. He was keenly aware of Chelsa Timmons attention as she sat huddled with Kaylee’s sister, Sophie. The girl had been staring at him since she’d gotten back to the bay. She wasn’t at all unattractive, Liam decided, glancing at her casually. He smiled what he hoped was a reassuring smile, and the girl almost beamed back at him. Liam fought a sigh, and kept looking around the bay. On the bridge, River felt something shake, and then the ship began to slow. “Kaylee, we’re losing power!” she called over the intercom. “I’m on it,” Kaylee called back. “Goldie, if you can hear me, I need you in the engine room!” There was the barest of pauses, then; “And bring Daddy with you!”


Saturday, January 5, 2008 3:09 PM


Uh oh, and just when everything was going so well. Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me


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