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Mal learns more about jayne and river's relationship, and the crew gets a rude shock when they pick up their cargo
Archangel Chapter Twenty-Four Author owns no rights to Firefly, and no copyright infringement is intended. Fanfic only. ----------------------- Serenity touched down on Aberdeen on the third day after leaving Celeste. The ship was quiet as everyone was lost in their own thoughts about the information they had been given. No one wanted to think about a reaver army, under the control of the Alliance. It was too much, especially for a group of people who had already lost so much to reavers, Alliance, and life in general. Both Mal and Jayne were still edgy about the Operative, but neither said anything about him. Simon was worried also, but not as good as dealing with his fears. “What if he knows we’re here?” he asked, as the crew gathered in the bay. “He ain’t got no way o’ knowin’,” Mal pointed out. “Kaylee, you do that sweep I asked you?” he asked his engineer. “Yes, Cap’n,” she smiled. “Me and River did a once over on the whole ship. We ain’t carryin’ nothin’.” The two women had searched the ship for any signs of tracking devices during their voyage to Aberdeen. Nothing had been found. “Good,” Mal nodded. “We ain’t gonna be here but a few hours, then we’re in the black again. So anyone calls him ‘bout where we are, we’ll be gone long ‘fore he can get here. Don’t worry, Simon. We ain’t gettin’ near him. He’s got his war to fight, we got ours.” “Okay,” Simon nodded. “I’ll work on it,” he smiled slightly. “Okay, then,” Mal ordered. “Me, Jayne and River, will go see about our cargo. Zoe’s in charge till we get back. Anyone need anything?” “I need to see about replenishing the infirmary,” Simon spoke. “We received the credits from the Alliance, but what I needed wasn’t readily available on Celeste. Not where we were.” “All right,” Mal nodded. “Kaylee?” “We’re good, Cap’n,” the mechanic promised. “Simon, we’ll see to the infirmary once we’re back. Don’t want anyone off the ship alone, right now. And no one off without me or Jayne one present.” Everyone nodded. “Let’s go then,” Mal ordered, and Jayne and River went to mount up. “You be careful,” Kaylee whispered, planting a solid kiss on Jayne’s lips. “I promise,” he smiled. “Hey! Get a room!” Mal scolded, but he was smiling. Kaylee stuck her tongue out at him, and everyone laughed. Even Simon. Then the mule was out the door, and gone. Kaylee sighed and headed for the engine room. “I need to go into town, myself,” Jazz murmured. “Wait for them to get back,” Zoe ordered. “You can go in when Simon goes to get his supplies.” “That’ll work,” the reporter smiled at Simon. The doctor grinned back at her, and went to make a final check on what he would need. After a few seconds, Carter followed him. Inara and Zoe watched them go. “I think there’s a little something there,” Zoe commented drily, and Inara chuckled faintly. “I think so, too,” the former Companion nodded in agreement. “She’s a very attractive young woman, when she wants to be. She hides behind the glasses, and the frumpy clothes.” “Thought that myself,” Zoe agreed. “Simon ain’t so down in the dumps as he was ‘fore she came aboard.” “No, he isn’t,” Inara replied. “I think seeing Kaylee happy, without him, was making him rethink some of the things he said to her.” “Well, she’s more’n happy, I’d say,” Zoe snorted. “Must be a good deal more to Jayne than the rest of us have seen,” she chuckled. “He loves her,” Inara said simply. “Unconditionally.” “True,” Zoe nodded. “Well, I need to check the wave.” “I think I’ll just sit here a little while,” Inara said. “Enjoy the last bit of piece we’re likely to have.” “Maybe not,” Zoe commented, limping away. “But, I’m afraid you’re probably right.” ------------------------- “Making a list and checking it twice?” Jazz asked, walking into the infirmary. Simon looked up at her, smiling. “Something like that,” he agreed. “Things are sure to be violent over the next little while. I want to make sure I can handle whatever happens.” “They’re lucky to have you,” Jazz smiled, and almost giggled at the flush that rose from Simon’s neck. “We’re all lucky to have each other, actually,” he told her. “Things have been ‘interesting’ for us before. Not all of us survived.” “I know,” Jazz lost her smile. “I wasn’t making light, Simon. I promise.” “I never thought you were,” Simon smiled reassuringly. “You’re not that kind of person.” “And how would you know that?” she teased. “I’ve been out here a while,” Simon replied, checking his stores. “And while I’ll never be able to read people like Inara and Jayne, and even River, I’ve become a decent judge of character. You, have character.” “Why Simon Tam!” Jazz gushed. “That almost sounded like a compliment!” “It almost was,” Simon dead panned. For a moment he held his straight face, but finally lost the battle against the grin fighting to get out. “Oh, you!” Jazz stammered. She leaned forward menacingly. Simon looked at her for a moment, then, without warning, kissed her. Jazz was startled, but replied in kind in just seconds. When they parted, she was flushed. “Well,” she breathed. “Took you long enough.” “I move slow,” he grinned. ---------------------- “We know this guy, Cap’n?” Jayne asked from the rear of the mule. River was driving, Mal sitting beside her. “No,” Mal shook his head. “But Monty does. Was Monty recommended us.” Jayne grunted in reply. Mal looked over his shoulder at him. “What?” “I didn’t say nothin’,” Jayne shrugged. “You grunted,” Mal pointed out. “Didn’t mean nothin’,” Jayne shrugged again. Mal looked at him a second longer, then faced front again. River piloted them smoothly through the traffic, arriving at their destination with little effort. They dismounted. “Albatross, watch the mule. Jayne, with me,” Mal ordered. The two ventured inside. “Help you, friend?” An older man asked, as Mal and Jayne entered the office of the warehouse they’d found. “Lookin’ for a Mister Ferrel,” Mal smiled. “Name’s Reynolds. ‘Sposed to be pickin’ up a shipment bound for Idlewild for him.” “I’m Ferrel,” the man smiled. “Nice to meet you, Captain Reynolds.” The man extended his hand. “Same here,” Mal smiled again. “What are we carryin’?” “Odd and end stuff, really,” Ferrel shrugged. “Though the shipment’s grown some, last few days. Added a crate o’ medical supplies, and two of ammunition. You okay to haul munitions like that?” “Long as they’re crated good,” Mal nodded, a small tendril of unease spreading through him. “Who’re they going to?” “Let’s see,” Ferrel looked through a small sheaf of papers. “Man name o’ Book. Gerald Book.” Jayne’s sharp intake of breath mirrored Mal’s. Ferrel looked up. “Know him?” he asked. “Knowed a man named Book, sometime back,” Mal said calmly. “He passed, year or two ago, though. Never heard o’ this man. But I ain’t gotta know him to deliver to him,” Mal added with a smile. “Well, you come highly recommended, Captain,” Ferrel told him. “You make this run all right, and we might do more business. I’m always on the look out for dependable folk.” “We aim to please,” Mal smiled. “Speakin’ o’ which, show us to the cargo, and we’ll set to loadin’ her.” “Already seen to that,” Ferrel smiled. “I’ll have my crew deliver it and load it for you. Fact bein’, if you can wait a few minutes, they can just follow you back. You get half now, half on delivery,” he added. “Suits us,” Mal nodded. “Let me get your pay, then I’ll round up my boys.” -------------------- “I gotta say,” Jayne commented as they returned to the ship. “It don’t hurt my feelin’s none they got their own loaders.” “It never has,” River chided, and Jayne chuckled. “Hey, long as I ain’t gotta load it, I’m happy.” “So easily amused,” River snorted, and Jayne laughed outright at that. Mal just shook his head. “What happened ‘tween you two?” he asked, and both grew silent. Mal frowned at that. “You two ain’t got some kinda thing goin’ on behind Kaylee’s back?” Mal half asked, half threatened. “Hell no,” Jayne growled, and River did much the same. “Me and River just. . .well, we get along is all. We’re friends. Real friends,” he stressed. “And Kaylee is my friend,” River said, her voice on the edge of anger. “I would not do her that way. Even if I did find ape-beast gunmen attractive,” she threw in to needle Jayne. “Hey!” “All right,” Mal laughed. “I didn’t mean no offense, you know. It’s just odd to see you two gettin’ along, is all.” “We ain’t gonna be, I hear much more o’ that ape-beast talk,” Jayne muttered, and River cackled. “Ge ge loves me too much to allow sibling needling to sever the bond between us,” she said loftily. “Whatever,” Jayne sighed, and River erupted in glee again. Mal shook his head once more. Whatever else was between them, it wasn’t something that would hurt Kaylee. And it was a nice change. Not to mention that the two of them working together was sure to make his boat that much more safe. --------------------- “Book, huh?” Zoe grunted, when Mal gave her the news. “Operative, you think?” “I’d almost bet on it,” Mal said sourly. “Coulda refused,” Zoe pointed out. “No,” Mal shook his head. “This might be a good contact for us in the future, and he does a lotta business. Happens we don’t get ‘et by reavers, might come in handy.” “True enough,” Zoe nodded. “Seems to be too much of a coincidence, though,” Inara added. “I’d be willing to bet that even if the Operative isn’t on Idlewild, he’s responsible for the order.” “Probably,” Mal nodded. “Added two crates o’ ammo, and some medical supplies to the order in the last day. I’d say we’re headed into a camp o’ some kind.” “One preparing for war, it sounds like,” Inara sighed. ---------------------- As soon as the ship was loaded, and Simon had collected his medical supplies, Serenity was back in the air. It was five more days on to Idlewild. Jayne was sitting with Kaylee in the engine room. Once her girl was in the black, Kaylee walked over to where Jayne was sitting, and plopped down on his lap. “Watcha thinkin’?” she asked, wrapping her arms around him. “Nothin’,” Jayne smiled. “Just watchin’ ya.” “Ain’t nothin’ to see,” she grinned. “I see everything I ever wanted,” Jayne said softly, and Kaylee’s grin bloomed into a smile. She kissed him. “You make a girl’s head spin, Jayne Cobb,” she told him. “All that sweet talk.” “Ain’t just talk, xin gan,” Jayne shrugged. “You’re all I ever wanted, Kaylee. Most important thing in the world to me.” Kaylee sighed happily at that, leaning her head on his broad shoulders. “I’m kinda scared, Jayne,” she admitted finally. “All this talk ‘bout reavers, and maybe even a new war and all. Makes me afraid.” Jayne hugged her to him. “Don’t be,” he soothed, rubbing her back gently. “Ain’t gonna be like that for us. We’re just deliverin’ cargo, and spreadin’ the word. Ain’t gonna be no war for us, Mal said, less there just ain’t no other way for us to survive.” “That’s what scares me, Jayne,” Kaylee admitted. “What if there ain’t no other way? What if we ain’t got no choice but to fight some war?” “Then we’ll have to fight, Kaylee,” Jayne shrugged. “Gotta protect ourselves. And I couldn’t not fight, if it was to keep you safe. I can’t risk nothin’ happenin’ to you, baby doll,” he smiled, and kissed the top of her head. She smiled. “You just say the nicest things, ai ren,” she murmured, lifting her lips to his. “Mean ever one of’em, too.” ------------------------- “I’m scared, Mal,” Inara said softly, as the two of them sat together in her shuttle. Mal looked at her. “Me too, bao bei,” he admitted. “I don’t know what’s happenin’, and can’t see no way o’ findin’ out, that don’t include us bein’ in the thick o’ things. And I aim to avoid that, if there’s any way to at all.” “I know you do,” she ran her fingers though his hair, as his head rested in her lap. “And I know if there’s a way, you’ll find it,” she lowered her head and kissed him lightly. “I appreciate your confidence,” he smiled. “I wish I shared it.” “Well, you’re far too humble to say anything like that about yourself,” Inara replied with a straight face. Mal snorted, and Inara burst into laughter. “Right, ole humble Mal, that’s me,” he grinned. “Absolutely,” Inara nodded. “I hope you’re right, though, ai ren,” he told her softly. “I really do. I can’t stand the thought of losing any more of us. Not even Jayne,” he grinned, robbing his words of their sting. “You and Jayne are getting along much better,” Inara smiled. “I’m glad for that.” “So’m I,” Mal nodded. “He’s a lot smarter than he ever let on a’fore. You know that?” “Yes,” Inara nodded after a minute. “Suspected would be a better word, I suppose. Archangels aren’t stupid, Mal.” He looked at her closely at that. It was the first time she’d mentioned that in several days. With all else that had been happening, he’d forgotten that. “What about them Archangels, Inara?” he asked suddenly. “How come they ain’t fightin’ these reavers?” “I don’t know,” she admitted. “But bear in mind, there aren’t that many of them, Mal. Seeing one in a lifetime is. . .well, it’s a rarity, to say the least.” “The Operative mentioned there were too few of the folks fighting with him,” Mal mused. “And that many had fallen already. Wonder if. . . .?” “If he’s working with them?” Inara finished for him. “I’d wondered that, myself,” she admitted. “If Book was really his father, then it’s possible he’d know about the order. But it’s unlikely they would. . . .” Inara broke off, thinking. “Would what?” Mal asked. “I was going to say it would be unlikely for them to aid him,” she replied. “But I don’t know that to be the truth. Remember, it’s a religious order. It’s quite possible that they would assist him, should he repent of his past, and make the effort to right his own wrongs.” “They’d be like to trust him, after all he’s done?” Mal asked, frowning. “Religion is based on forgiveness, Mal,” Inara reminded him. “Jayne has used the word ‘monks’ more than once in describing what little he’s told us about his background. There’s no reason to believe they aren’t of the Christian faith. As such, they would see true repentance as grounds for forgiveness. It is their way. And it’s an ancient belief, Mal.” “I know that,” his voice was irritated. “I was raised a good church goin’ boy, ya know.” “I know,” Inara smiled softly. “And some of it seems to have stayed with you, despite it all.” “Well,” Mal squirmed a bit. “I’m not trying to make you uncomfortable,” she scolded. “So be still.” “Well, we’ll see what we see once we hit Aberdeen,” Mal said tiredly. “It’s times like these, though, that make a little rim moon farm look mighty good.”
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