Friends Survey: Jaine
Tuesday, November 8, 2005

This is a thread from about a month back, and I saw someone had done one for Shooter, so I thought "Hey, why not for my character, too?"


To: Wash, Mal, Zoe, Inara, Book, Simon, River, Jayne, Kaylee, Ray, Tom, Annie

From: Jaine

Subject: Friends Survey

1. What is your occupation? Ex-Browncoat, former bounty-hunter and general thorn in Jayne's side

2. What color is your underwear? Purple, not that it matters

3. What are you listening to right now? Jayne yammering

4. What was the last thing you ate? Jayne's "secret" chocolate stash

5. Do you wish on stars? Wishes don't come true, so why bother?

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Purple, why?

7. How is the weather right now? I'm on a ship

8. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Phone?

9. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Much as I like anyone

10. Name three things other than office supplies/computer/laptop that are on your desk right now: Gun, shirt, underwear

11. Favorite drink? Osiran whiskey

12. Another MIA one ... how about any tattoos? If no, do you want any? If yes, what and/or where? Left shoulder and hip, right ankle, ain't sayin' what

13. Have you ever dyed your hair? red, black and for some feng le reason, green

14. Do you wear contacts or glasses? nope

15. Who do you think Jennifer Aniston should marry next? Depends what happened to her last husband

16. Favorite month? Any that don't involve bein' cold

17. Favorite food? Anything that ain't mine

18. What was the last movie you watched? 2503 re-make of Spiders

19. Favorite day of the year? My birthday, whenever that is

20. What do you do to vent anger? Hit simon/jayne

21. Favorite toy as a child? Don't know

22. Fall or spring? Fall, more cover

23. Hugs or kisses? Neither

24. Cherry or Blueberry? Prefer peanut butter for true

25. Do you want your friends to email you back? Don't both me none either way

26. Who is most likely to respond? Kaylee, damn girl never shuts up...

27. Who is least likely to respond? Jayne, Simon, Ray, Annie or Tom

28. Living arrangements? Wherever the job takes me

29. Last time you cried? I don't cry

30. What is on the floor of your closet? Boots an' ammo

31. Who is the friend you have had the longest? Myself

32. What did you do last night? Slept, beat up Simon, shot pool with Jayne

33. Favorite smells? Clean laundry an' cordite

34. What inspires you? Kickin' bad guys asses

35. What are you afraid of? Nothin'...'cept girliness an' the colour pink

36. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Cheeseburger with the works

37. Favorite car? Taibolt 3-60

38. Favorite dog breed? I gotta have a favourite dog now? What is it with this damn ship?!?

39. Number of keys on your key ring? 6

40. How many years at your current address? 'Bout a month now

41. Favorite day of the week? The one where I get to shoot folk, get drunk and sleep

42. How many states have you lived in? Planets? Can't remember, ran outta fingers long time ago

43. Are you happy? What's it gotta do with you?

44. Where would you like to move? Somewhere safe

45. If there is another question you'd like to it here! What do you regret most? Losin' that damn war


Tuesday, November 8, 2005 3:58 AM


That someone was me. I'm glad to see someone run with the idea of doing one of these for an original character.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 6:00 AM


(This was funny! "Jayne yeling." What a funny idea you guys!!! I don't know if this is the response you want, but here you go. Ignore/Delete if it isn't.... this was just too funny to not pass up.(Can we actually delete? hmm))

To: Mal, Zoe, Inara, Book, Simon, River, Jayne, Ray, Tom, Annie

From: Mister Hoban I. Washburne

Subject: Friends Survey

1. What is your occupation? Pilot. Smart mouth. Smartest member of the crew. Take your pick.

2. What color is your underwear? I'm going to have to go for an assist on this one. Zoe?

3. What are you listening to right now? Bucky and Bob argue about what tastes better: Plastic grass or plastic palm trees.

4. What was the last thing you ate? Hmm. May have to go for that assist again. Zoe?

5. Do you wish on stars? Oh hell yeah. I give them names. Do that 'eenie, meanie, mighty, moe' thing with them. Stars are great.

6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Ooooh. So many colors to choose from. I guess I would be puce. why? Because it's damn fun to say.

7. How is the weather right now? Hmm. Negative two thousand degrees wind chill factor, and climbing.

8. Last person you spoke to on the phone? That damn Fed I was trying to stall while Mal and my wife we're playing soldier.

9. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Oh yes. I find her hilarious. Who sent this again? Just kidding.

10. Name three things other than office supplies/computer/laptop that are on your desk right now: Bucky. Bob. Brian. Brewster. Beau. And Bill. Oh wait. You only wanted three. Sorry. I failed.

11. Favorite drink? Let me get back to you on this one.

12. Another MIA one ... how about any tattoos? Newp. Sorry. I leave all that male macho tesosterone stuff for my wife.

13. Have you ever dyed your hair? purple, red, black and for some feng le reason. I once wore a pirate patch... does that count?

14. Do you wear contacts or glasses? No. Unfortunelty I can see the world crystal clear for what it is every day of my life.

15. Who do you think Jennifer Aniston should marry next? Where's the location of Zoe before I answer this....

16. Favorite month? I think I like the month of December the best. You know. Decorations. Presents. Toys.

17. Favorite food? I used to like apples....

18. What was the last movie you watched? Rocky Horror Picture Show. Our copy's a little antiquated, but you can make it out and do the time warp.

19. Favorite day of the year? Agree with Kaylee. My birthday. (Sorry Kaylee kid! Mine, not yours!)

20. What do you do to vent anger? I'd like to say 'Hit Jayne' like Kaylee but for some reason I have a feeling I won't get away with it. There's something wrong about being strung up by your ankles that doesn't sit well with me.

21. Favorite toy as a child? You expect me to PICK?

22. Fall or Spring? Fall. Totally fall.

23. Hugs or kisses? Everything.

24. Cherry or Blueberry? Rock melon?

25. Do you want your friends to email you back? Oh heck yeah. Let's see them sweat through this. Like Mal. I totally want to see Mal. Zoe. Or River. My god. Can you even imagine. On second thought, perhaps just Mal and Zoe would be good.

26. Who is most likely to respond? I'm going to guess Jayne after he's been picked on so much. What can I say? It's an easy target.

27. Who is least likely to respond? Zoe. Book.

28. Living arrangements? I rather like mine down below in the shared bunk, thank you.

29. Last time you cried? Real men don't cry.... but there was that one time while playing that card game....

30. What is on the floor of your closet? Carpet? Uh, do we even HAVE carpet? I have no idea. I don't pay that much attention to be honest. It's a guy thing.

31. Who is the friend you have had the longest? Bucky.

32. What did you do last night? Gonna have to defer this one again. Zoe? Can I tell them what we did?

33. Favorite smells? Zoe's hair. By far, that's the sexiest damn smell alive.

34. What inspires you? I like a good, cold drink of.... oh who am I kidding. Get me behind that wheel and let's make the atmosphere burn.

35. What are you afraid of? Dying.

36. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers? Cheese. It's all about the cheese. Got Milk?

37. Favorite car? I've driven the mule a few times..... not really a favorite.

38. Favorite dog breed? I can tell you what is NOT my favorite. Beagles. Damn Stizo cargo of Beagles.... thank god Jayne was on clean up duty. Thanks Mal.

39. Number of keys on your key ring? I type in a code... not turn an ignition...

40. How many years at your current address? Oh my. Make me think. I was hired by Mal in 2512... it's now 2517.... take the little number and times it by 5 but there was that 1 month I was away.... Sorry. Math wasn't ever a strong point. I don't know. What's 12 x 5? 60 or something? Oh wait. You asked years. Five. I can answer with a solid 'five'.

41. Favorite day of the week? How about favorite time of the day? Night.

42. How many states have you lived in? Planets? Oh boy. Too many to count. We don't want to delve into that story.

43. Are you happy? Every damn minute of my life.

44. Where would you like to move? Permanent? I don't think I can ever get Zoe to do it, but I wouldn't mind someplace nice and warm to raise our kids. If we ever have kids. Let's change the subject....

45. If there is another question you'd like to add ... do it here! What is the single most embarrassing moment of my life? There was this one time.... in band camp.... oh no! I'm kidding. Sorry. I don't know. I don't tend to get all that embarrassed. I mean. I live with Zoe. She wears the pants in the family. For anyone else, wouldn't that be embarrassing enough?

Tuesday, November 8, 2005 10:48 AM


Crap. See. I'm new. That last comment (Sunday! Ack!) is me. Sorry, sorry, sorry. Hate being new.......

Wednesday, November 9, 2005 1:47 AM


thanks! all is much appreciated...

it's actually typo. it's the character jaine from my fic "twice as nice" that's meant to be answering. SORRY! my bad! fixing it now

nice one HobanI...v. funny, like our favourite pilot/smartmouth


Wednesday, November 9, 2005 5:07 AM


Oh really! Shoot! Heheee. I thought it was from Kaylee! Ack! At any rate... it got me thinking... would you want to put this on community threads (under humor) and see if we can't encourage people to answer as their fav. character (and how they would)?

I thought it was such a GREAT idea of yours.... I feel you should initiate it. If you do, let me know. I'll clean up my response (as in... make sure it's from the right person) and such. Hehee. Totally love the idea Bellona. You done good. :D


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