Make a Wish.
Wednesday, December 22, 2004

A standalone short bit of fluffy Christmas nonsense, all happy-flavoured.


Disclaimer: Firefly and these characters belong to Joss Whedon. Thanks for sharing, Joss!

* * * * * MAKE A WISH

* * * * *

Simon crooked his little finger around one side of the wishbone and held it out to Kaylee.

“What 'm'I s'posed to do?” she asked uncertainly.

“Think the Doc wants you to pull his bone,” Jayne leered, biting into a firm juicy piece of thigh.

Kaylee giggled and blushed, glancing quickly across at Mal to see if he was going to warn Jayne about keeping a civil tongue, but the Captain just grinned, more than a little amused at the way Simon was spluttering with embarrassment. So she curled her pinky round the other side of the bone till she was holding it in the same was as the Doctor and asked, “What we doin' this for, Simon?”

“A Christmas ritual from Earth-that-was,” River explained. “You both pull and whoever is left with the longest piece gets to make a wish.” She smiled sweetly, then frowned. “The premise relies on a belief in magic – which is illogical. Contradicts all the laws of physics. Count to three and pull.”

One. Two. Three. Snap! Kaylee laughed and held up the winning fragment of bone triumphantly. “I win! I win! Now let me see ... I wish-”

“Shhh!” River placed a finger over her friend's lips. “Wishes have to be secret.”

Kaylee's eyes sparkled as she nodded. “OK.”

* * * * *

To Simon's amazement River accepted the injection without protest. “This one is different,” she replied in answer to his unvoiced question in a tone that implied it should be obvious. “This one will work.”

He smiled, a touch sadly. “You can't know that, mei-mei, I can't even be sure.”

“I am.”

* * * * *

Wash sniffed appreciatively as he entered the kitchen the next day. “Is that..? I mean, it smells like fresh bao...”

Zoe looked up from the pan she was stirring with serious attention. “Tamade! It was supposed to be a surprise.” But she grinned and kissed him as he put his arms round her.

“You made me fresh bao? You?” His eyes shone in wonderment as he watched her spoon the meal onto a plate. Because it meant more to both of them than just something to eat.

“That I did, husband.”

“Guess you must really love me then ...” he said happily, nuzzling her neck.

“Gorramit! You have to do that in front of the rest of us?” Jayne growled.

“Oh! Sorry – I forgot!” Wash pulled back from Zoe's embrace. “There was a wave for you. Someone called Helen. Said she heard you were in town and wondered if you needed a hand with your weapons. Reckoned she knew your favourite real well.”

Jayne's grin very nearly stretched from one ear to the other. “Gorramit, little man – why di'n't you say so before?” And he was gone.

* * * * *

“There something I can do for you, Captain?” Book asked mildly, despite the fact Mal appeared to be hunting through the drawers in his bunk.

“Uh- no,” Mal mumbled, quickly hiding something behind his back.

If Book didn't know the man better, he'd have sworn the Captain was blushing. “What've you got there?” he asked, suddenly knowing.

“Nothin',” Mal lied. Badly.

“You want to swear to that?” Book's eyes were twinkling now. “On that?”

“Damn it, Preacher,” Mal grumbled, the Bible in full view now. “I jus' wanted it to settle an argument with Jayne.”

The Shepherd's eyebrows shot up. “With Jayne? Oh my, this is getting better and better ...”

* * * * *

River was sitting in the commons area, so quiet Mal didn't notice her at first. “They took Christmas,” she said suddenly, making him jump.

He went over and took a seat next to her. “That they did,” he said gently.

“Took away the presents.”

“I know, xiao mei-mei.” He took her cool little hand in his and squeezed it.

She tilted her head to one side and studied his face carefully. Then she smiled. “Xie-xie, Captain.”

“What for?”


* * * * *

Outside the door to her shuttle Inara shrugged. “I don't know ... maybe because it's Christmas?”

Mal was frowning, still suspicious. “Been a long time since you had a client,” he recalled. “How'd I know you won't jump me when I get in there?”

Her lips curved upwards and she gave him a sidelong glance under lowered lashes. “Well, I guess you can't know for certain. You'll have to take a chance. Unless you're scared of finding out?”

He snorted and squared his shoulders. “Me? Scared? OK – let's do this. Just one drink, mind. Nothin' more.”

“Absolutely, Captain. Nothing more.”

From along the hallway, Zoe watched Mal follow the Companion through the doorway and allowed herself a little smile of satisfaction. She turned to go back to her bunk and bumped straight into Kaylee, who – to judge from the gleeful expression on her face - had also been watching the Captain and Inara.

She winked knowingly at Zoe. “Best be gettin' to bed my own self. Night, Zoe.”

“Good night, Kaylee.”

The mechanic gave her a small wave and started to scamper off, but Zoe had to know. “Kaylee!”

The girl stopped and looked back at her. “Yeah?”

“Did you get your wish?”

Kaylee couldn't help but look smug. “Yeah. Yeah, I did.”

* * * * *


Wednesday, December 22, 2004 5:46 AM


Mal: "Okay-let's do this" LOL!

So nice the way all those little wishes were granted. Loved the Book scene, too.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004 9:39 AM


A very nice happy making tale. So shiny, loved it! Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Wednesday, December 22, 2004 8:41 PM


Very nice treatment of the holiday sans over kill. Thank you for all your amazing fic. You were one of the reasons I started writing.


Monday, February 7, 2005 3:28 AM


Well, i can't but thank you!!

It was sweet and beautiful... so much what Kaylee would wish.

Monday, November 21, 2005 12:52 AM


I love it... i am one of the mean old people that never thought kaylee is cool to write about but this changed my mind! Kaylee is a doll i knew that much just never was interested in reading about her or writing about her... thanks! oh and thanks for the bit of mal inara! -OldSoul

Sunday, July 19, 2009 8:08 PM


Awwww sweet, I love it. Thanks,

Monday, August 5, 2013 1:55 PM


Kaylee is a powerful wisher. Great short story.


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HOLDING ON: Ch 2 - Tangential
Much to his annoyance, Sanzo's urgent quest to find Goku gets diverted. Meanwhile Mal meets someone from Inara's past. WARNING - slashy but not graphic

The Wheel Never Stops Turning
Mal meets a blonde in a bar. Violence ensues. And Mal discovers religion has its uses.

This is primariy a <i>Firefly</i> fic, but the character Mal ends up doing a job for is from the manga/anime <i>Saiyuki</i>. It's also <b>PG-13 nothing-explicit SLASH</b>. Because that's who I am!

MAKE ME A STONE: Ch 7: 'til the day you die.
Inara leaves Serenity for a new life. Mal gets a job with a couple of new employers, but sinks further into despair.
Slash so lite you'll probably scarcely notice it.

MAKE ME A STONE: Chapter 6: You just learn to live there.
Another job goes less than smoothly. Meanwhile River takes matters into her own hands and Mal has a brainwave.

SLASHFIC. SPOILERS for the comics, novelization and movie.

Make Me A Stone: Chapter 5: Chickens come home to roost.
Mal has to accept Badger's offer of a job. Meanwhile old enemies seek to take advantge.
Spoilers for the comics. Very light slash.

Make Me A Stone: Chapter 4. Some residual heat.
SPOILERS for the comics/BDM. Mal has to accept Badger's job offer. Not much else in his life is going right either.

MAKE ME A STONE: Ch 3: It's complicated.
Mal decides to pull a job of his own. Simon offers to help. It doesn't go smooth - but that's not entirely Simon's fault.

Non-graphic SLASH.

MAKE ME A STONE: Ch 2: And who exactly could fix you?
Simon'a altruism leads to a job going wrong. Mal's not happy.

MAKE ME A STONE: Ch 1: Pray there ain't any more surprises.
Warning: SLASH, but not graphic. Mal and Simon both find that the other has hidden talents. It kinda piques their interest ... *g*

TRAUMA MEDICINE: Chapter 23. Two by two.
Four years have past since Mal was forced to blow up Serenity and Simon disappeared with River and Book. A lot has changed since then. But a lot has stayed the same. The CONCLUSION to this series.