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Sixteenth part of my Simon/Kaylee series, this one also focusing more on Mal/Inara. Inara tries to leave, but there are just things that keeps pulling her back.
AN: Thank you Inge for working with me on that MSN convo. I hope the Mal/Inara bits throughout the story are to your satisfaction. Direct continuation from previous chapter.
AN2: Those of you wondering if my sisters pregnancy inspired the story, it really wasn't what did. I found an interview on the net where Jewel was asked what she wanted to happen in the future for Kaylee and she had said plain out that she wanted Kaylee to have a baby. And for some reason this story just started shaping.
*** Dilemma ***
After what felt like hours of crying, of begging herself to get the strength to finish what she started, there was a knock on the door. She knew immediatly it wasn't Mal, as out of everyone on this ship, he was the only one who didn't have the courtecy to knock before entering a room. Her reflection was a mess. Eyes red and puffy, her cheek showing clear traces of the salt from all the tears that had run down her cheek.
- Inara, Simon called from the other side of the door. - Are you there?
Out of everyone on the ship, she hadn't expected the doctor to pay her a visit. She quickly tried drying her face from the fresh tear streams, as well as stretching out the crumbled parts of her dress. When she looked presentable enough, she went and opened the door.
- Hey, she said, gently. - Anything I can help you with?
- It's Kaylee.., he started.
This immediatly worried her.
- Is anything wrong? Is Kaylee allright?
- She's having Braxton Hicks contractions.
- She...she's h-having contractions, the usually calm companion stuttered. - Now!?!
- Braxton Hicks... They're false labor, Simon explained. - Often caused by stress.
Inara sighed in relief.
- Yes, she muttered. - She hasn't had a shortage of that lately.
- I'd be feeling much better if someone sat with her, Simon continued. - Keep an eye on her.
- I thought you would want to do that yourself, Inara stated, surprised.
- I don't think she wants me there.
- What makes you so sure, she puzzled.
- On account that Kaylee isn't speaking to me, Simon answered, sheepishly.
The familliar setting brought a smile to the woman.
- What did you do?
- She didn't like that I defined Braxton Hicks to be a mild discomfort in the uterus, the young doctor explained, grinding his teeth. - I was just giving her the textbook definition. How long you think until she forgives me?
- You've said worse things before, I highly doubt it'll take long, but I'll talk to her, Inara promised.
- Are you allright, Simon suddenly asked, seeing the red in her eyes.
- Leaving isn't the easiest thing to do, she admitted.
It was a good enough explanation for him. Not wanting anyone else to ask question she sat straight course for the engine room, figuring that Kaylee was avoiding her adoring husband. True enough the mechanic was found sitting in the hammock.
- I heard you were mad at Simon, Inara said, breaking the ice. - How are you feeling?
- Tai-kong suo-yo duh shing-chiouh doh sai-jin wuh duh pee-goo, Kaylee grumbled.
Inara smiled at the colorfull language. She saw the stool Kaylee sometimes used when working on Serenity, pulled it up to the hammock and sat down. Kaylee's somewhat sulking eyes turned to consern as she noticed the trace of tears on her best friends usually silky skin.
- What happened, she asked.
- I ran into Mal when I was leaving for my shuttle.
Kaylee raised her brow.
- What did he do?
- He kissed me.
The mechanic's eyes widened and a high pitched squeal left her. She inhaled sharply as she felt another one of those fake contractions. Mild discomfort... what was he talking about?
- How come you cryin', 'Nara? That's a great thing.
- It's just too many complications, the companion answered.
- Fei hua, Kaylee retorted. - I'm bettin' that kiss felt more right than anything else in the 'verse. When Simon kissed me, I felt that things were finally the way they were supposed to be.
Inara shook her head.
- It's not like you and Simon, there's more to concider than just what we might be feeling. Your relationship doesn't change who you are, what you do. He's still treating people and you're still working and tuning on Serenity.
Kaylee made a wordless objection, pointing to her stomach.
- That's just temporary. While waiting for the baby to be born, you might not physicly be able to do what you usually do, but it doesn't change who you are. For me it's a life choice. If I were to enter a relationship with Mal, he would ask me to quit as a companion...
Inara sighed.
- And he would be right to. And even though at times I wonder what it would be like to take that leap, I'm not sure if I'll be able to.
- Kaylee? Are you in here, cause... I... ah... um.., Mal stuttered, as he to his surprise found Inara sitting next to the mechanic.
The two who usually bickered whenever near oneanother, stared at each other in silence... and slight discomfort.
- I think maybe I should.., Inara started, getting up from the stool, motioning to pass him.
- No, I should.., Mal interupted, motioning to leave himself.
His hand brushed her shoulder, to stop her. There was a momentary tingle, instant putting their emotions back in high gear, remembering the brief kiss shared at the bridge. Inara jerked her shoulder away as if she had been burned. She couldn't let herself loose control.
- Why did you run, Mal asked, forgetting that there even was someone else than Inara in the room.
He had been pondering about that since he had pulled himself together. He had put everything he had in that kiss and for a moment it felt like she did as well. Then she had turned around as if she was fleeing for her life... As if he had done something terrible...
- I didn't... run, she croaked.
- Then what'd you call it?
- I regained my senses...
She sighed and tried to find words, but all she saw was letters jumbled together, ink on paper. They held no meaning anymore. How was she supposed to tell him anything, when her mind wasn't even all that clear?
- Mal.., she said softly, her hand briefly raised as if she meant to stroke his cheek in comfort.
- 'Nara, he interupted, taking a step closer to her.
She could feel his breathing on her.
- I... I never meant to make you run from me. I just tried to show you how I felt. An'...
His gaze was fixated on hers and he seemed to be struggling with whatever next he was about to say.
- I love you, he whispered.
Kaylee, not being able to controle herself let out a high pitched squeal as the captains words was spoken. She instantly covered her mouth, hoping she hadn't interrupted the moment, but she had. The two flew appart instantly, faces red, breathing heavily.
Inara was somewhat relieved for the interuption. She had suspected for a while of the captains feelings for her, but she had been able to hide away from it, as he had never told her. Now he had, and the situation was even more pulling her in. She couldn't ignore the fact that he had said it, but as she yet was at loss if to stay or leave was the right choice, she couldn't let him know that she infact was just as deep in it as him, if not deeper.
If only love was the question...
Mal felt naked, as he had just revealled the thing that lay deepest in his chest. It was meant to only be heard by the woman he loved and now he just couldn't leave the room soon enough.
As she saw him turn and leave the room, it was like her body took over her mind. Before she knew it she had followed him and put her hand on his shoulder, stopping him from leaving the hallway.
- Mal... I...
She didn't seem to know what to say, she just knew she couldn't leave it at that. He turned to face her. She was blushing, a rare thing for a woman of her trade to do. Her hand hadn't left his shoulder, even after he was facing her. His hand reached her cheek. This time he leaned in slowly. Savoring each and every tingle as he got closer to her. And she didn't back away.
The kiss had a meaning, a purpose. It started softly and grew in passion with every passing second. As the broke off slowly, he felt her slowly backing off. His hands immediatly held onto her waist.
- No... stay.., he murmured, his lips barely parted with hers.
- I have to, she whispered.
- Why, he asked, still dazed from the kiss.
- I can't depend on you, she answered.
This made him back a little bit more. The hurt in his voice was very apparent as he responded.
- If you say you can't trust me, I...
- I trust you Mal, I just can't depend on you.
- Shumma?
She sighed as she searched for the right words to explain the situation.
- I've never failed to notice how you don't exactly approve of my work. And I understand that you would want me to quit, it's just... what else do I have?
- If you're saying that you prefer whoring over...
- How can you do this, Inara asked. - How can you one minute proclaim your love for me and the next put me down like trash?
- What am I supposed to think? I ask you a reason for why we can't happen and you tell me it's 'cause of work?
Inara gritted her teeth in anger. He was surely making it a lot easier to leave.
- You may not like my life, but it's a part of me. It's what I do for a living. So say we do this. We get together, I stop whoring as you call it. What happens to me? Would I work for you?
- No.., he responded.
- So I'll just be living off you. You might be comfortable with these old fashioned views, but I'm not.
Mal watched her as her rage faded. Her eyes were sad and determined. He spotted a single tear rund down her cheek.
- How can we be together, she asked.
There were long minutes of silence.
- So you're really leaving, he asked, more softly.
- Shouldn't I?
He lost contact with whatever it was he was going to say next as he saw Kaylee appearing in the doorway, hand as always on the expanding belly, watching them. Her eyes were wide open, her expression simillar to a child who just whitnessed her parents breaking up.
- Kaylee, Inara spoke, softly.
- Remember the girl we helped have that baby, Kaylee asked. - She was so scared, thought she wouldn' come through an' you just said some things to 'er an' she did it. 'fore then I was terrified of giving birth, jus' seemed too difficult, you know? Up 'til today, I wasn' scared anymore.
The mechanic made her way past them and they were alone again. Inara turned to face Mal. His expression just as serious as hers.
- Kaylee needs you, he said, before she managed to open her mouth. - Stay... for her... I'll be out of your way.
With that he turned around left.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005 5:46 PM
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005 7:19 AM
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Wednesday, November 16, 2005 6:25 PM
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