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Things that make Jayne boil over
Archangel – Chapter Four Author owns no part of the Firefly ‘verse, and writes only for his own pleasure, and hopefully that of others :) ----------------------------- It had been a year since Miranda. A year since the crew had ventured into reaver space, lost two of their own, and so many more, besides. A year since the operative had cleared their warrants, and done what he could to protect Simon and River Tam. The year had been a hard one, for all concerned. Zoe was almost consumed by grief that she refused to allow out. Mal was absorbed in trying to keep his ship flying, and protect his crew. River was immersed in her new job as a pilot, and her newly found sanity. She still had the occasional rough spot, but somehow the release of the Miranda wave, discovering the source of her madness, had restored her sanity. Simon couldn’t figure out how that had happened, and spent endless hours studying blood tests and scans, looking for the answer. Kaylee focused on her engine. She and Simon had briefly got together after the Wave, while they were all busy re-building the ship. But his obsession with River’s sickness, and now with her cure, took more and more of his time. Finally Kaylee ended things between them. She was sad, but she realized that she would always play second fiddle to anything related to River or her health. Inara had remained with the crew, taking leave from the Guild to be with Mal while he recovered. Once Mal was on his feet, he had, from nowhere, asked her to stay. Their relationship was still a bit rocky at times, but they were working on it. And Inara had helped rebuild their list of business contacts after so many had perished at the hands of the Alliance. And Jayne, well, Jayne was quiet. He had withdrawn into himself, somewhat, after all was said and done. He made no vulgar comments, engaged in no rough pranks. He turned moody, and quiet. Occasionally he would lash out, unexpectedly, furiously. Never at them, but at objects around him. He would later mumble an apology, and fix or replace whatever was broken. When planet side, Jayne no longer visited the cat-houses he had frequented so regularly before. In truth, that had stopped before Miranda, for reasons no one knew. And no one cared enough to ask. It was Jayne after all. He spent long hours at his weights, or on the heavy punching bag he had hung from the overhead in the bay. Very long hours, sometimes stopping only to eat, sleep, or attend to some chore or other, before returning to them. Gradually, as most everyone else began to return to normal, they noticed Jayne’s behavior. Coming out of their own haze, they could see, really see, for the first time, that Jayne wasn’t all right. Reactions were varied. Mal thought only of the impact this might have on the running of his ship. Simon assumed that Jayne was simply reverting to type. Inara wondered what was wrong, but didn’t want to try and force him to talk. Zoe ignored him, having never liked or trusted Jayne. Kaylee watched him, worried about him, but didn’t know what to say. She had always had sort of a thing for Jayne, and for the last several months, since she and Simon had called it quits, she was watching him again. But his new mood kinda scared her, and she didn’t know if she should say anything. Typically, it was River who first caught on. She was coming off the bridge after getting the ship into the black. The job had not gone smooth, though they had got paid, and no one was hurt. As she walked toward the galley, she felt wave after wave of fury, pure unadulterated rage, rolling off of Jayne. She staggered, the emotion hit her so hard. She couldn’t imagine what had happened, and followed the feelings. She found herself in the cargo bay, where Jayne was pummeling the heavy bag. The look in his eyes gave her pause. The look was past violent. Past caring. She felt a heat, like fire, rolling from him, flickering at each punch. He was literally burning up. “Jayne!” she screamed, hands on her temples. “Jayne! Stop it! Stop, please!” He paused, looking up at the girl. “What?” he asked in confusion. Alerted by her screams, Simon and Mal arrived, with Zoe closely behind. River heard their thoughts, all bad, and it was too much. Before Simon could reach her, her eyes rolled into the back of her head, and she hit the floor, unconscious. As Simon checked her for injuries, Mal glowered at his mercenary. “What did you do, Jayne?” he demanded, hand resting on his pistol. “Nothin’,” Jayne replied, his bewilderment pushing aside any anger at Mal’s not quite accusation. “I didn’t even know she was here, til she started yelling.” “She was screaming at you to stop, Jayne,” Zoe said harshly, her hand likewise resting on her carbine. Her eyes glowed like beacons. “I heard what she said, Zoe,” Jayne restrained the urge to snarl. “But I still don’t understand why. I was hittin’ the bag. Didn’t even see her come in.” “You expect me to believe that?” Mal did snarl, and Jayne’s face went red. “I couldn’t care less what you believe, Mal,” he shot back, eyes narrowing in anger. “I was right here, mindin’ my own business, when she started shrieking. You think what you want. You will anyway.” “Jayne didn’t do nothing, Cap’n,” Kaylee said, coming into view. She’d been standing just inside the cargo bay, watching Jayne punch on that bag like it was the devil, and had seen the whole thing. “This ain’t your concern, lil Kaylee,” Mal told her brusquely. “Ain’t trying to make it mine, Cap’n,” Kaylee replied. “But I was here when she came in and started yellin’. Jayne was punchin’ on that bag, and not a thing else. I seen it.” Mal considered that for a moment. He looked down at Simon. “She okay, Doc?” he asked. Simon shot Jayne a hate-filled glance, then looked to Mal. “I don’t know,” he admitted. “She doesn’t show any signs of having been assaulted, and her vital signs are good. Whatever he did, I can’t figure out.” “I ain’t done nothin’, Doc,” Jayne snarled, taking a step away from the bag. “I told you that already, and so did Kaylee,” he shot the girl a grateful smile. She smiled back, but said nothing else. “Well, get your pi gu up here, and help get her to the infirmary,” Mal ordered tersely. Jayne didn’t move. “I won’t,” he said angrily. “You come down here, accusin’ me of doing somethin’, hand on your gun, then demand my help? It won’t play like that, Mal. Not no more.” “Jayne, I tell you to do something, you do it. Dong Ma? Now get up here and get her to the infirmary.” “No,” Jayne said flatly. “You, the Doc, and Zoe, you all think the worst o’ me, and that’s fine. Don’t expect no better from you. But I ain’t touchin’ that girl for no reason, not after this. You want her in the infirmary, you take her.” Mal was about to explode when Kaylee’s voice reached across to Jayne. “Jayne, please help get her to the infirmary,” she said softly. “She’s my friend, and I’m worried ‘bout her.” Jayne looked to Kaylee for a minute, then nodded. He tossed his gloves down, and went up the steps to where River lay unconscious. He gathered her carefully into his huge arms, and started to the infirmary without another word, Simon following. Mal looked after them, nodding for Zoe to follow. As she went, Mal looked down at Kaylee. “Seems my merc behaves for you better’n he does for me,” he said sternly. “Any reason for that you think I oughta be aware of?” Kaylee’s face wrinkled in anger. “It might be cause I asked him, stead o’ just assumin’ he had something to do with what happened,” she replied hotly. “Kaylee, we all heard her scream for Jayne to stop,” Mal huffed. “So did I, Cap’n,” Kaylee shot back. “But I told you, I was standing here, the whole time, and seen her when she came in. Jayne not only didn’t touch her, he didn’t know she was there till she started yelling. He liked ta jumped outta his skin when she did,” she added with a giggle. “Then can you explain why she was yelling?” Mal asked. “Nope. And you can’t either, nor can Simon. But I’m tellin’ ya right now, Jayne didn’t do nothin’.” Mal looked down at her for a long time. “Kaylee, I hope you ain’t coverin’ for Jayne cause o’ some shipboard romance entanglement,” he said before he thought. Kaylee’s look went from angry to furious. “How dare you say that to me?” she demanded. “I ain’t lyin’, and ain’t never done such! And, if there was a romance ‘tween me and Jayne, which there ain’t, wouldn’t be no one’s business but his and mine. Don’t you dare ever say nothin’ like that to me again, Malcolm Reynolds!” With that, the young woman turned and stomped off to the engine room, leaving Mal goggling after her. ----------------------- Jayne lowered River’s small frame to the table as carefully as he could. He wasn’t happy, but the girl hadn’t done him any wrong since slicing him with the knife, and she’d been crazy then. Once he was done, he started for the door. “Goin’ somewhere, Jayne?” Zoe demanded, hand still resting on her gun. He looked back at her with fury burning in his eyes. “Don’t push me, Zoe,” he warned softly. “I’m like to push back, and I push harder’n you do.” With that he left the infirmary. Zoe watched him go, shock evident on her face. That was the first time Jayne had ever threatened her. Usually, when she threatened to hurt him, Jayne backed down. Simon was working over River, ignoring the byplay between the two. Satisfied that she was uninjured, Simon broke open some smelling salts, and placed it under her nose. River’s face wrinkled, tried to turn away, and finally she opened her eyes. “River, can you hear me?” Simon asked, voice full of worry. “Of course I can, boob,” she retorted. “Hearing was never impaired. No reason to doubt it now.” She rose from the table, swinging her legs over the side. “What did Jayne do to you, River?” Simon demanded, hovering. “What?” River looked up at him. “Nothing, Simon. He was just too loud.” Zoe’s ear perked up at that one. Nothing? “Is that why you were yellin’?” Zoe demanded, harsher than she meant to. “Had to make him stop,” River nodded. “His emotions were too loud, couldn’t block them out. So angry,” she muttered. “That why you fainted?” she asked, ignoring the aggravated look Simon shot her. This was important. “That, and all of you, assuming the worst, minds filled with . . . it was too much. Overwhelmed me.” “Are you telling me that Jayne didn’t do anything to you,” Simon asked, unwilling to believe that she had yelled at him for thinking too loud. “Just angry,” River nodded. “Loud anger, reached to me all the way from the bay. Tried to block it, but couldn’t.” Zoe frowned. She had assumed the worst, just like everyone else. She didn’t like Jayne, never had. But she was honest enough to admit a mistake. “River, it might be best, in the future, if you tell me or the Captain one before yelling out all over the boat like that,” the older woman stated. “We could have shot Jayne, thinking he had harmed you.” “He did harm her!” Simon sputtered. “He was angry, and she could feel it!” “Being angry ain’t a crime, Doctor,” Zoe replied stiffly. Mal arrived just then, cutting off any further exchanged between the first mate and the doctor. “You all right, Albatross?” Mal asked. “Yes, Captain,” River nodded with a weak smile. “Says Jayne was angry,” Zoe told him. “His thoughts and emotions was too loud, and it hurt her.” Mal started at that. “I thought all this was behind us, lil witch,” he said gruffly. “You tellin’ me that all that yellin’ was about Jayne being angry?” “Not just anger,” River shook her head. “Fury. Rage. As if he were burning up from within.” “It might be best if Jayne left the ship, Captain,” Simon interjected. Mal shot him a frosty look. “Conjure that’s my call, Simon, rather than yours,” he said shortly. He turned and walked out, Zoe following. “Think we may owe Jayne an apology, sir,” Zoe said quietly. “More than just Jayne,” Mal nodded, thinking about his very angry mechanic.
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