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Companion makes the station, and makes repairs, Inara has a surprise for the pirates, Mal makes an arrangement for Jayne and River
Inferno – Chapter Twenty-one No rights are claimed in regard to Firefly, nor infringements intended. All in fun. ------------------- Companion limped into the fueling station on fumes. Had it been another hour away, they’d probably not made it, River had told him after landing. Jayne had briefed Zoe every day, but had resisted discussing his plans to stay or go. He was too tired to think clearly, and he and River hadn’t really had a chance to discuss things. Jayne drifted outside, and found the same tech who’d helped them before. The man smiled as he saw Jayne. “See you made it,” he said jovially. “I’m glad.” “Thanks,” Jayne nodded. “Still a backlog?” “Yeah, but I can. . .” Jayne held up a hand. “No, we don’t need it this trip, and we got some shoppin’ to do, anyway.” He palmed the man another fifty coin, just the same. “Owe you, friend,” Jayne said softly. “Not for your warning, we’d’a been in a world o’ trouble. And had you not helped us, folks woulda died. Them few hours made the difference for more’n one.” “You ain’t gotta. . .” “But I want to,” Jayne told him plainly. “You’re a good man. Married?” “Yeah,” the tech nodded. “Gotta baby on the way.” Jayne nodded, and slipped him another fifty. “Take your woman out to dinner,” he ordered. “Or save it for the young’un. You earned it.” The man beamed at that, the words meaning more than the coin. ------------------- “I want to see what they have in the store,” River told Jayne, leading Chelsa down the ramp. “Chelsa needs some things,” she added, giving Jayne a knowing look. “Okay,” he nodded. “Carry a. . .” He broke off as River showed him her comm unit, then lifted her shirt slightly to show him the bulge of her pistol. “And I’m wearing my armor, Zhang fu,” she smiled. Jayne grinned. “Okay, okay,” he raised his hands. “Have fun. We’ll be here a while, but I’d appreciate it if you checked in, happen you’re gonna be a while.” “I will,” she smiled, standing on her toes to kiss him. She led the girl away, hand in hand, talking as they went. Jayne smiled, and walked onto the ship. --------------- Across the bay, a ship sat waiting on fuel. The captain of the ship was still angry. He’d chased that gorram Firefly halfway to Astra, but couldn’t catch it. And he’d nearly emptied his fuel reserves to do it. They’d limped into the station with just enough fuel to slosh around the tank, and no more. It would be expensive to replace the fuel, and he’d nothing to show for the expenditure. Growling, he was leaving the bridge when his first mate came running up. “Firefly in the next bay over,” he said breathlessly. “Looks like the other one, and got a woman pilot.” “Is that a fact,” the captain smiled nastily. “Well, why don’t we go have a look see?” ------------------ Kaylee came bounding back the ship, arms full of parts. “Got what we needed, Jayne,” she called to him. “I can have us up and runnin’ pretty soon.” “Good, Kaylee,” he nodded. “We’re gonna be a while on fuelin’, anyway. I figured we wasn’t in no real hurry this time, we’d take the backlog to rest up a might.” “Sounds good to me,” Kaylee nodded. “I’ll get started.” Jayne walked down to sickbay, and checked in with Simon. “Everyone’s fine, except Weldon Mann,” Simon told him. “He’s. . .stable. I’ve pumped him so full of antibiotics that he shouldn’t have a fever, but he does. I’m trying to find out why.” “If anyone can take care of him, Simon, it’s you,” Jayne told him gently, and Simon flushed a bit. “Thank you, Jayne,” the young doctor murmured. “I need to head up to the bridge,” Jayne told him. “Call me if you need anything.” “I will.” ---------------- “There she sits,” the first mate smiled. The captain looked over the ship. It did look a powerful lot like the one that outran them. But. . . “Powerful coincidence they’d turn up here, not long after we did,” he pointed out. “True,” the mate nodded. “Might not be them.” “Might not,” the captain nodded. “But I gotta feeling it’ll still be a good target, what with all them people aboard.” “Well, we’ll just have to see.”
------------------ Unaware that the ship was being cased, Jayne walked through the vessel, occasionally stopping to talk to people. With the ship opened up people had been allowed to move back into the cargo bay, and tempers had eased somewhat. “Everything okay, boss?” Liam walked up, still limping. “Looks like it,” Jayne nodded. “Kaylee managed to get what she needed to repair the scrubber, and Goldie is checking the rest of the ship, just in case.” “We did good, didn’t we?” Liam asked. “I mean, I know things coulda went better, but. . .we did manage to rescue a buncha people.” “We did good, Liam,” Jayne smiled. “You did good. Man couldn’t ask for a better fella beside him, when the chips are down.” The young man flushed at the praise. “Thanks,” he murmured, looking at the floor. “How old are you, Liam?” Jayne asked suddenly, and Liam looked uncomfortable. “Promise not to tell the Captain?” he asked, looking at Jayne intently. “Your secret’s safe with me,” the big man smiled. “Seventeen,” Liam replied quietly. “Well, I’ll be seventeen, ‘fore long.” Jayne laughed. “Well, you’re a man grown, in my book, kid,” Jayne clapped his shoulder. The younger man beamed at that. “Thanks, Jayne,” he said sincerely. “That means a lot, coming from you.” “I still don’t want you thinking on my daughter,” he warned jokingly, and Liam flushed. “I. . .” “I’m joking, kid,” Jayne laughed. “But,” he added, turning serious, “you hurt that girl, and me and you’ll have a problem.” “I wouldn’t do that, boss,” Liam said honestly. “‘Sides, I don’t think she’ll be wantin’ no one callin’ on her for a while. She’s just pretty, is all.” “She’ll need time, no doubt,” Jayne nodded. “And ain’t no harm looking,” he added with a wink. Liam laughed. “I’m gonna take a look outside,” Liam announced, limping toward the door. “Okay.” ---------------- Liam walked outside, his leg hurting, but not as much as it had been. Simon had looked at it just before they made the station, and declared him to be healing satisfactorily. Easing his leg along, Liam took a look around him. He’d never been on a refueling station before this trip, and the last stop hadn’t really been one with time to spare. It was a huge place. Refueling and maintenance bays surrounded the core of the installation, with ships setting everywhere. The tech hadn’t been exaggerating about the backlog. Liam knew there were a few shops and stores inside the complex, but he resisted the temptation to head inside. Something was bothering him. An itchy feeling along his neck that wouldn’t go away. As he scanned the bay around him, he noticed two less than savory characters giving the ship the once over. Murmuring to each other as they did so. Liam’s eyes narrowed at that. When the two men turned away, he decided to follow. Just out for a stroll, he told himself. But it didn’t hurt to make sure. Not these days. ------------------ So intent were they on studying the Firefly, and the number of people aboard, the captain and first mate didn’t notice the shadow they’d acquired. As they neared their own ship, they were still discussing their options. “Lotta women on that ship,” the first mate pointed out slyly, and the captain grinned. “Thinkin’ on that myself,” he nodded. “Some of’em are real lookers, too. Fetch a good price on the market.” “Might take the ship undamaged as well,” the mate mused quietly. “Could likely sell it, out on the rim.” “Make a nice, tidy sum, everything goes well.” “Still be some hours before they’re fueled,” the captain said thoughtfully. “We’re still six, maybe seven hours off getting fuel ourselves. We can likely time it so’s we leave when they do.” “I’ll gather the men,” the mate told him, and started into the complex. Liam watched, frowning. They had to be talking about Companion, he decided. He watched the captain disappear into the nearby vessel, taking careful note of which ship it was, and where it was sitting. They mean to attack us in the black, Liam realized. Can’t have that. He started limping his way back to Companion. They needed to do something about this. ---------------------- Inara watched carefully as the crewmen lowered the drums into the dump lock in the floor of the cargo bay. There were three of them, all totaled. Two were the ‘surprises’ that John Hagey had told her about, with the third being a ‘crybaby’ Holly had put together, following Kaylee’s instructions. Inara was grateful that Kaylee had decided the young man needed to know how to make them. “So, we think this will spoof the pirates? At least long enough for us to get clear?” “Yes ma’am,” John nodded confidently. “Might even hurt’em a bit, if they’re too close,” he grinned wickedly. “Sometimes you get lucky.” “I’ll take it,” Inara grinned. “Okay, once this is finished, we’ll go. I’ll be on the bridge. Holly, you call when we’re set.” “Be just a few minutes, ma’am,” Holly nodded, heading for the engine room. Inara headed for the bridge, musing over their preparations. Maybe, if the pirate ship was still out there, they’d have a little surprise for him, this time. --------------- “You sure about this, kid?” Goldie asked, after Liam had told him what he’d seen, and heard. “Yep,” the younger man nodded. “Followed’em back to their ship, after I seen’em casing us. Heard part of their conversation.” “Well, we oughta just go over and say hi,” Goldie smiled. “I thought about that, myself,” Liam grinned. “But I don’t know how many crew they got. One of’em went to fetch the others.” “Well,” Goldie mused. “I gotta idea that might solve the problem.” Goldie briefly explained. When he finished, Liam was grinning. The two slipped off the ship, and went looking for what they’d need. ------------------ Mal was whistling quietly, signing form after form that Evelyn had put in front of him, when his screen beeped. He reached over and punched the receive button. “Mister Harwell, sir,” Evelyn told him. Mal nodded, and took the call. “Hello, George,” Mal leaned back in his chair. “I guess by now you’ve heard?” “Yes, Mal,” George smiled. “I wanted to thank you. I’m. . .I’m relieved in the extreme, to be honest. Some of the stories coming from Aberdeen. . .I mean I know they’re rumors, of course, but still.” “Jayne tells me it’s rough,” Mal nodded. “But your sister’s fine, so are your nieces and nephews. Your brother-in-law. . .” “Braz told me,” George nodded. “I’m glad young Tam was along. May be all that saves him.” “Simon’s very good at that,” Mal nodded. “If anyone can pull him through, it’s Simon.” “I know,” Harwell nodded. “I. . .Weldon and I never really got along that well, to be honest, but I’d not wish that on him. Or Linda,” he added. “Thanks again, Mal. For everything.” “Anytime, George,” Mal nodded again. “Anytime.” “Oh,” Harwell added. “I’ve arranged for the Cobb’s to be able to restart their honeymoon, by the way,” he smiled. “Whenever they’re ready.” “That’s awful good of you,” Mal smiled. “I’m sure they’ll appreciate it.” “I’ll talk to you later, Mal.” Mal turned back to his paperwork, but his com buzzed again. “Sheriff? There’s a lady here from Child Services. Said you called about. . .” “Send her in, Evelyn,” Mal interrupted. “I did, thanks.” A few seconds later, a thin, severe looking woman entered Mal’s office. Her blonde hair was pulled back into a bun, and she looked as if she were eternally unhappy. “I’m Melinda Peterson, Sheriff,” she smiled, extending her hand. The smile took away Mal’s first impression with it’s warmth. “I understand you needed some information?” “Yes, ma’am, I did,” Mal took her hand. “I didn’t expect you to come all the way down here with it, though.” “It was no trouble, Sheriff Reynolds,” Peterson smiled again. “I was nearby, anyway. And I wanted to meet you, besides. We will likely be working together on some cases, those involving children. Never hurts to have a personal relationship with those you work with.” “Makes good sense to me,” Mal nodded. He hadn’t thought about that. “Are there many such cases? Miss Peterson?” “Call me Melinda, please. And, unfortunately, there are quite a few, over a year’s time. Some of them abuse, some neglect, and of course. . .” “Right,” Mal nodded, catching the meaning in her voice. “Maybe I need to designate one deputy to handle those cases, and have you train them up some.” “That’s an excellent suggestion,” Peterson agreed after a moment of shock. “Sheriff Grippen never took much interest in our work, sadly.” “Well, I ain’t like him,” Mal snorted. “And if it helps keep our children safe, then it’s my concern, too. I’ll see about selecting someone.” “Is that what you wanted to see me about?” Peterson asked. “No, it wasn’t,” Mal admitted, taking his seat again, motioning for her to do the same. “You’ve heard about Aberdeen, I imagine.” She nodded. “Well, one of my ship’s crew, and his wife, also crew,” he added, “ rescued a teen-age girl from slavers there, a few days ago. The girl hasn’t any other family, and. . .” ---------------- “Okay, kid, you ready?” Goldie asked. Liam nodded. The two were dressed in stolen jump suits, taken from the station’s employees’ locker room. They now looked like any other station tech. “Let’s go, then,” Goldie smiled, and the two started out into the bay. They calmly made their way across to the ship in question, casually glancing around. No one seemed to notice two more purple clad fueling technicians. Good. “An old Nugget class mining ship,” Goldie noted quietly. “They just boot strapped that ole cannon on there.” He noted the faded lettering on the side; Nancy’s Fancy. “Okay, kid,” Goldie nodded. “Keep a sharp eye out.” Liam nodded, and Goldie disappeared beneath the pirate vessel. Liam stood nonchalantly, hands in his pockets, as if waiting for his boss. “Hey you!” a voice called out, and Liam turned casually to see the speaker. “Me?” “What are you doing over there by my ship?” the speaker demanded. Liam recognized him as the man who’d left to ‘gather’ the crew. “Waiting on my relief,” Liam said. “This is supposed to be the next ship, according to my list,” he added, checking the clipboard he had been carrying under his arm. “Since I’m going off watch in ‘bout fifteen minutes, I didn’t want to start before he got here.” “Why not?” the man demanded. “Well, do you really want us to fuel your ship when the man who ends up on the pump hasn’t talked to you?” Liam asked, eyebrows raised in interrogation. “I mean, we can do it. Just ain’t really safe, is all. Mostly we always want the same man that started fueling to finish it. And like I said, I’m due off in ‘bout fifteen minutes.” “Well,” the man hesitated. “That’s good thinkin’, I guess. But I thought we was later on down the line for fuel.” “Mayhap you are,” Liam nodded. “But accordin’ to my list, you’re next. Least as far as I can tell.” “Well, that’s good,” the man smiled. “All right, then. When the new man gets here, have him call me off the ship.” “Yes, sir,” Liam smiled. “I sure will.” The man walked on aboard the ship, and Liam breathed a sigh of relief. Goldie slid out from under the vessel. “Got it,” he said quietly. “Let’s beat feet.” The two men moved away hurriedly, heading for the locker room, their mission accomplished.
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