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Adam enlists Nathan's help in his plan.
OK, any resemblance between the real Adam, Nathan, Joss and Alan and the characters is this fic is accidental. They do not talk like this nor would they behave in such a manner. I have no money, so don't nobody sue me, dong ma? This was inspired by a little news story posted on the Firefly official board.
Going to the Dogs
"Hey Nate, Come over to my house, I have something to show you."
"Adam, I’m a little busy now, maybe later." Adam hears girlish giggles in the background of the cell phone call, followed by a spanking sound and Nate talking to someone else, "Stop that, I’m on the phone." Then more giggles.
"So when the girls leave, maybe you could come over."
"Girls, what girls --- Hey , oh my that is downright…"
"Nate. Get your butt over here. You’ll like it. I promise."
"Fine I’ll be there in, oh,…three hours be OK?"
Four hours later, Nathan Fillion shows up on Adam’s doorstep looking somewhat disheveled and tired. "OK, buddy. What’s up?"
"I have some new pets. Joss and I sprung them from the SPCA."
"You made me come way out here because you have some new pets? Buddy you ain’t right."
"No I need your help with the plan."
"Plan? What plan, I thought you said you had some new pets?" At that point Nathan hears some yapping in the background, actually lots of yapping. Suddenly about 17 chihuahuas race by, one stops and bites his ankle, another stops to pee on Adam’s leg.
"Gorram dogs got out again. Best round these up. We need all of them for the plan."
"You mean there’s more?"
Yeah, 174 total. Don’t you ever read the papers, Nate? They found these 174 feral chihuahuas in some old lady’s house. They were just gonna kill them, so Joss and I sprung them to use in our plan."
"Ok, I know you’re dying to tell me, so what plan?"
"Well, I need you to drive one truck while I drive another over to the Fox lot. The Fox execs are having a big meeting today. And Joss and I think these puppies would add something special to that meeting."
"Are you trying to get us blacklisted? Those execs will hunt us down for that if it’s the last thing they do."
"I had Alan borrow the trucks from the producer of Joe Millionaire. They went to college together. That way they won’t be able to trace them to us. And we’ll go in costume of course, so they won’t know who we are either. Do you want the floral bonnet or the paisley one?"
"No ruttin' way."
"Well I can’t dress you as a priest, you’re too recognizable in that get up."
"Right, like anybody from Fox watched Buffy. Oh well sure, it would be worth it even if I never work again, just to see their faces as those little monsters chomp on their legs instead of mine. You owe me a new pair of pants, by the way."
************ "Tonight on Nightline, Ted Koppel examines why 174 feral chihuahuas were set free during the Fox budget meeting by a priest and a very large woman. Was this just a prank or part of a terrorist plot?"
(Oh this isn't mean to depict the real Ted Koppel either.)
Friday, July 18, 2003 5:42 PM
Monday, July 21, 2003 3:51 PM
Wednesday, December 31, 2003 8:24 PM
Saturday, September 10, 2005 5:23 AM
Monday, June 12, 2006 8:41 PM
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