The Losing Side, chapter 6
Sunday, December 4, 2005

While very much Mal's story, this is dedicated to the characters within it; our beloved Mal, Zoe, and Wash. It explores what happened after the defeat of the Browncoats, leading up to Mal's purchase of Serenity.


Lee hadn't been kidding about those doctors and their surgeries. Funny how men who, as Lee had put it "took an oath to do no harm" enjoyed cutting holes in folk as their primary hobby. It seemed to Mal that the minute he began to think about feeling halfway human again, some little bastard in a white coat would come along, mutter about putting a pin in something or reattaching another bit he didn't even know he had, and knock him out.

Then he'd wake up, head swimming, a new and improved ache or pain nagging at him, and have to listen to the very same little bastard proudly announcing the success of his handiwork. It was typical Alliance idiocy; they spent the entire war trying to kill him. Having almost succeeded, they decided to come to his "rescue." That done, they damn near killed him, but instead of finishing the job they turned around again and decided to throw the vast resources at their disposal to repairing the damage. Mal had had a much plainer way of doing things in the war: if he decided to kill a guy, the guy got dead in a hurry and stayed that way.

The only good thing about this surgery routine was the fact that he was spending most of his time unconscious, or close enough to it. Whenever his head was clear enough to think on his future, Mal found himself in utter misery and dread. He was accustomed to a feeling of being in command of things; of himself if nothing else. Now, he was in control of precisely nothing, and what was worse those who did control his fate were unpredictable, untrustworthy. The not knowing if the next person to walk into the room was going to offer a kind word, cold analysis, or a violent death was as bad as knowing he didn't affect a bit of it.

He had taken some measure of comfort in Lee's gentle demeanor, but after that day he withdrew, finding himself unable to trust even the kindest of men. Day after day he heard he coldly casual voices of the guards discussing his death. Day after day he would close his eyes only to see the inhuman cruelty in the eyes of his torturers, and when he tried to force his thoughts away from the memory, the broken bodies of the farm hands he'd called family littering the ground of his home. And every time he slept, some sound or movement would cause him to awaken screaming in pain and terror.

There was a black hole in himself that he didn't want to look into, yet his mind kept carrying him there. He didn't want to relive the overwhelming, earth-shattering pain, or the agony of struggling helplessly for release, or the frantic, choking horror of trying to do something, anything to make the excruciating pain go away and failing completely. His hospital bed was a trap, leaving him with nothing to do but go to the unpleasant places his mind took him. The irony of the fact that he was in effect torturing himself long after it was over was not lost on him; but at the moment all the logic in the world didn't seem to be helping.

He thought to himself that if he ever did make it out alive, he would get as far away as he could from this place. Away from the Alliance, with their bleakly inhuman buildings and their hypocritical blend of idealism and careless cruelty; away from loss and grief and brutality; just away. He wanted to leave humanity far behind, to deal with the world on his own terms and maybe, one day, find the confident sense of comfort and safety he remembered once having experienced.


Jessi Clark-White


Sunday, December 4, 2005 3:51 PM


Poor Mal, I keep hoping someone is going to come to his rescue. How much can a body take and still draw breath? Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Sunday, December 4, 2005 10:01 PM


Hi faithful readers:) We will be seeing Zoe very soon, and Wash will be making an appearance down the line. Action....not for a few more chapters. You guys saw what happened last time I wrote an action scene....I almost killed Mal:( Best to hold off on that for a bit!

Saturday, December 10, 2005 3:45 PM


A bridging segment, rather than stroy scenes. This carries the story from one section to the next (to which I am looking forward). Some very interesting character insight--like Mal noting how they'd tried over and over to kill him then went all out to save him. Reminded me of the old example of one day you kick the puppy, the next day you pet it--poor thing will end up crazy.

The mention of the farm hands' bodies littering the ground needs to be revisited--is this info Lee gave him? Or a thing Mal witnessed. Did Lee give him any info.

Looking forward to more.


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The Losing Side, Chapter 68 - Farewell to Bars
Mal is finally released by the Alliance, and says his goodbyes to friend and foe before being assigned a job in stapler quality control. In the meantime, Wash rebels against the perfection of his new job by buying dinosaurs and loud shirts. This is NOT the end of the story! :)

The Losing Side, Ch. 67 - Bombshells
Everything changes in the space of minutes when Mal is taken to Lee's office and confronted with two very different shocks to the emotions.

The Losing Side, Ch. 66 - Nature of the Beast
A long chapter full of conflict, trust, and musings....and a cliffhanger! An evil, evil cliffhanger.

The Losing Side, Ch. 65 - Trouble in Paradise
Wash wants to strangle the captain of the shiny new luxury cruiser he's flying, and Mal learns that something dangerous may be afoot....with his name on it.

The Losing Side, Ch. 64 - How to Win a Losing Battle
It's a tricky tightrope between trauma, rage, and finding yourself....but Mal is learning to walk it.

The Losing Side, Ch. 63 - The Art of Insanity
Mal may have more then he bargained for in Cody Patton, the mysterious and potentially deranged artist in his housing unit. Is the one real war criminal among them a threat, an asset, or just a damaged young soldier?

The Losing Side, Ch. 62 - Aiding the Enemy
Mal saves the life of an Alliance guard, and starts having serious doubts about his own mental state.

The Losing Side, Chapter 61 - Juggling Frustrations
Mal keeps on finding new and disturbing facts about one of his fellow prisoners, and Wash learns to juggle (and smuggle) goslings.

The Losing Side, Chapter 60
Wash gets a job, and Mal perfects his Alliance-taunting skills while developing an unlikely fondness for getting shots. Oh, and there's an artist who's a mite off.

The Losing Side, chapter 59 - Sharing the Night
Mal, Wash, and Zoe spend a sleepless night together, and Wash experiences some of the first joys of freedom.