Leaf on the Wind (Wash's Song)
Tuesday, October 4, 2005

an original song about the life of Hoban Washburn (contains SPOILERS, not that anyone will care much longer)


I was born on a rock where the stars didn’t shine, now I soar like a leaf on the wind,

The clouds were polluted, the sea filled with brine, now I soar like a leaf on the wind,

I swore to myself that above it I’d rise,

Sail over the mountains and into the skies,

To see the stars brighter than man can devise, I’d soar like a leaf on the wind.

When governments quarreled, I was called to the fight, to soar like a leaf on the wind,

I offered my wings to the side I thought right, to soar like a leaf on the wind,

Now after two sorties, my boat ran aground,

My captors with laurels of vict’ry were crowned,

When the killing was over, my freedom I found, to soar like a leaf on the wind.

I wandered the whole ‘verse, I went where I’d please, adrift like a leaf on the wind,

I spent a whole month trying to juggle geese, adrift like a leaf on the wind,

But wherever I went, there was one thing I’d lack,

The stars, they were calling for me to come back,

Farewell to the land and Ni-Hao to the black! Once more I’m a leaf on the wind.

The Renshaw Boys begged me; Tanaka he raved, to soar like a leaf on the wind,

Serenity’s crew had the one thing I craved, as I soared like a leaf on the wind,

The moons and the planets each have their own charms,

But the heavens I sought were in Zoe’s strong arms,

A warrior, a Goddess, to keep me from harm, as I soar like a leaf on the wind.

Now sometimes I carry a gun when I roam, though I soar like a leaf on the wind,

With puppets and dinosaurs, I’m much more at home, as I soar like a leaf on the wind,

Laughter was always my ally in life,

And humor has always deflected my strife,

It got me through torture, it won me my wife, and I soar like a leaf on the wind.

It ain’t easy to pilot a ship that can’t turn, but I’ll soar like a leaf on the wind,

Can’t pull crazy Ivans, can’t go for hard burn, but I’ll soar like a leaf on the wind,

Once you’ve made sure that the signal gets through,

There’s one final thing that I want you to do,

Put me where I’ll see stars, so that I can see you, and I’ll soar like a leaf on the wind.

by Cedric of the Bedlam Bards

to be recorded on the album _On the Drift_


Tuesday, October 4, 2005 3:50 PM


Cool. I look forward to *hearing* it.

Tuesday, October 4, 2005 4:51 PM


Oh, man, I wanna cry. That's beautiful, Ced. I can't wait to hear it. You're songs are always wonderful.

Wednesday, October 5, 2005 2:10 AM


I give it a ten.
Truly excellent work. Wash has always been my favorite character.
I'd love to hear the tune.

Thursday, October 6, 2005 1:40 PM


Absolutely awesome man... I know how hard it is to write songs, especially good songs, but emotion fuels...

And you made me ruttin cry... damn you lol

Thursday, October 6, 2005 4:05 PM


That was amazing..

Saturday, October 8, 2005 5:51 AM


That's a wonderful song. Got me having chills.

Saturday, October 8, 2005 6:33 PM


Lovely, lovely. Needed to be said. I felt like we all got so very little of Wash's actual back-story before he left us. Where'd he come from, what life lived made him one of our favorite people? Your words give me the satisfaction of knowing him a little better when I thought the end of Serenity made it too late for that. I hear you about your need to write Wash's requiem as catharsis after we lost our Leaf on the Wind. Good on ya and thanks.

Friday, October 14, 2005 9:10 AM


Is there an e-mail list we could all join to make sure we hear what the next step is with this bee-yoo-tiful ditty?

Saturday, October 15, 2005 2:20 PM


So, the song you're alluding to is not this one? Could it be?

Have y'all given any thought to making the song available for download? I'd give you $1 for it, sure'n'all.

Sunday, October 16, 2005 3:01 PM


Beautiful, beautiful

Wednesday, February 15, 2006 1:12 PM


The album that this song appears on is finally finished, and it's available online at

Thursday, July 6, 2006 10:27 AM


wow. I am speechless, this is so true, and really captures his essence.
Congratulations on a truly amazing piece of work.


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