Lessons (Part 11/11)
Friday, December 30, 2011

Inara receives a letter.



'And so we finally made it to Boros after what felt like the longest trip ever! The Sanchez brothers say there might be a job for us, but not in another couple a weeks or so, so for now we're just sitting tight. It's fine really, gives us some time to smell the air and Jayne a chance to get back on his feet – or foot, as he's sorta up on the one already. We're trynna keep a low profile (you know how it is) and so far I'd say we're doing great :) That is if they don't find out about the cow…

'Oh, forgot to mention that, didn't I? See, Zoë killed and stole a cow from one of the nearby ranches. Turns out she'd promised Jayne beef. The captain threw a fit over it, but the meat sure did taste good :)'

Inara smiled as she flipped the page to read the rest of the letter. She always loved getting Kaylee's handwritten records on everything that went on back on Serenity. The girl wrote so vividly, never skipped a detail describing the daily life onboard, and Inara could easily see everything play out in front of her eyes. Sometimes she even temporarily forgot she wasn't there anymore.

She stroked the paper with her fingertips, taking a moment to appreciate Kaylee's girlish handwriting and the way she dotted her i's with little hearts, before she continued reading.

'He miss you, you know, the captain. He'll never admit it, that's for sure, you know how stubborn he can be, but he really does. I know it. Please don't give him up.

'Hope life is good to you and to hear from you soon.



'PS. Book and Simon say hi. I guess the others do too, but they're not here right now.'

With a sad smile gracing her ruby lips, Inara carefully folded the letter and put it in the wooden bejeweled box in which she kept all of her most precious possessions.

"I miss him too," she whispered, closing the lid.

The End, the series continues in Here Comes The Rain



Friday, December 30, 2011 8:07 AM


I have been so enjoying this tale but felt cheated by this tacked on 'Ending'. No offence, but it would have been so much more satisfying if the precis you have written above was put into a chapter to round the story off. Ali D
"You can't take the sky from me!"

Friday, December 30, 2011 8:27 AM


I've got more stories coming :) But I should warn you, I live by the rule 'Always leave them wanting more' ;)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012 1:50 PM


I guess the butchered beef available at any local shop or market stall was too pricey for the crew, huh? Makes sense, since the communal coffers were tapped and any pay from the last job went to buying the antibiotics Jayne needed...



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Angels We Have Heard (Part 4/5)
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Mal drew a deep breath and exhaled slowly, closing his eyes for a moment. "Gorram preacher," he muttered.

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