"I can win this!"
Friday, February 17, 2006

I decided to give the "River and burning swing" scene a swing. Very difficult theme, though. How do you capture River's innocence lost at that swing? And still have something artistic to say. You tell me! I felt a certain thrill thinking not just of the losses of our dearest River, but of how she came out victorious in the end. So, short of having her machete away at Reavers, I took the theme from Objects in Space, where's she playing a game with Kaylee, and did a sort of premonition/memory of Miranda thing with it, only to add the ever sweet "I can win this!" words. The view is kinda panoramic, what with the surface of Miranda and all, to get that planetary feel between the two blue objects. The usual caveat applies: I'm doing this because I Love River, and find myself in need of expressing that, in any which way I can think of.



Friday, February 17, 2006 7:05 AM


ooh shiny!
I'm trying to type something nice and constructive to say, but I'm still just stuck looking at this...

... yeah, still staring... So I'll just say it again. Very shiny! ;p

Friday, February 17, 2006 7:12 AM


Extremely shiny! Your best yet. I can tell you have been playing around and are realizing that you aren't restricted to borders etc....I'm so proud....*tear* you had better keep this up!!!

Friday, February 17, 2006 7:43 AM


Wow, that's all I can say,
Asarian you are a total genius- nothing in the verse can hold you back, and I'm sure River would adore it.

Friday, February 17, 2006 8:47 AM


Wow. You did a good job on that.

Friday, February 17, 2006 11:58 AM


That rocks!

Friday, February 17, 2006 12:03 PM


oh, wow- thats just great. defanitly one of the better renderings of that scene thus far

Friday, February 17, 2006 12:11 PM


Nice. Very nice.

You are an artist.

Friday, February 17, 2006 2:24 PM


Hehe, shinytalent, no one's has ever called me a "total genius" yet. :) And that's cute to hear. But that you'd say you're sure River would adore it, that just makes me curl up inside for child-like joy and pride. :) It's probably one of the most endearing things anyone has ever said to me!

Friday, February 17, 2006 3:05 PM


Very shiny. There is just so much to say about River isn't there.

Friday, February 17, 2006 3:29 PM


Kayne, yes, there's so much to say about River! That's why I try my hand at "art" a bit too; cuz otherwise I would just keep talking about River, and I would never ever stop. :)

Friday, February 17, 2006 5:37 PM


Wow, you are getting quite good at this!
This is some amazing stuff here!
Great way to channel some of that love you have for River, making lovely pics of her.

Friday, February 17, 2006 6:38 PM


I love it!!!!!!!!!!! Need I say more?

Saturday, February 18, 2006 8:12 AM


Hey Anonymous (,

I really enjoyed your contribution in my blog. Your story about cave people was very funny and equally to the point. :) You're right: posters that like are drawn by and marketed for teenage boys! And miramel was right, too: her face was probably heavily digitally edited and I shudder to call her River even.

Thank you also for the link to more River fanvids! :) As I just said to ShadowChild, consider Asarian's first Law of non-diminishing returns: there's no such thing as too much River! :)

About that "hauntingly powerful shot of River looking at the burning swing," I tried to do something with it; hope you like it. With what everything River had to go through, I am, in the strictest sense, not sure that it represented the end of innocence, per se, so much as it marks the end of illusion. What had been premonitions and/or memories of Miranda up until that point, suddenly became an undeniable reality for River. Like the scene is trying to tell us: all possible doubt River might have had about the possible gruesomeness at Miranda, really went up into smoke there. A Kaylee devotee, I venture to speculate, might find the same symbolism in the picture of the dead little boy, and Kaylee's expression along with it.

Hey, if you have more ideas for themes, just let me know. :) Just River stuff, of course.

P.S. I really hope you'll be able to get your own FireFly account soon; then I can return the favor, and write something nice back in your blog, for a change. :)

Tuesday, February 21, 2006 1:42 PM


I would have to look long and hard to find a more meaningful Firefly image (and I probably wouldn't succeed, at that). Excellently composed and evocative.


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"He takes so much looking after."
The title really says it all. This is River, deeply happy for her brother and the way things turned out. This is "I'm all right." at its finest hour.

N.B. A improved redo of an earlier work. I removed the text balloon, and significantly cleaned up the 'embrace' scene and various other small changes and fixes.

P.S. Right-click and 'save' to get the original-size image.

Going Dark
"Going Dark" tells the story of Kaylee getting shot. Like an eclipsed sun, there's Dobson's bullet, frozem in mid air, as 'seen' by Kaylee, who walks into the cargo bay at the wrong time. I accentuated Kaylee's stomach wound, but it's the only graphic element in the entire image. In fact, most everything else is purposely opposite to bad stuff; it's all dream-like, sweet, with pretty flowers, butterflies, and even one of River's pink elephants shows up for the occasion (from the unshot episode 'Dead or Alive'). No nightmares for Kaylee, no bad conscience visiting upon her, no worries even: you just gotta have faith in people, yourself included. (Extended Commentary below)

A Hot Summer Night
in the same vein as piratenews has been posting.

Twilight Fancies
Kaylee, half passed out, drifting in and out to a faerie-like dream land. It's a bit different. And it's a bit shippy (but in an unsullied way: just some harmless swooning on the part of our fav' mechanic). Not an overly complex image. But I played a lot with the lighting, and I'm now fair content with the the dream-state like properties it's breathing. After all these years, it really does get harder creating new and undone themes. All-in-all, I set out what I wanted to do.

The Firefly / Mass Effect Comic!
A while back, playing Mass Effect, I suddenly got this hilarious idea for a Mass Effect comic, based on Firefly! :) So, I proudly present to you The Firefly / Mass Effect Comic! It's basically Mass Effect pictures with Firefly text! Of course, to get the full experience, you gots to be familiar with Mass Effect. See below for all episodes.

"Dear and fluffy Lord," The Interview
After the BSR went down, last year, I also lost my very first fanvid. I'm still liking it, though; so, here it's back (Extended Commentary below).

RESTORATION PROJECT, Item Nr. 5 -- "Time to wake up!"
This was originally a very simple image. Still is. :) But right after first posting it, I suddenly realized I could do something else with it: I could overlay a silhouette of "River looking at Mal", from the end of the BDM, at the near exact edge of where her hairline meets her face. See for the idea. Also, the purple title above the middle text (Evanescence) had thrown the image off-balance a bit. So, to restore equilibrium, I added a faint purple text underneath, saying "I love my Captain." All non-shippy, of course (more like the hero worship we talked about earlier today). Original Text below.

RESTORATION PROJECT, Item Nr. 4 -- "Noah's Ark is a problem."
In the ongoing spirit of "If you can't do something artistic, redo something artistic," I redid this River piece. Made around the same time of "I can win this!", the blending was not perfect yet. I especially had to redo the blending on the front of her dress, which was way too transparent near the edge. I didn't have the original layered version any more, so I had grab a new still and figure out what scaling factor I had initually used. But it's really much better now, IMHO. (Original Text below)

RESTORATION PROJECT, Item Nr. 3 -- "I can win this!"
One of my earliest works; from my "Now I'm learning about blending." phase. :) It was our very own PhoenixRose who, soon thereafter, taught me various shiny blending/blurring techniques, I significantly cleaned up the marble, as well as the background that had all manner of background noise in the black: great for Out of Gas, but for art, not so much. :) (Original Text below)

RESTORATION PROJECT, Item Nr. 2 -- "I didn't think you'd come for me."
Most like my second best work. :) Apart from rounding up the usual suspects, such as transparency errors, this picture differs from the one I originally posted at, in that I edited out Simon's hand on the elevator door, and smoothed out the area where the window post and the River-in-elevator-shaft meet. (Original Text below)