Finish making your replica Jayne Dead Fish T-shirt!
Wednesday, October 6, 2004

Tying in with my other item posted a few weeks back I finally got around to doing the chinese letter for the back of the shirt, just below the collar about 3-4 inches(?), in the center of the shirt. Here it is for all the do-it-yourself types like me. It ain't "perfect" but it sure looks good on the shirt.



Wednesday, October 6, 2004 12:23 PM


Thanks! I've been silently, patiently waiting for someone to post this. You're the best.

(I don't like the character chosen for the name "Jayne," though. It doesn't pronounce the name correctly... they could have done a better phonetic translation like 贼呢 {which actually translates perfectly, too}... but what do I know.)

Wednesday, October 6, 2004 4:58 PM


mumble mumble...

That was me above


Thursday, October 7, 2004 10:52 AM


Looks kinda like the face of the Beast from the Id, in Forbidden Planet.

Thursday, October 7, 2004 12:15 PM


In this case, American names are "translated" into Chinese based on a few things: pronunciation, aesthetics, and meaning. That's why there are different character combinations for the same name. In this case, the character they've chosen is jian3 (pronounced j-yan, with voice starting mid, dipping low, and ending high as in a question). This character means (1) simple; simplified; brief (2) bamboo slips; letter (correspondence) or (3) select; choose.

I thought 贼呢 (zei2 ne) would have been a better choice; it's pronounced dzay-neh (dzay - like combining 'j' in 'jeep' with 'ds' in 'beds' and 'ay' in 'day', said with voice from low to high as in a question; neh - 'n' with a de-emphasized, almost cut off 'eh' at the end). When said aloud, I think this resembles "Jayne" moreso than "jyan" does. Also, the meaning is perfect for Jayne: thief!; enemy!; or traitor! But, again, what do I know... aside from the fact that I apparently have far too much time on my hands for thinking about this kind of thing.

Anyway, that info is just for those of you who're considering making graphics, shirts and the like and might want character options for names. Um. Yeah.

Friday, October 8, 2004 6:54 AM


HK: Thank you for the enlightenment! I was thinking of doing a line of Dead Fish shirts on my zazzle site using the most common chinese translations for english names and doing some others (like firefly) on the backs so people could get custom/personalized versions of it.

What do y'all think?


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Firefly Playing Cards - Serenity
The box suggested that some of the cards can combine to make an's what I've found so far. Think she'll hold together? ;)

HAPPY U-DAY! Bonus Apples to Griswold Cards!
To celebrate U-Day and the release of my new game, here's a few bonus cards!

Apples To Griswolds game now available!!!
Yes, you can release that baited breath you've held, it's finally here!

Apples to Griswolds! Just in time for Talk Like a Pirate Day for all you ruttin' space farin' pirate types! Shiny!

Download it now! Print and play today!

Joss Whedon BWAH! card - re-release
Updated with the new link for my Firefly games, the original was only available to those who attended a special advanced screening of Serenity in Cincinnati, but now everyone can have one! I've tagged it with the addy as well to identify it as the new copy.

Visit the link on the card to download any and all games I've developed, available for FREE, as always, to all my fellow Browncoats. Thanks for carrying me all these years. :) You guys are the finest bunch of Rubens in the 'verse.

A variant, again, because I can. Share it if you like it :)

Because I could. :)

Captain Castle
A fellow Browncoat, goes by Watcho, was telling me how her sister was now watching Firefly because of Nathan Fillion in Castle. She retorted with "He was my Captain before he was your Castle", and lo, a new design was born in that moment. You can find this design in the old TCM SPACE BAZAAR at: or, if you're handy with an iron, as your legend tells, print it out and iron it on your own self. Enjoy!

Apples to Griswolds
Been out of the (game making) world a while, but I got a request late last year from a very dear friend, so I am making it a reality for them...and you! This is just the teaser. And there will be at least be at one rule in my version there isn't in the original Apples to Apples game. All I'll say is there'll be a little...*pop* ;)

Also, at the behest of fans, both past and current, I'm only doing this up in grayscale in order to go easy on printing because there'll be A LOT of cards, and I don't want to eat up folks' printer ink.

Firefly Valentines (blast from the past)
More of the same, only different. ;)

Firefly Valentines (blast from the past)
Dug these up, made 'em years back. Sharing again for you!