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The Crew waits on Jayne to awaken, and discuss his actions against the Reavers
Archangel – Chapter Thirteen Author owns no. . .aww, you know ------------------------- The crew gathered around the table quietly. Everyone was tired, and emotional. River came up the stairs, trailed by Mal and Simon, who were bombarding her with questions. “What were you doing, River?” Simon demanded. “And how come it looked like you was in some kinda, well, trance, or somethin’?” Mal added, nodding. “I was resting,” River replied calmly. “Morning Kaylee,” she smiled at her friend. Kaylee smiled slightly. “Mornin’ River,” she replied. “Did he. . .” “No,” River shook her head. “He did not. But I think he will. Soon,” she smiled at Kaylee encouragingly. “How do you know that?” Simon demanded, taking his seat. “Know what?” River asked, fixing her plate. “That Jayne will wake, soon,” Mal supplied, and Simon nodded. “Just a feeling,” River smiled. “He has rested long enough. He has things to do, and see to. He will awaken. Today,” she added firmly. “Why don’t we wait until after breakfast to start in on arguing, please?” Inara interjected, glaring at Mal, and making a slight gesture toward Kaylee with her head. Mal nodded. “Makes sense,” he smiled. “Let’s eat. We got folks in the bay we’ll have to see to once we’re finished.” “We got enough to feed’em, providin’ they ain’t picky,” Kaylee assured him. “‘Spect they can be picky once we get’em to Celeste,” Mal huffed. “They got to eat what we eat, here. And they oughta be thankful to get it, ‘stead o’ being back there, being et’ themselves.” Everyone around the table nodded. So far no one in the bay had voiced a complaint of any kind. Most were still in shock. “Well, none of the injuries were life threatening,” Simon offered. “There were a few limbs that may yet be lost, I’m afraid, but most of them were just scratches. They should be fine.” “‘Spect we can keep’em alive til Celeste,” Mal nodded. “After that, the Alliance will be responsible for’em.” “We should press for restitution, when we arrive,” River said suddenly. “There is money available to recompense ships that evacuate refugees in such times. Might at least pay for the food, and maybe the fuel.” “Good idea, Albatross,” Mal blinked. “Inara, would you mind dealin’ with that. You and ‘Tross?” “Not at all,” she smiled. “If River can show me the relevant Article, I’m sure I can make use of it.” “Section 4-301, subsection 12-4-300, paragraphs 3 through. . .” “Show me after breakfast, mei mei,” Inara smiled at River’s recital. “I can’t think this early.” “Very well,” River nodded. “We’ll need to include medical supplies in that,” Simon told Inara. “We’ve used a good deal of weaves, anti-septics, and. . .” “Make a list, Simon,” Inara told him. “Try to figure exactly what you’ve used. I’ll press for that as well.” Simon nodded, and returned to his meal. Everyone ate in silence for the next few minutes. Kaylee stood suddenly, finished, though her plate was still half full. “I’m going to see Jayne,” was all she said, and left. No one spoke until she was out of earshot. “She can’t keep not eatin’,” Mal said softly. “She didn’t eat at all that I know of since breakfast yesterday, till what little she choked down this mornin’.” “We’ll keep an eye on her,” Inara promised. Simon nodded. “I’ll see if she’ll take a vitamin shot,” he offered. “It will at least keep her system from suffering until she gets her appetite back. “All right,” Mal nodded. He turned to Inara. “You ‘member anymore ‘bout people like Jayne, this morning?” he asked. His voice was soft. Inara was surprised at how soft. “I actually contacted someone who’s more knowledgeable than I am,” she admitted. “Just out of curiosity,” she assured when Mal’s eyebrow went up. “What about him?” Zoe asked. “Jayne is what’s known as an Archangel,” Inara told her. “He’s. . .well, he’s sort of an enforcer, I guess, for a religious order that tries to maintain a balance between good and evil.” “People like Jayne are born with a. . .a gene, I guess, that makes them angry. All the time.” “Harbinger Syndrome?” Simon looked up sharply. “Is that what you’re talking about?” “I don’t know,” Inara admitted. “Why?” “HS is a rare defect in DNA stranding,” Simon told them. “So rare that it’s existence is still in question, truthfully. But it’s been a topic of debate for centuries. Even before the exodus.” “And yes, if it’s real, it causes what earth-that-was physicians called atrox insanio, or savage rage. It’s very rare.” “What are it’s effects?” Inara asked. “Well, according to the few studies, mostly done in criminal defense proceedings to be honest, the gene creates an uncontrollable violent tendency in the victim. Not only that, but the gene’s secretions, I suppose, are somewhat like adrenaline. Once fully enraged, someone with HS can sustain a great deal more injury, or damage I guess, and still function, than say, one of us could.” “It also can increase their strength, often by as much as five times their normal strength,” Simon continued. “And, their endurance is almost unlimited, so long as the secretions are flowing to the body.” “You know,” Simon looked thoughtful. “That would explain a great deal about Jayne, actually.” “Can you give him something to get rid of it?” Mal asked, ignoring Inara’s eye roll. Simon snorted. “If I could, I’d be rich,” he replied. “No, if HS is real, there’s no effective treatment for it. None. The gene is layered into the victim’s DNA. It can’t be isolated with drugs, or surgery. It’s. . .it’s a part of them.” “Great,” Mal muttered. “Well, he’s never snapped like that on any of us,” Inara pointed out. “Though not from a lack of provocation,” she added icily. “But now that he’s done it, he could do it again,” Mal argued. “He could have done it anytime, Mal,” Inara shot back. “But didn’t.” “I’m just sayin’, he’s a danger.” “Say what you really mean, Captain Daddy,” River spoke suddenly. Mal looked at her. “What?” “Say what you really mean,” River leaned forward, head on her hands, elbows on the table. “I was a danger, but you kept me. Knowing that even a cortex wave could trigger me again, you kept me.” “That was different,” Mal said at once, wincing at how lame it sounded. “Yes,” River nodded. “I am a reader. ‘See’s into the truth of things, and that’s of use to me’,” she mimicked Mal’s voice perfectly. “But Jayne is merely a gun hand, isn’t he?” Mal’s face turned red at that. “That ain’t the same thing!” he exclaimed. “Right comfort having a doc on board,” she did it again. “You accepted the risks that came with us, but refuse to accept them from Jayne? Even after he saved your life? The life of your ai ren? That of your best friend? How is this making sense?” “It isn’t, River, thank you,” Inara gloated. “Captain Daddy’s making sense to himself, though,” River looked right at Mal. “Want’s Jayne away from Kaylee. No matter what she wants.” “River, you ain’t got no call to say that!” Mal stormed. “You don’t deny it,” River replied calmly. Mal’s already reddened face grew darker. “He ain’t good enough for her,” Mal hissed. “She don’t need the kinda trouble he brings, and it ain’t right.” “And it isn’t your place to decide,” Inara reminded him. Mal glared at her. “And when he goes,” River almost sang, “so will she. You cannot stop it. Better to let them stay, if she can convince him.” Mal fell silent, his expression sullen. The crew knew that look, the one that said Mal had made up his mind, and don’t bother him with facts. Silent sighs went out all across the table. Except from River. She was watching Mal very closely, an idea taking shape in the back of her often jumbled mind. An idea she didn’t care for. ----------------------------- Simon found Kaylee in the infirmary, carefully washing Jayne’s face. He was struck by the tenderness of her actions, and the love on her face. He wished he’d been the one to put that look there. I could have been, he reminded himself. If I could have stopped being a pompous ass long enough. “Hello, Kaylee,” he said gently, so as not to startle her. She looked up, smiling slightly. “Hi, Simon. Just trying to get some of this. . .icky, off’im.” “That’s fine,” Simon smiled, checking the machine and monitors that he had Jayne hooked to. “I should have seen to it, already.” “You been busy, Simon,” Kaylee said at once. “And even doctors gotta rest, once in a while.” “Yes, I suppose,” Simon grinned. “He’s stable, by the way. There’s no change. But that means he isn’t any worse, either.” “I know,” Kaylee nodded. “He won’t leave me,” she said confidently. “I think while you’re here with him, I’ll take a look at the injured out in the cargo bay. If you don’t mind?” “Not a bit,” she smiled. “I’ll be here a while, less the Cap’n needs me.” “Okay then.” He left the room, Kaylee watching him go. It was funny, she thought, that now Simon tried to be so nice, and thoughtful. She’d so wanted that before. She turned her attention back to Jayne. “River says you might can hear me, Jayne, so I’m gonna talk to ya while I clean ya up a bit. I know you ain’t gonna say nothin’, but maybe you can hear me.” “I know you think things is bad, right now,” she told him, working. “And maybe they are, I don’t know. I don’t know what you’re livin’ with, bao bei. But, you know I love you, Jayne. Let that mean somethin’ to ya, okay?” “And don’t you even think o’ leavin’ me here,” she added sternly. “I mean that. Not after you was so close to tellin’ me you was gonna stay here with me.” She frowned. “That was what you was gonna say, wasn’t it?” she asked quietly, lowering her face to his, and kissing him softly. “I know it was. I know you love me, Jayne,” she whispered. “And you know I love you, too. Don’t be thinkin’ you’re gonna get out o’ this so easy.” Tears sprung from her eyes, suddenly, and she made no effort to wipe them away. They dropped onto his face, slowly making their way down to his neck. “You gotta fight, Jayne,” she sobbed gently. “You’re the biggest, strongest, orneriest man I ever knowed, Jayne Cobb. You can’t let no bitty spear kill you. Take you from me. You got to get well, so we can decide whether we’re gonna stay in your bunk, or mine,” she giggled. “Cause, way I look at it, we gotta lotta lost time to make up for, soon’s you’re well again,” she kissed him again. With that, she went back to work, humming softly. -------------------- It was an exhausted crew that gathered at the table for dinner. Caring for the refugees was a labor. And some of them were coming out of their shock well enough to gripe about the food. Mal had finally pointed out that none of them were paying passengers, nor had they been invited aboard. He’d also pointed out that the crew wasn’t eating any better than they were, and were working around the clock to care for them. Most of the grumbles ceased by then. As the crew members settled in around the table, there wasn’t much conversation. Everyone was tired. Bordering on exhausted. “How long to Celeste, Albatross?” Mal asked. “Four days, six hours, eleven minutes, thirty-two seconds,” River said automatically. “Approximately,” she added. Everyone chuckled at that. “‘Spect we’ll lay over a day or two,” Mal announced. “Got plenty o’ time to see to our cargo, and give Inara time to wrangle restitution outta the ‘Liance.” “I’ve looked at the codes,” Inara smiled. “River was right. The law is very clear about it. We should be recompensed for fuel, food, and medical expenditures, as well as a reasonable fee for transport.” “I’ll let you decide what’s reasonable,” Mal surprised her. “I ain’t got no hankerin’ to deal with the Alliance.” “I’ll see to it, Mal,” Inara promised, smiling. “Simon, how ‘bout Jayne?” Mal asked. “He any better, you think?” “He’s unchanged,” Simon admitted. “He should already be awake, honestly. I haven’t given him anything for pain in the last twelve hours. And nothing to make him sleep.” “Have faith, Simon,” River smiled. “He will awaken. Today.” “He better get on with it, then,” Mal pointed out. “Day’s going pretty fast.” “Have faith,” River repeated. As if in answer to her statement, Simon’s monitoring page flashed. He stood quickly, and Kaylee rose as well. “Not yet,” he said kindly, a restraining hand on her shoulder. “It may be a line come loose, or anything. If there’s any change, I’ll call. I promise,” he added, when Kaylee seemed about to object. Finally she nodded. And sat back down. Simon eased out, and disappeared down the stairs. Everyone watched him go, then returned to their meal, eating quietly. Suddenly, River stiffened, her fork falling from her hand, clattering onto her plate loudly in the silent room. Before anyone could ask her what was wrong, there was a howl from below. A soul splintering wail of a tortured spirit. “He wakes,” River shot up. “And he fights,” she added triumphantly, running for the stairs.
--------------------- Hope you are enjoying the story so far. Drop a comment and let me know one way or the other :)
Thursday, January 24, 2008 11:16 AM
Thursday, January 24, 2008 3:07 PM
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