BOOK OF DAYS SERIES: #1. "And So It Begins"
Thursday, January 19, 2006

Just filling in some scenes missing from the film, Serenity. Simon/Kaylee. First part in a multi-part series.


Title: And So it Begins

Rating: PG-13

Synopsis: Just filling in some scenes missing from the film, Serenity.

Notes: First part of my Book of Daysseries

Author’s Note: I refuse to think that Simon’s wound at the end of Serenity (the movie, not the episode of the same name) was anything less than incredibly serious. I also believe that the medical technology available on the Alliance ships were able to heal him quite rapidly (I assume it took only a few weeks) – thus allowing for the lovely, shirtless scene at the very end of the film.

Disclaimer: This story is not meant to infringe on the copyright of any person or company related to the trademarked characters and situations depicted in the Serenity movie or Firefly series. I make no money from this. OnIy done for fun – and a desperate craving to have more stories told about this wonderful ‘verse Joss Whedon created.


“Stand down. It’s Finished. We’re finished.”

Heavy metal weapons fell from slack fingers as River Tam bounded through the open blast doors. The strong, stoic face of the government-made assassin instantly turned into that of a frightened young girl – frightened that she had not kept her promise; frightened that she had not saved him.

Alliance troops lowered their weapons and made no move to stop the blood-covered girl. Instead, they turned to gape at the bodies that littered the floor at her feet.

River’s eyes fell on her brother, lying motionless on the floor, Inara’s hand resting on his shoulder. Her legs couldn’t carry her to his side fast enough and when she fell to her knees beside him, the tears were already slipping down her cheeks.

The Captain stood behind her as Kaylee’s arm reached toward her brother. Inara sat back as she covered Simon’s bloodstained hand with her own. She pressed them against his side, and shuddered when he groaned from the pain.

“River?” Simon’s voice held a wondrous surprise and a grateful relief. His sister was alive.

“It’s ok, Simon. I protected you. Like you’ve always protected me.” River said, lacing her fingers through his and squeezing tightly.

“You did,” Simon coughed, forcing a small smile to his lips.

River shook her head sharply, reading his thoughts. “No. Not die. You won’t die. Too much to live for now.” She glanced quickly at Kaylee, who had slid off the bench and crawled toward him.

“I’m – sorry, mei-mei.” Simon coughed again and closed his eyes briefly against the pain. “I – can’t –“

“No!” River dropped his hand and stood, a wild look in her eyes. She hurried toward the blast doors and cried for help, cried for medical assistance. If she couldn’t convince them to help her, Simon would die. He couldn’t die. Not now. Not when she was better and he could be happy.

So consumed was River in finding someone who would listen to her, someone who understood her urgent ramblings, she didn’t notice Kaylee reach Simon’s side and slide her hand into his.

Simon turned his head, blinking rapidly to clear his blurred vision. He knew what would come next, as blood stemmed out of his wound. He’d already lost too much and his breathing was becoming shallow, his vision blurry and his body cold. Not a particularly pleasant way to die.

But River was safe. He could die knowing that she would live. Mal would keep her safe. Kaylee would love her as if she was her own sister. He fleetingly wished he could make it so.

“Simon?” Kaylee said softly, her eyes searching his face.

“Need to stay – awake,” he breathed. “So –tired.”

Kaylee crawled closer until she leaned over him, her head close to his. “You hafta stay awake, Simon. River went ta get help. Get doctors to fix ya up.”

His vision blurred but her pretty face didn’t move. He tried to lift his hand; to touch that lovely face, but he didn’t have the strength. “Kaylee?” His breath was fading but he didn’t want to go – not yet – not without telling her –

“Simon please,” Kaylee’s voice cracked. “Stay awake. Stay with us. The medicine you tol’ Inara ta give me worked. I can feel my legs now.”

A small smile passed across his face but vanished as a fresh wave of pain rushed through his chest.

“Kaylee – I –“

“Please, Simon.” She inched closer and it pained him to see her so upset. He’d never wanted to hurt her. He just wanted to love her.

“Beautiful,” he whispered as tears dripped down Kaylee’s cheeks. “Always so –pretty. I’m sorry – I – wanted to tell you – for so long. Was – afraid. I – wanted –“ he trailed off, heaving a huge, shaky breath.

Kaylee nodded, sniffling. “I wan’ ta tell you too. I –“ She reached out and touched his face.

Simon leaned his cheek against her hand and tried to lift his head. But he didn’t have the strength. He wanted to kiss her. Just once.

It didn’t matter. Kaylee knew what he wanted and slid her hand beneath his head, cradling it as she leaned down and pressed her lips to his.

From where Inara knelt on the floor, she reached up and slid her hand into Mal’s, the tender moment bringing tears to her eyes. She thought the young doctor was going to die. And it was all she could do not to visibly sob at the thought.

Kaylee could hear the commotion as it drew closer, but she kept her mouth pressed to Simon’s, burning the feel of him into her mind. Her whispered words of love were drowned out as River returned with a medical team. One stopped to treat Zoe and Jayne, but the well-trained medics knew a badly injured patient when they saw one and hurried to Simon’s side.

When Kaylee released him, Simon gave her a pained smile, but his eyes returned the love that his lungs could not voice.

“Simon, I brought help. They will fix you.” River said, seemingly oblivious to the moment shared by Kaylee and her brother.

Simon tried to speak but his breath left in a gasp and his body trembled. His eyes fluttered closed as the medical team dropped their equipment at his side.

Kaylee wailed and River screamed when Simon’s hands fell slack and his body stilled.

Amidst the girl’s screams for Simon to wake, the medical personnel reached for the patient who’d just turned critical. “Miss, please step away. We need to work.” One man said to River. Another moved to Simon’s other side and asked the same of Kaylee.

Mal reached out and took River’s shoulders, pulling her back so that the doctors could work. “They can save him. Give them room.”

Inara held Kaylee in her arms as the girl sobbed, muttering words the Companion had long wished to hear from another’s lips. She had no words that could comfort the girl. She could only hold and watch as the Alliance doctors did everything they could to save Simon Tam’s life.


“You’re not going up there. Either of you.” Mal stared at the two determined young women as they stood before him.

They both started to talk at once and Mal raised his arms, silencing them. “I don’t care how friendly the Alliance seems to be right now. I don’t want any more of my crew than is necessary on those ships.”

“But Simon is up there all alone.” Kaylee pouted.

“He’s thinking of you.” River smiled at her before turning accusatory eyes on the Captain. “I want to see him.”

“No.” Mal said and sighed, wishing he didn’t have to see the unhappy looks on their faces. “He will be back as soon as the doctors let him leave.”

“I could steal a shuttle, you know.” River said as she sat down at Serenity’s controls and fiddled with them in frustration.

Mal scowled at her. “Sure you could, if they weren’t damaged, along with the rest of the ship.”

“I can fix the ship.” River stated and Mal didn’t disbelieve her for a moment.

He leaned forward and flipped a few controls. “Open up a com line and ask to talk to him. Jus – “ he grumbled, his eyes darting between the two women, “stop lookin’ at me like I just killed your pet cat.”

“We weren’t allowed to have pets. Dad said they smelled.” River deadpanned.

Mal simply stared at the back of her head as Kaylee leaned forward to contact the Alliance cruiser.


“How’s doin’?” Mal walked into the dining room and seated himself at the head of the table, nodding to Zoe and Jayne.

“Real tired of bein’ here. Place is crawlin’ with Alliance. Makin’ me nervous.”

“What doesn’t make you nervous.” Zoe picked at her food.

“Well –”

“It wasn’t a question.” Zoe picked up her plate and deposited it, still half-full, into the trash.

Kaylee skipped into the dining room, her cheerful, bubbly mood radiating off her like a tidal wave. It buffeted the men at the table but stoically Zoe kept her feet and marched out of the room without a word. Kaylee’s smile faded and she sank into the closest chair.

“Ain’t nothing we can do ‘cept let her grieve.” Mal said, moving to Kaylee’s side.

“I feel so bad.” Sadness welled in her voice and tears threatened to spill from her lovely brown eyes.

“In death there is life. All turns in a circle.” River said as she walked through the dining area.

“River –“ Mal stood but she was gone before he got another word out of his mouth. He sighed and turned to Kaylee. “So when are they releasing him?”

Kaylee’s smile brightened the somber mood that had fallen over the room. “Tomorrow!”

“Good,” Mal said, “We got lots a work needin’ done ‘round here. And once the crew is all together again, we need to give Wash ‘n Shepherd a proper burial.” He nodded to Inara as she entered and took a seat opposite Jayne.

She smiled at the happy look on Kaylee’s face, correctly guessing why she was in such a good mood. “They must be releasing him soon.”

“Tomorrow!” Kaylee bounced out of her seat and Inara chuckled.

“Them Alliance doctors patched him up quick.” Jayne commented around a spoonful of synthesized vegetables.

“Well, Alliance doctors are the best in the ‘verse,” Mal said.

“Good thing we have one on the crew then, isn’t it?” Inara squeezed Kaylee’s hand and smiled.

“Yeah, nice a the Doc t’give up that kinda life to sail around the ‘verse on our lovely little boat.”

Everyone stared at Jayne who continued to shovel food into his mouth.

“Oh, there may have been a little thing about freeing his little sister from twisted sycophants intent on carving their wealth and prestige out of her brain.” Inara said, rolling her eyes.

Jayne’s eyes narrowed. “Sycho-what?”


Kaylee and River waited impatiently at the doors as the shuttle completed its docking procedure.

When the doors opened, even Mal stepped back as River launched herself into Simon’s arms. He had no doubts the girl would have gone through him to get to her brother.

Simon wobbled on his feet, leaning heavily on the crutch beneath his left arm. River hugged her brother fiercely before stepping back and shooting a smile over her shoulder at Kaylee.

“How’r ya doin’?” Kaylee stepped forward, nervous about touching him. She’d seen the pained wince cross his face when River had.

“I think I’ll live,” Simon said with a sad smile. He stepped closer and extended his arm.

It was the only invitation Kaylee needed and she wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him close. They didn’t kiss, but Simon brushed his cheek against hers and their air sizzled around them when their eyes met.

Mal cleared his throat and the couple parted reluctantly. “Yes, well, then, you might want to get settled. Chow’s same time, same place.”


“What’re ya doin’?” Kaylee stood at the infirmary door, hands on her hips.

“I – uh – cleaning?” Simon answered, looking like a child who’d been caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to be doing.

“You’re still hurt! Why ya movin’ ‘round so much?” She stepped into the infirmary.

“I’m fine, Kaylee,” Simon assured as she stopped beside him, her hand on his arm. “The doctors on the ship are the best the Alliance has to offer. I’ll be fine.”

The cheerfulness vanished from her eyes.

“What is it?” Is River all right?” he glanced around her to see if his sister waited outside. Concern overrode any pain he might be feeling and he reached for his crutch as he led her outside to the couch.

“River is playin’ pilot. She’s fine. “ She watched as Simon gingerly sank into the cushions. “She’s getting better.”

“Ah.” He leaned back and bit back a wince as his muscles strained around his injury. The doctors had patched him up real good. It was amazing he was on his feet so quickly. “I’m sorry to be missing the look of pure fear I can imagine currently radiating from Jayne’s eyes with River at the controls.”

Kaylee giggled at the thought and joined him on the couch.

“That’s better.” His voice was soft and tender.

“What?” Kaylee finally met his eyes.

“Something’s terribly wrong if Kaylee isn’t smiling.” Simon took her hand and squeezed it gently.

Kaylee swallowed hard and looked away. “Ain’t been much ta smile about lately.” Almost immediately she regretted her words, knowing how it must sound to him. She was grateful to whatever higher power had spared his life, but fiercely angry at the one that had taken Wash and Shepherd away.

“Bao bei, what is it?”

The concern in his voice caused Kaylee to look up and the look in his eyes made her heart flutter.

“Please tell me.”

Kaylee smiled at his use of the endearment. “You could have died.”

“We all could have died.” As an afterthought, he shrugged. “We all came very close to dying.”

“But I watched ‘em. I – they shocked you when you stopped breathing and –“

Simon’s eyes were tender as he slid a finger beneath her chin and lifted her head to meet his eyes. “It didn’t hurt. I was unconscious.” He smiled, trying to force a little humor into their conversation.

“You was d–“

He brought her lips to his and kissed her gently. “I’m right here. I’m fine.”

Kaylee curled her legs beneath her and leaned against his uninjured side. “I was so afraid. I didn’t want to – you were dyin’ and –“Her voice trembled at the memory. “I don’ know what I’d do if you –“ She trailed off, afraid that if she said the words it would make them true.

“I remember everything you said when I was lying there, you know.” Simon said softly. He smiled when Kaylee looked up. He leaned down and kissed her again, gently, then leaned his forehead against hers. “I feel the same. I’m – I’m sorry it took me so long to admit it.”

Kaylee smiled again, a big wide smile that brightened the room like a supernova. She squeezed his hand and batted her eyelashes suggestively. “You need ta get better. Quick-like.”

Simon chuckled and leaned in for another kiss, but they were interrupted by Serenity’s little assassin, Mal on her heels.

“Interlocking parts can be done when you’ve healed, Simon.” River stood over them, looking down at them with a determined look in her eyes.

The couple drew apart quickly but Simon kept a hold of Kaylee’s hand, brushing his fingers absently over her wrist.

“Ah, I get it,” Mal muttered, shaking his head at Simon and Kaylee before turning to River. “We won’t tell Jayne the only way to get you off the bridge is,” he glanced at Simon and Kaylee, “to catch them kissin’”

“Time for that later,” River said, bending down to hug Kaylee. “Welcome to the family.”

Simon, Kaylee and Mal stared at River’s back as she walked out of the room.

“Somethin’ you need to be tellin’ me, Doc?” Mal turned accusatory eyes on Simon.

“Ah – uh, no, Mal.” Simon stuttered.

Kaylee giggled at the genuine fear she saw in her doctor’s eyes. She knew the Captain wouldn’t care about the change in their relationship, but she did know that he would want to be told about it before learning of it second hand. Well, since he’d just walked in on them, he obviously knew.

“Good.” Mal turned and stalked after River, muttering something about shipboard romances.


Chinese Translations:

Mei-mei – little sister Bao-bei – darling, sweetheart


Thursday, January 19, 2006 6:38 PM


Entirely adorable and awww and great. You've totally got a fan in me now.

ONE of my fav lines "They didn’t kiss, but Simon brushed his cheek against hers and their air sizzled around them when their eyes met."

I'm totally hooked on your style, your voice, your pacing, everything. Good on ya!

Thursday, January 19, 2006 7:14 PM


I wasn't going to read this, preferring to keep the missing scenes in my imagination. But after writing "When River Cries" I figured I needed cheering up.
You're imagination is a HELLA lot better than mine!

I cried through the first half and laughed through the second half. Very very well done! And I like how you gave every character their moment.
Jaynes "sycho-what?" just made me crack up.

Friday, January 20, 2006 12:23 AM


I read this at ffnet last night, but couldn't help rereading it today, I think that speaks for itself in what I think of it ;)

Friday, January 20, 2006 12:26 AM


Superbly written Kaylee and Simon though it did feel miraculous to me how only Simon was badly injured, everyone else going on much as they had before as if all they needed were band aids. When I watched the movie there was a point when I had the horrible gut wrenching notion that Joss was going to kill *all* our Big Damn Heroes. Just couldn't stop the tears running down my face, so happy that didn't happen but still feel the tragic loss of Book and Wash. This piece was so lovingly good at showcasing how Kaylee and Simon feel about each other and bringing that relationship into clear focus. Heartwarming! Ali D :~)
You can't take the sky from me

Friday, January 20, 2006 11:31 AM


Keep going. I'm liking these stories. We do need some more Silee writers out there. Great story!

Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:38 AM


awwwwwwwhttp://www...*dies a little* that was just so sweet and...and...awwwwwwwwwwwhttp://www...
and the comic relief of river fitted in perfectly:
“Interlocking parts can be done when you’ve healed, Simon.”


Thursday, May 4, 2006 5:41 PM


Aww! It was sweet! Simon almost dies...I would've died. But YAYZ! He lives!

Friday, May 19, 2006 9:48 AM


Very well written, you have the character's voices down pat (but I am sure you already knew that).

You used the word supernova, one of my favorite words. You rock face.

Saturday, May 20, 2006 6:18 PM


This is really great. The characterisations are dead on accurate. Very important especially since this a follow on to the movie. I love your River especially. What I did like most was the way you extended Simon and Kaylee's feelings and explored it in a way that fit. Justlike an episode.

Great stuff!



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Simon and Kaylee discuss other - avenues, as they lay in bed. Oddly, this is a pretty PG story.

Simon and kaylee disturb the ship with their nocturnal activities. Post BDM. Part of a challenge table. Rated NC-17 for adult content.

Broken Wings: Conclusion (Repost)
The crew take Kaylee home to be buried and the reason for Simon's secrecy is discovered. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 18 (Repost)
Simon, Mal and Jayne have a moment with Kaylee. Inara and River are reunited with the rest of the crew. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 17 (Repost)
Simon has a conversation with Zoe, Mal and Jayne - separately. Sequel to 'On the Edge.' Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 16 (Repost)
The crew is reunited - mostly, as Simon arrives to treat the wounded. River rushes to Inara's aid before her deception is discovered. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 15 (Repost)
Simon's escape is halted by his father. But River comes to the rescue. Jayne - sees the light - far too up close and personal for his safety. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 14 (Repost)
Simon and Inara's deception is discovered. Mal, Jayne and Zoe continue to fight what looks to be a losing battle. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 13 (Repost)
Simon has some unexpected help with his fussy son and River receives another assignment. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.

Broken Wings: Chapter 12 (Repost)
Inara and Simon continue their work while a message gets out to those on the front lines. Sequel to 'On the Edge'. Cannon pairings.