Archangel – Chapter Thirty-Three
Monday, March 10, 2008

Plans and ideas


Archangel – Chapter Thirty-Three Author owns no rights to Firefly, and no copyright infringement is intended. Fanfic only. -------------------- Jayne led Mal and River to Thomas’ office, the three walking in silence through the hallways. Mal glanced around as they went, impressed despite himself. As they passed a large training hall, he noticed that the arch over the entrance was inscribed in a strange language. “In ira prognatus , in muneris conjuratus,” River murmured as she followed his gaze. “‘In anger born, in service sworn’,” she translated, and Mal nodded. They reached the end of the hall, and Jayne knocked lightly on the door. “Enter,” they heard Thomas say, and Jayne opened the door. The office was Spartan in it’s furnishings, though there were three chairs sitting before the desk. “Please, sit,” Thomas waved to the chairs from behind his desk. They did so, and Thomas leaned back a bit. “I know you have many questions, Captain,” he began. “But leave them until I have explained, and then I’ll answer those you still have. Acceptable?” “Yes, sir,” Mal said politely, and River smirked at him. It was odd to see Mal intimidated. “Very well,” Thomas nodded. “First of all, I’m sure that you’re aware of the order, by now, considering that Michael has been with you, and that his accomplishments were recorded for all posterity.” Jayne flushed at that, but Mal and River nodded. “Do not be concerned, Michael,” Thomas said softly, eyeing his former pupil’s discomfort. “You have done us proud. Derrial would be pleased.” Jayne’s head lifted at that. “Thank you, sir,” he said quietly. “As to the trouble around us,” Thomas continued. “We have been aware of the reaver threat for some time. Your work in exposing their origin was the final answer to the questions we have asked for almost two decades. At first,” he grimaced, “we were concerned that it was a natural progression. Thankfully this was not the case.” “I’m sure that the Doctor, and his sister,” he smiled at River, “and likely the reporter, have told you, Captain, that this school is a strong supporter of the Alliance.” “Might have said somethin’ long them lines, sir,” Mal admitted. “On the surface, it is a very true statement,” Thomas smiled. “What better way to hide something, than in plain sight, and somewhere no one would look for it. Also,” he leaned forward, “it gives us the opportunity to place certain trusted individuals in a position to know what’s happening in the ‘verse.” “As a result, we know what’s happening, and why. And, more importantly, we know what will happen next.” ------------------ Inara walked through the halls of the monastery, surrounded by the ancient walls and decorations of the place, drinking in the history that abounded inside the walls. Kaylee had followed along with her, interested in knowing more about the place that had played such a large roll in Jayne’s development into the man she now loved. “This place is old, ain’t it, Inara?” she asked softly, taking in the sight with wide eyes. “Very old, mei mei,” Inara smiled slightly. “And likely much of the decor is older still, brought from earth that was. The Archangels are old. No one knows how old, save themselves. And,” she grinned, “you may have noted they aren’t a talkative bunch.” “Yeah, that kinda stands out,” Kaylee nodded. “Jayne don’t say much, even to me,” she added. “And if there was anyone he’d tell, it’s you,” Inara said firmly. “You and I haven’t had much of a chance to talk, since all of this began. How are you and Jayne doing?” “Whatcha mean?” Kaylee asked. “I mean are you getting along? Are you happy, Kaylee?” “Oh, am I!” Kaylee breathed, and Inara giggled slightly. Kaylee blushed a little, but smiled. “He ain’t like all that when it’s me and him,” she told Inara. “It’s. . .well, it’s just different, that’s all. He’s so kind, and gentle, Inara. Treats me like I’m the most valuable thing in the ‘verse, and he’s afraid o’ breakin’ me.” “To him, I’d say you are,” Inara smiled warmly. “I would not hesitate to say that you are the most valuable thing in his ‘verse, Kaylee. I really don’t think that Jayne’s love for you knows any limit.” “Me either,” Kaylee sighed. “I can’t. . .Inara, I ain’t got your education, and words an’ all, but. . .it’s just heavenly, is what it is,” she said finally. “I just ain’t got the words to put it no better. It’s more than anything I ever even read about.” “I’m glad,” Inara placed an arm around her friend’s shoulders. “If anyone deserves it, it’s you.” “Thanks, ‘Nara,” Kaylee smiled. “I worry ‘bout him, though,” she admitted after a minute. “I mean I know he’s a big boy, and all,” she grinned sheepishly. “But the chances he takes scare me. And I can’t always keep that hid away, neither.” “Don’t,” Inara cautioned. “He needs to know how you feel, sweetie.” “Oh, he knows, all right,” Kaylee frowned. “We had a pretty good round after that scene at the Trainin’ House. Him in that damn loin thingy walkin’ round all them Companions,” she growled, and Inara laughed. “Kaylee, dear,” she hugged her friend. “I do believe that if they had been thronging around him completely naked, he would have walked past them to reach you.” “You think so?” Kaylee asked, her eyebrows raised. “I know so,” Inara said firmly. “He only has eyes for you, Kaylee. I think it’s all he understands, deep down.” “Me and him, we kinda, well, we just belong together,” Kaylee told her. “I’m convinced you’re right about that,” Inara nodded. “Look at that!” Kaylee said suddenly, and Inara followed her pointing finger. In a glass case, set along the wall, was a suit of armor. Not like Jayne’s, but real armor, from the ancient days of Earth that Was. Adorning the chest of said armor, however, was the now familiar crest of a cross, with angels wings, and two crossed swords. “That must be over a thousand years old, Kaylee,” Inara breathed softly. “More like twelve hundred,” a voice from behind startled them. Both whirled to see a man approaching. “I apologize, if I startled you,” he smiled. “I am Reson. Brother Thomas asked me to seek you out, in the event you wished a guide. You are Inara Serra, are you not?” “I am,” Inara replied. Reson was not quite so tall as Jayne, with close cropped blond hair, and grey eyes. He had the look of a rogue, Inara decided, which fit right in among the warriors that must have passed through these halls. “I would be pleased to guide you, should you desire it,” Reson told her. “If not, then I shall take my leave.” “Well,” Inara mused. “If you can tell us some of the history of your order, and perhaps comment on things such as this,” she waved to the displayed armor, “then your services would be most welcome.” “There are a few things which must be kept secret,” Reson told her. “But Brother Thomas did mention that you were quite well versed already, having traveled with one of our number for a great time. I will answer any question I can, without violating my oath.” “Fair enough,” Inara smiled beautifully. “Please, lead on.” ---------------------- “What’s wrong with you now, Simon?” Jazz asked, as the two of them strolled in the courtyard. “Who said anything’s wrong?” he asked, looking at her. “Simon, please,” Jazz rolled her eyes. “I’m not stupid.” “No, you’re not,” Simon’s eyes crinkled. “I guess. . .I think it’s just that I’m concerned about being in a place like this. I’m not sure it’s safe for River.” “Um, Simon,” Jazz looked at him. “You have noticed that your sister is a grown woman, right? And that she’s pretty much able to take care of herself?” “I know, I know,” Simon sighed. “But it’s still. . .” “Hard to let go?” Jazz supplied. “Difficult to relinquish control?” “I don’t control her!” Simon protested. “Not for a lack of trying, though,” Jazz shot back. “Simon, you spend nearly every waking moment trying to keep her from doing anything that might give her the idea she’s grown. You treat her like a child. And she’s not one.” Simon thought about that for a moment. “I’m just concerned for her, that’s all,” he finally replied. “And that’s as it should be,” Jazz nodded. “But you can’t keep trying to run her life, Simon. Eventually, she’s going to meet a boy she likes, or find a place she wants. When that happens, she’s going to stay, and then you’ll have to either stay with her, or give her up. Well,” she added, “you can try to force her to go with you, but I don’t think that would work out too well.” “No,” Simon sighed. “It wouldn’t.” “So I’d suggest you start easing up some,” Jazz smirked. “It’ll make it easier on you when the time comes.” “I’ll need help,” Simon grinned at her, and Jazz laughed. “I’ll keep you distracted, Doctor,” she promised, and kissed him. ------------------- Zoe had gone to her room after the meal, and was lying on her bed. She hadn’t had enough time to heal after her attack, and the events of the last few days had been rough, to say the least. She lay there, staring at the ceiling, wondering how Wash would have reacted to all this. Besides joking about the idea of Jayne being some kind of Knight. She missed him so much. Zoe had never imagined being married before she met Wash. At least not often. It simply wasn’t the life she’d wanted. She didn’t have anything against it, but her life wasn’t one that lent itself to such attachments, and that was that. Then Wash came along. And she hated him. Well, hated was a strong word. She hadn’t liked him though. She smiled as she remembered how Wash had worked so hard to worm his way into her heart. She had fought the whole time, but in the end, his persistence had wore her down. As she drifted off to sleep, she hoped that she’d dream about him. Sometimes she did, and it was nice. ------------------ “So all of this is a way for the Alliance to make sure that any seeds of the Independent Movement are gone,” Mal said, once Thomas had finished. “Not just the Browncoats, Captain,” Thomas clarified. “Any group that might oppose the Alliance and their grand scheme.” “And the reavers?” Mal asked. “A tool,” Thomas grimaced. “A tool to strike fear into the hearts of the core worlds, and to bring the rim worlds to heel. Anyone who fosters any hint of rebellion, feels the wrath of the reavers, and the Alliance has no connection to it.” “Higgins Moon wasn’t rebellious,” Jayne pointed out, and Thomas looked at him. “No, they weren’t,” the other man agreed. “What ain’t you tellin’ us, sir?” Jayne asked. “Higgins’ Moon was likely a recruiting strike,” Thomas said, his face a grimace. “We don’t know for sure, our. . .man, if you will, wasn’t consulted on that part. But we do know that the Alliance has been able to modify the virus in such a way as to create reavers pretty much at will.” “So they infected the population of Higgins’ Moon?” Mal was aghast. “Yes,” Thomas replied somberly. “You knew about all this, and you ain’t did nothin’?” Mal demanded. “What would you have us do, Captain?” Thomas asked evenly. “Why ain’t you gathered up your. . .people,” Mal snorted, “and stopped all this?” “How?” Thomas repeated, patiently. “I don’t know!” Mal exclaimed. “Gotta be somethin’ you coulda done!” “Captain,” Thomas said quietly. “There are, at present, fifty-six Archangels. In the entire ‘verse. Where would you suggest we start?” Mal was struck. Fifty-six? He’d figured they were an army. “You cannot be made into one of us, Captain,” Thomas said softly. “You either are, or you aren’t. If you’re blessed, you aren’t,” he added. “A few of us are not so fortunate.” “Well, after what I seen Jayne do,” Mal tried to recover, “fifty o’ ya could do a lotta damage!” “And when we fell, who would serve?” Thomas asked. “There is more at stake here, Captain, than just reavers. This order has worked for over a thousand years to protect those who cannot protect themselves. Hundreds of us have perished in that pursuit, Captain. It is a very rare thing for one of us to die of old age.” Mal looked abashed at that, and looked away from the old man’s piercing stare. “And none of us are so. . .capable, as Michael,” Thomas added. “He is, unique, to say the least,” he smiled. “I told him,” Jayne said softly. Thomas nodded. “I suspected as much. It was not wrong of you,” he added. “Well, then, what is it you need us for?” Mal asked. “I have various needs at the moment, Captain,” Thomas admitted. “Michael I need here. You, I need elsewhere. And your First Mate, Miss Washburn, I need yet somewhere else.” “We don’t work like that,” Mal objected. “We don’t have a choice, Captain,” Thomas informed him. “In seven days time, a massed wave of reavers will hit Osiris,” Thomas said, and River, quiet until now, gasped in shock. “All of them, we believe,” Thomas continued. “Thousands of them. Perhaps tens of thousands. We simply do not know.” “I will need Michael there, to help defend the planet and it’s people. He will lead a team of thirty-six of us, along with five hundred acolytes. Men who are well trained, but lack the. . .drive, shall we call it, and the training, to face the reavers in open combat.” “I need your first mate, Washburn, to travel back to Idlewild. I know that one of your friends is trying to re-organize the Independent Movement. He will have no better chance than this. We need him to bring his troops to Osiris, to our aid. He cannot be here in time to stop the attack,” Thomas sighed. “But he may be able to get here before the last of us falls. If we can hold the reavers long enough, he should be able to destroy them.” He turned to River. “As for you, young lady,” he smiled. “I am of two minds. I will allow you to choose what you want to do, if anything. You may, if you like, accompany the Captain, if he chooses to help us. Though I suspect,” his eyes twinkled a bit, “that you would prefer to go with Michael, and defend your homeworld at his side. I think we can fit you with armor similar to his, in the time available, if you like. Though not born one of us, your. . .experiences, have made you at least a kindred spirit.” River’s eyes glowed at the idea. She looked at Jayne, who smiled at her. “I’d like that very much,” she said softly, but firmly. “Very much.” “For you, Captain,” Thomas turned to Mal, “I have a very special mission. I know where the remnants of the Blue Sun program are. You, Captain, will lead eighteen of our order, and as many others as can be spared, to their facility. Once there,” the old man’s eyes shined with an eerie light, “you will destroy the facility, in it’s entirety, and bring back the proof we need to expose their hellish abominations for all to see.” “We will destroy them all, Captain,” Thomas concluded. “All of them, once and for all time.” He leaned forward, and suddenly he was no longer an old man. He was a predator. A deadly, focused predator, and Mal found himself wondering what the man had been like in his younger days. “We’ll show them a better world, all right,” Thomas snarled, as his own anger boiled forth. “A world without them.”


Tuesday, March 11, 2008 5:57 AM


Wow. Talk about grand plans and schemes!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008 8:35 AM


Loved this part:

“We’ll show them a better world, all right,” Thomas snarled, as his own anger boiled forth. “A world without them.”


Keep flying ;)


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Archangel Forty-Two
The battle ends, for all but one.

Archangel – Chapter Forty-One
Monty arrives, but is it too late?

Archangel – Chapter Forty
The battle takes a turn for the worst, and time begins to run out for defenders.

Archangel – Chapter Thirty-Nine
Things heat up, and not just on Osiris!

Jayne decides to leave after the damage from Miranda is put right.

Archangel – Chapter Thirty-Eight
The Battle Rolls on, and friends and foes alike began to fall.

Archangel – Chapter Thirty-Seven
THe Battle for Osiris is joined

Archangel - Chapter Thirty-Six
The Battle Begins

Archangel – Chapter Thirty-Five
Simon and River reach an understanding, and the crew separates, starting their parts of the mission.

Archangel – Chapter Thirty-Four
The Crew decideds to help. River gets help from an unexpected source.